How was your weekend? As usual mine went by WAAAAY too fast. Friday we had a Whole Foods date and picked up our first farmbox from Sunizona Farms. Then we came home and watched Nonstop - a plane hijacking thriller which was awesome. I do a lot outside of my 8-5pm job, but I don't […]
Friday Find: Stumble Upon
Have you heard of Stumble Upon? Maybe this is like when everyone was on Pinterest and I didn't even know it existed. I remember being behind my friend Tveen in class and she was on it, I leaned over to my friend and asked what she was looking at. Of course my friend looked at […]
A Bloggers Worst Nightmare - What You Might Have Missed
The bloggers worst nightmare happen to me, I found out that NONE of my posts for the last month went to ANY of my followers. ARGH $%#! Let me just say that I love blogging, I love everything about it. I love writing the posts, taking the photos, creating new recipes, sharing my life, sharing […]
WIAWRD (6/18)
Today is short on time so I'm going to be boring and get right to this WIAWRD (what I ate Wednesday RD edition) with recent eats (from last week)! Remember: For any WIAW or WIAWRD post…what works for me may or someone else may not work for you, as always listen to your body and […]
Father's Day Fun
This year Father's Day started with meeting my mom for lunch on Friday, single parents get to celebrate both holidays! Duck and Decanter is a local deli/wine bar by my work which my Mom and I have been going to for years. I usually get a sandwich but I LOVED my salad with jalapeno […]
Meal Plan & Fitness (6/14)
Happy Father's Day! If you're thinking about beating the crowds and cooking up Dad some grub instead, check out this healthy recipe round up for Father's Day post for some inspiration. It's got you covered from brunch to grilling to dessert. Groceries This weeks grocery shopping was done Friday night right when TJ's was about […]
WIAWRD (6/11)
Wow another week has just flown by and it's already time for another WIAWRD post! I love these WIAWRD posts because I get to see how random my meals are sometimes. This week I notice a lot of quick thrown together items and a lot of leftovers last week. Busy weeks require cooking once and […]
Nuts & Avocados for Weight Loss or Weight Gain?
Raise your hand if you have ever heard that nuts and avocados "make you fat." Raise your hand if you have heard recently that nuts and avocados are good for people on a diet. Chances are you raised your hand both times, I know I did. So what gives? Here is the skinny on […]
AZAND 2014 Annual Meeting Recap
Hello hello! As you all know, last Friday I went to the Arizona Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual meeting, joint sponsored by the Arizona Department of Health/WIC in Tucson, AZ. I left the house at about 5:45am and made it to Tucson by 7:15am, pretty good time. Registration went quickly and I got busy […]
Meal Plan & Fitness (6/8)
So, I'm the dummy that already published this post trying to hit save. A year of blogging I guess it was bound to happen once! Happy weekend everyone, I seriously can't believe it is Sunday already! Do I say that every weekend, I think so. Oh well anyways this week I went to Trader Joe's […]
Wedding Reception Recap 2 - Traditional Moments
Yeah Happy Friday again! It seems like this week literally FLEW by. In the first Wedding Reception Recap I listed all our vendors and details, so you can find all those details there. Other wedding related posts include: how Paul injured himself trying to make our engagement a surprise, seen the emergency bridal kit that saved my […]
WIAW-RD (6/4)
Hello out there, this is going to be a quick WIAWRD one today! I started to put together some collages of what I ate last week and realized there were some definite gaps in my photo taking so I switched back to daily. Let’s go for it! Last Wednesday started off with a giant green […]
Eggs: Super Bad or Superfood?
Today is National Egg Day! I haven’t celebrated yet (I started today with a green smoothie, followed by a blender disaster) but I’m planning on digging into last night’s leftover quiche for lunch today. (Swirly Crustless Quiche from Practical Paleo.) I thought this would be a good day to lock down the latest research on […]
Clean It Up Mondays: Mediterranean Pita Pizzas
Happy Monday! I'm feeling re-charged and ready to tackle this week head on! This morning I headed to the gym around 4:30am and started with an upper body set that looked like this: - 15 upright rows + 15 overhead presses (3 rounds) - 15 lateral raises + 15 front raises (3 rounds) - 12 […]
Meal Plan & Fitness (6/1)
Hi Y'all, happy Sunday! I hope your having a good one! I also hope you've been enjoying the wedding recaps this weekend, it's been fun finally getting them up. More to come next weekend for sure. In the mean time, here is the plan for this upcoming week. Grocery Shopping Costco I don't know about […]
Wedding Reception Recap 1- Vendors & Details
Hi Friends, I hope your weekend is going well! I told you I’d be back for a reception recap (6 months later, better late than never right?). If you missed the last ones I wrote about how Paul injured himself trying to make our engagement a surprise, the emergency bridal kit that saved my life, the rehearsal, […]
Wedding Ceremony Recap
Happy Friday! I can’t believe 6 months came and went on May 15th, and I still haven’t put up the full wedding recap. So many things to share such little time. So far you’ve read about how Paul injured himself trying to make our engagement a surprise, seen the emergency bridal kit that saved my […]
WIAWRD (5/28)
Happy Humpday! This morning started with a 30 minute immunity boost class and a bit of foam rolling. Followed by a huge green smoothie.... I can't believe it's already time for another WIAWRD edition, got to love the short work week!!!! For this weeks edition I opted for a look at random times throughout the week. […]
99 Shoulder Blitz
Hey friends, how did you hold up on your Tuesday return to work? For me I felt like it was a REALLY long day. It stinks how the long weekends are so nice but then the return back to work can be so much worse? We get in our relaxation vacation mode and never want […]
Meal Plan & Fitness (5/25)
A little late on my meal planning this week, but in my mind I don't need a plan until the work week starts right? In the midst of furniture shopping and grilling we found time to make a quick Trader Joe's shopping trip for some essentials. Bigger containers of yogurt and bacon cheese for Mr. […]
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