As always… HAPPY FREAKING FRIDAY!!!!! One way or another we’ve made it to another weekend! This Friday I don’t have any “healthy” apps for you, but I do have some really fun ones. In my mind FUN = HEALTHY so they are still health apps in that way, I know I’m really stretching it. If you are a Foodie like me you will LOVE these apps, so let’s get on with it!
Food Holiday
So far this year I missed free donuts at Dunkin Donuts on National Donut Day and most recently I missed National Cereal Day. Admittedly I was less upset I missed national cereal day, but I’m still crying over missing my donut. I don’t even really like donuts, but for some reason I’ve decided I want one on National Donut Day especially if it’s free! First I googled for the National Food Holidays and eventually found this website which allowed me to put all the holidays in my gmail calendar. That was kind of cool, but kind of annoying because I have to check it every day. Then I searched apps, and I was ecstatic to find this one!
Complete with a fun fact and some recipes this app pretty much rocks! It gets better, you can actually save favorites and receive notifications. I’ll definitely be celebrating Chocolate Caramel Day next Wednesday. Plus, April is going to ROCK my socks off… Peanut Butter and Jelly Day on April 2nd AND Grilled Cheese Day on April 12th! Check it out if you are easily entertained, need inspiration for blog posts, or get really excited about food like me. This could be very dangerous for me… I’ll be sure to try and celebrate the veggie holidays just as enthusiastically. I LOVE artichokes… especially on whole wheat pita pizzas….. yuuuuummmm!
What kind of healthy living blogger would I be if I didn’t pick at the app a little bit? Are all the days healthy? Nope. Are all the recipes that come along with each day healthy? Definitely not. I plan to use this app as inspiration for healthier versions I can make. I think it could be a great way to get kids involved in making healthy choices too. Let them know what the special day it is and have them help you prepare a healthy recipe for that day. Speaking of that….
Happy Potato Chip Day!!!!!! I’m not super into potato chips (I prefer tortilla), but I know there are those of you out there that are! These healthier versions like this baked version or this sweet potato version look delicious!
If you just can’t seem to get into meditation or simply need a break during these stressful work day these clips are awesome and incredibly inspirational. I’ve been watching tid bits here and there all week and I found them more stress relieving and calming than any meditation practice or app I’ve ever tried. Clips range from 2-5 minutes and focus on a variety of topics integrating the story behind food production and preparation all over the world. The app loads 5 new clips every week which are grouped into one episode, so you get new inspiration every week. My favorite so far is from the latest episode called "The Cookie Decorator.”
Hope you have an amazing weekend!
Past Healthy iPhone App Reviews:
- Seafood Watch—> shopping guide for seafood
- UM Skin Check —-> skin cancer prevention
- “Fast Food,” “Fast Food Nutrition, Calories, Carbs” & “Under 600” —-> restaurant nutrition facts
- Harvest & Seasons—-> Shopping guides for produce
- Foam Roller—-> foam rolling techniques
- Dirty Dozen—-> shopping guide for produce
- Whole Pantry—-> plant based recipes
- Motion X 24/7—-> pedometer, sleep, heart rate, and weight tracker
challengepact says
Nice blog! Thank you for posting it. We are also deal in same field.