Hi Friends! Today's post is going to be a bit short, it's another busy one! I'm just popping in to share this delicious hummus recipe and my latest post on the Formulx Blog! You know what I love about making hummus? There is really only one essential ingredient: chickpeas. That pretty much means the flavor […]
Spicy Farmbox Stir Fry
This quick and easy stir fry is the result of last weekend's farmbox. I love getting my farm-boxes every other week, but sometimes I look at the contents and panic a little bit. What the heck am I going to do with this???? When all else fails I start chopping and dicing, because you can […]
Loving Hot Yoga, Coconut Water & Cheesy 3 Ingredient Dinners
Hi Friends! Guess what I did again last night? HOT YOGA! I'm literally obsessed, which is quite a statement coming from someone who really really struggled with keeping up a yoga practice in the past. I mean I would go, but I struggled to get there and struggled the whole way through. If I'm being […]
4 Mile Run and Weekend Things
How was your weekend? Mine literally felt like it FLEW by, it was like I blinked and it was Sunday morning already. Friday On Friday, Mr. Hungry and I went out for date night/celebrating his raise. My straightner broke (whomp whomp) so I curled my hair for the first time in I don't know how […]
I did a lot of grocery shopping this weekend... Meal Plan & Fitness (8/10)
Happy Sunday! I did a lot of grocery shopping this weekend... and I still want to check out the local farmers market today... Trader Joe's Costco Sprouts Meal Plan Breakfast I miss eggs in the morning! Planning to make a quiche tonight to eat some of the mornings and then also have staples on […]
Snackfest Diary and Fitness Friday (8/8)
Disclaimer: I do my best to record most of what I eat throughout the week to showcase here at Hungry Hobby, however, not everything I eat makes it onto my weekly or daily posts. I intend for these posts to give an idea of what I eat on a daily basis but they may not […]
Reverse Parfaits (Overnight Steel Cut Oats)
By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by National Dairy Council and the Quaker Oats Center of Excellence and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. I know this is not the most original recipe in the world, but I couldn’t have an […]
Tropical Oatmeal Smoothie
By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by National Dairy Council and the Quaker Oats Center of Excellence and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. Hello, again friends, happy humpday! Today I've got a delicious, filling and quick smoothie recipe to share with […]
Meal Plan & Fitness (8/3)
Hi Friends! I hope your having a good weekend so far! Check out my farmbox stash! Trader Joe's This week's grocery shopping was done at TJ's on Saturday. Menu Options How about a REAL meal plan this week? I mean I usually do a meal plan but the last couple of weeks have been a […]
Food Diary & Fitness Friday (8/1)
Hi Friends! HAPPY HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!! Have any fun weekend plans? I've got a Bridal Shower for my lovely SIL to attend so I'm super excited! Tonight is also date night with Mr. Hungry, his choice! I love putting together these posts because it gives me a chance to reflect on how well we stuck to […]
Currently Survey & Orange Creamsicle Smoothie Recipe
So it has been over a year since I posted a survey here at Hungry Hobby! I pretty much haven't posted one since I did my first one, the fun fitness survey last summer! I feel like redoing that survey, so much has changed! Anyway, I'd like to say a I saw a survey recently […]
Arizona Wildlife & New 4 Mile Treadmill Workout
Hi Friends! It's been a long time since I shared a treadmill routine here at HH, like over 6 months? Let's change that! I did this workout at 430AM on Friday morning because I knew it was going to be a late day at work. The long intervals were killer during the higher speeds, […]
Meal Plan & Fitness (7/27-8/2)
Hi friends! How is your weekend going so far? Mine has been pretty good! We knocked out grocery shopping on Friday night. Sprouts I'm excited for the buffalo chicken deli meat (nitrate free) and the chobani 100 calorie yogurts made with only natural flavors! We weren't planning on it but we ended up grabbing a […]
Food Diary & Fitness Friday (7/25)
Disclaimer: I try to create an overall picture of my diet, but I can not say that I record every single bite of food that goes into my mouth. I am NOTORIOUS for snacking and although I try to track it all, some stuff doesn't make it on the blog. Remember this is only what […]
CoSchedule: Social Media Editorial Calendar for WordPress Review
This post contains referral links. Although I was not compensated for my time, if you utilize a referral link I will receive credit to my account. All the words, opinions and thoughts are my own. Hi guys, today I wanted to share with you a new to me blogging tool that has literally saved […]
How to Not Derail Your Diet at a Sporting Event - Baseball Game Recap (& New Health Blog Post)
Happy Humpday everyone! I'm just stopping in to share with you my baseball game adventures from Monday as well as my latest post at the Formulx Intense Training Supplements (<---affiliate link) Health Blog! Monday Monday was CRAZY busy, it's funny how those days sneak up on you don't they? I downed a runny chia pudding […]
National Junk Food Day - External Factors That Influence Eating
Hello and Happy Monday! Also, Happy National Junk Food Day… I think? You guys know I love my food holiday’s right? I mean I’ve got them all loaded into my Google Calendar and I have the Food Holiday App on my Iphone. For some reason I'm just not as excited about National Junk Food Day as […]
Weekend Photos (7/21)
Farmbox Hanging out with Missy Swimming Blueberry Juice and Vodka Summer Cocktails Grilling!
Meal Plan and Fitness (7/20-7/26)
Happy Sunday! I hope your weekend has been fantastic and your Sunday is going well. So far ours has been pretty low key. I slept in Saturday morning till 9am, which is pretty much a record for me recently. Since it was too hot to workout outside I headed to the gym and hopped on […]
Food & Fitness Diary Friday (7/18/14)
Happy Friday out there everyone! If you haven't entered the Formulx Protein Powder Giveaway make sure you do, there is still time! Check out this post---> Beet Berry Recovery Smoothie I decided to do a Food & Fitness Diary Friday this week to catch up on my recent eats and workouts from last week. Last […]
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