52 Weeks to 52 Healthy Habits series, build your healthy lifestyle one week at a time.
Hi, Friends! I know I say this every week but I can’t believe it's already week 11, 2.5 months into the New Year, are you easily writing 2016 on everything?
How did last week’s healthy habit challenge go? Admittedly, I did not follow along on this one too much because I had a meal service to try out but I’d love to hear what you came up with for your healthy lunch combo ideas!
This week we are taking a turn from the focus off food for our healthy living and shifting to fitness for a hot second. So many times I come up with an idea for this week, and then I think I should save it for the holidays when things get crazy (like getting enough sleep ha ha). This habit is different, though; this is one you want to have good and practiced by the time the holidays take over your life.
Why Make A Workout Schedule?
When I first started getting my act together and losing weight, one of the things that made the biggest difference for me was scheduling in workouts. I was a busy college student with large heavy class loads (think financial accounting and organic chemistry in the same semester), a part-time job, sorority and a boyfriend. If I didn’t schedule workouts in then it just wasn’t going to happen, but since I’ve always lived my life by a calendar putting them there meant I would do them because they were a planned part of my day. It’s made such a big difference, and I’ve done this for so long now that it has become second nature to me and I’m so thankful for it.
Where To Create A Workout Schedule:
In the past, I’ve used one or a combination of these places to make sure I followed through. I’d often put them in my planner, schedule them on google calendar with notifications, and write a list to put on my bulletin board. Now that workouts have become part of my life, I quickly write them down in my planner to make sure I get a good balance of types of workouts.
- planners
- electronic calendars
- write a list and stick it to the fridge
- wherever else you might see it every day like a bulletin board
What Workouts To Schedule:
Back in the day when I was a group fit junky, I would plan in all the classes I would attend that week from Zumba, strength, and yoga. I still love group fit, but with an inflamed angry disc in my low back, I need to be in control of the movements I do. So Instead I schedule strength and running workouts to make sure I have a good balance. If I’m training for a race, I plan my training schedule and runs. However, when I was in graduate school and exams would come up I felt that I just couldn’t make the time to workout, so instead, I scheduled walks around our track. I would take my notes and read while I walked, I did this 2-3 times a week to stay up off my butt!
- Type of workout (whether your going to do cardio or strength)- be specific as possible it’s easy to blow it off if you don’t know what you’ll do
- group fitness classes (anything from weights, Zumba, yoga, etc.)
- active recovery on rest days like walks, bike rides, fitness leisure. Do you walk your dog? Schedule that in!
- rehab exercises if you are rehabbing an injury
The 52 Healthy Habits Series is about ditching the diet mindset and making small changes to improve health overall naturally leading to a healthy body composition, increased energy and improved health. Please follow along and check out the past weeks!
- Week 52: Healthy Habits Wrap Up
- Week 51: Nightly Reflection
- Week 50: Limit Harmful Chemicals
- Week 49: Find Your Tribe
- Week 48: Cultivating Positivity
- Week 47: Healthy Thanksgiving Tips
- Week 46: Check In
- Week 45: Mobility – Foam Rolling
- Week 44: HIIT Training
- Week 43: LISS or Steady State Cardio
- Week 42: Limit Alcohol
- Week 41: Eat White, Wait What?
- Week 40: Eat Blue & Purple
- Week 39: Eat Green
- Week 38: Eat Yellow/Orange
- Week 37: Eat Red
- Week 36: Learn Which Foods to Purchase Organic
- Week 35: Read the Ingredient List!
- Week 34: Focus.
- Week 33: Chew Your Food!
- Week 32: Meditation
- Week 31: Gratitude Journaling
- Week 30: Plan & Revamp Dessert- 20 Healthy Ideas
- Week 29: Two fistfuls of veggies per meal
- Week 28: Get In Veggies At Breakfast
- Week 27: Healthy Veggie Snacks
- Week 26: Nourishing Fats for the Gut (Healthy Digestion Part 4)
- Week 25: Keeping Regular – The Other Fiber (Healthy Digestion Part 3)
- Week 24: Feed The Probiotics With Prebiotic Fiber (Healthy Digestion Part 2)
- Week 23: Amazing Health Benefits of Probiotics (Healthy Digestion Part 1)
- Week 22: Check In
- Week 21: What You Will Learn From Recording Your Meals (Intuitive Eating Series Part 4)
- Week 20: Eat Until 80% Full (Hara Hachi Bu) (Intuitive Eating Series Part 3)
- Week 19: Limit Distractions While Eating (Intuitive Eating Series Part 2)
- Week 18: Gaging Your Hunger Cues (Intuitive Eating Series Part 1)
- Week 17: 10,000 Steps Per Day
- Week 16: Assess Your Caffeine Intake
- Week 15: Decrease Sugar Intake
- Week 14: Healthy Coffee Creamers (upgrade yours)
- Week 13: 3 Month Check In
- Week 12: Sleep Enough & Sleep Better
- Week 11: Schedule Your Workouts
- Week 10: Pack A Healthy Lunch (5 Ways to Create Endless Combinations)
- Week 9: Prioritizing Protein
- Week 8: How and What to Meal Prep
- Week 7: Create & Stick To Your Healthy Meal Plan
- Week 6: Get Enough Omega-3’s (Fight Inflammation)
- Week 5: What Is A Healthy Fat & How To Get Enough (Include Healthy Fats)
- Week 4: How to Spot A Healthy Carbohydrate (Upgrade Your Carbs)
- Week 3: Tips to Increase Veggie Intake (Eat Veggies)
- Week 2: 15 Healthy On the Go Breakfast Ideas (Eat BF Challenge)
- Week 1: Tips to Drink More Water
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