Happy Friday, you know I'm excited! TGIF, this short week flew by but it also felt so so long! Anyone have any fun plans this weekend? I think we will be taking it easy in the Shallal household. Okay on to the App review.
Whole Pantry App
Cost: $0.99
What is it?
A predominately vegan application which functions as a beautiful cookbook and lifestyle guide.
As you can see from the picture above, the recipe pictures are mouth-watering. Although I am not vegan (not anymore anyways, what? yep I tried it out for a while about two years ago), I always appreciate a good salad, smoothie, juice, or nut butter recipe, which this App is loaded with. However, since it's still somewhat new, the lists of recipes isn't overwhelming. I also liked that the ingredients are always “clean” whole foods, but not obscure ones you’ve never heard of before. The intro piece which promotes the recipe’s nutritional benefits is a well appreciate touch, as is the easy to follow and clear recipe directions. Yesterday morning I made the Beet & Apple Cleanser.
The juice was a beautiful and a delicious break from my normal green juice. In fact, I liked it so much I think I may make it into a smoothie or try it out in the Vitamix to keep all the fiber.
I also adapted my Chocolate Almond Butter Spread from their Chocolate Hazelnut Spread, which I have been shamelessly devouring on top of strawberries all week for dessert (click here to see what an RD really eats during the week). So good!
Lifestyle Guides:
So far I’ve read Top Ten Superfoods, Fuel Your Performance, and 10 Diet & Fertility Overhauls. For the most part the content was engaging, helpful, and RD approved.
Overall Pro’s
- Clean recipes using whole food non obscure ingredients
- Easy to follow, simple recipe directions
- Recipes are easily adaptable to fit other types of eating patterns
- Straightforward lifestyle guides with helpful information
- Easy saving “favorites” capabilities for recipes and guides
Overall Con’s
- Limited to predominately vegan recipes with some vegetarian recipes
- Some recipes are high in ingredients like nuts and oils which may make them pretty high in calories
- Most recipes are pretty low in protein sources (but you could usually easily add protein powder)
My Overall RD Score: 4 out of 5 stars
The app is definitely one that I won’t delete after this review; I’ll keep checking it from time to time to look at the stunning photos and for recipe ideas for juice, smoothies, and veggie sides. Have an amazing weekend and let me know what your thoughts are if you try it!
Past Healthy App Reviews
*Note, I was not compensated in any way or affiliated in any way with the makers of the Whole Pantry App. As always all thoughts and opinions are my own.
afattyinfrance says
Do you think that some of the ingredients can be, in general, quite expensive or not? Good review though - I liked it. More people need to do stuff like this.
hungryhobby says
Hi! That's a great question! In the US fruits and vegetables are pretty affordable especially when shopping for in season produce, beans are also affordable in canned or dry form. On the other hand foods like nuts, seeds, and oils can get pricy. However in a vegan eating pattern there is no meat which is the most expensive food group here so it evens out. Since I'm adding vegan recipes to my diet while still eating poultry and fish I look for sales and buy in bulk which helps keep cost down. Thanks for reading glad you found the review helpful!