Doctors Appointment Recap:
I stopped taking any progesterone last Saturday, which was super scary but no baby yet so we are good! Starting this week I'm on weekly appointments, that's crazy pants! I had this week's checkup yesterday, and she told me the baby dropped, but my cervix is still closed. This didn't surprise me, although I don't feel like my belly looks lower the need to pee is FOR REAL. She also did the Group B Strep Test or whatever the hell it is, I guess I find out those results next time?
Baby's fundal height was 35 weeks, which was news to me since she forgot to tell me what the fundal height was the last couple of appointments. She seems unconcerned, so sounds good to me. She also mentioned to me that there is one day in October she will be out of town, Saturday, October 6th. So, hopefully, the baby doesn't come then, but if he does, he does. Let's be honest. It's not up to me.
I spoke with her about my preference for a female doctor, and she said she would do everything to make sure that happens if she can't be there. I mean I'm not gonna freak out if it's a male doctor, I've seen male gynecologists before plenty of times I just don't prefer it. I prefer someone who UNDERSTANDS the pain of labor, or at the very least a period.
Baby Size:
There were a few days where I felt like the baby was literally sitting on my bladder or I had a UTI. Turns out it's just because baby dropped!
Just one or two days of nausea and not the never-ending stuff I had in my last update. It really dissipated when I came off the progesterone which I think is interesting but could just be a coincidence.
SI joint pain is still the same pinching feeling when I overdo it.
Shortness of breath is now more apparent than ever, it makes it super hard to do anything and makes me feel like a giant round balloon that is filled to the max even though I’m probably starving. This has tapered off a little bit.
Fluctuating appetite. Somedays I’m so hungry I literally can not stop pounding food in my face. And then other days the thought of food barely crosses my mind and realize it’s been hours since I ate anything substantial. (yogurt here, cheese there, and a piece of fruit but not real meals). I was warned, and here it is, the third trimester! ha ha
Night sweats - which aren’t limited to the night they also happen during nap times. I am 100% sure this is related to stopping the progesterone and my body responding to the decreased hormone levels.
Leg aches/cramps - ugh these came back with a vengeance for a couple of days but thankfully went away. (Hence the Rock Tape.)
Currently Missing:
I've decided my post-baby meals will be REAL sushi (spicy tuna roll calling my name) and a Capriotti's Capastrami sandwich.
Mr. Hungry has been informed and has my order on his phone. Capriotti's is his FAVORITE so I knew he would be excited about that. I'm not usually into it, but after months of cheese sandwiches or BLTs, I want a real sandwich! ha ha
Food Aversions:
Food Cravings:
Trader Joe’s Almond Butter Coconut Yogurt
Toast with cashew butter and banana
fruit of any kind
baby bell cheese wedges
popcorn, crackers, pretzels
cheese and saltine crackers
brown rice tortilla quesadillas (FYI I prefer the texture of a crispy brown rice tortilla do a regular tortilla any day, it gets so flaky and yummy!)
salad kits and carrots
anything already ready to eat in the fridge
Last Thursday I started with short walks. At first, they were pretty uncomfortable but when I used a support band, they were a little bit better. I try to do multiple loops close to home so I don't end up far away from the house with the dog unable to make it back. I mean I could always call my mom to come to get me, but I doubt she'd be pleased with that scenario.
Harvindar K Grewal says
Great post ...thank you for sharing with us your experience, problems daily activities.