Hi, friends! I know last week was heavy on the pregnancy news, but now we should mostly be on an every other week schedule after this post.
Week 14
Baby Size: Size of a Peach
Symptoms: I had one day of the “magical second-trimester” energy and no nausea. But most days I was still struggling here. Still a lot of low-grade nausea that came and went as it pleased with no rhyme or reason. The fatigue is lessening, but I still had to take hour long naps a few days this week. Still waiting for that second-trimester surge of energy and for morning sickness to subside!
Currently Missing: Nothing in particular, kind of in survival mode.
Sleep: Good, still taking the Unisom so that I don’t wake up in the middle of the night nauseous. I get up 1-2 times to pee!
Food Aversions: Getting better but chicken and peanut butter are still off the table. Other things are slowly getting better.
Food Cravings: I had a craving for Mexican food this week thanks to driving by Manuels in Mesa. We went but I was kind of low grade nauseous the whole time, and it wasn’t that great. The leftovers were AMAZING though!
I brought back half caffeinated coffee around 12 weeks and am now switching to iced coffee. I enjoy having it in the morning although sometimes I can only do a little bit, the acidity gets to my stomach even if I dump a ton of almond milk in it.
Exercise: See Friday Fitness #62
Mood: Excited to be in the second trimester and happy to tell people about the pregnancy finally!
Maternity Clothes: We bought two new dresses at Motherhood Maturity that I’m hoping I will fill into! One I'm going to return, but the other one is a winner!
Reading: Nothing baby related, reading the Principles by Ray Daliostill.
Looking forward too: 15 week appointment
Week 15
Baby Size: Orange
Symptoms: This week was much more normal, I had away fewer symptoms than last week. I got nauseous sometimes but usually eating would do the trick. I had more energy, I only had to take naps twice. Granted they were long naps but I could usually relate them to not getting enough sleep the night before. AKA missing my 8 pm bedtime. I’m still taking the Unisom at night, I still am nauseous when I get up to pee but I quickly fall back asleep. Overall this felt more like what I expected of the second trimester. Pregnancy constipation has also been a thing (sorry TMI) I found that doubling my dose of natural calmreally helps get this back under control.
Currently Missing: Cinco De Mayo is this week so Margarita, in theory, sounds good. However, I know I wouldn’t be able to stomach one if I tried to drink it (which I wouldn’t, I’m just saying if I did.)
Sleep: I got my pregnancy pillow this week, OMG it’s amazing. I’m not getting rid of this just because I give birth ha ha. It's on my IG stories if you want to see it!
Food Aversions: Peanut butter and chicken still. Most other things are coming back okay. Veggies are getting better, but I still prefer them raw.
Food Cravings: I was ALL about the hummus and veggies this week. At the beginning of week 15, we went to a friends house, and they ordered pita jungle. The next day Mr. Hungry and I went to Zoe’s Kitchen. From then on I was OBSESSED with hummus, pita, and raw veggies all week. I ate a ton of pita, hummus, veggie sandwiches. I’m also obsessed with avocado toast, which I’m usually not a fan of so that is interesting.
Exercise: I started going to Zumba, and I love that. I’m not running a ton anymore, just short intervals at the gym. Mostly because when I get overheated, I get a shocking feeling in my legs. This has been happening since about five weeks along, and I think it’s pregnancy related because it happened last time I was pregnant and went away in between. Anyways, it’s forced me to bring down the intensity of my workouts, walk in the morning, and exercise as early in the morning as possible.
Mood: Pretty good and normal.
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new.
Reading: Nothing new.
Buying: Nothing New.
Looking forward too: Announcing the gender! We had to go to a high-risk appointment this week, which turned out to be fine and as of now, I am not high risk. However, because we got sent to the high-risk facility, we found out the gender a little early (4 weeks earlier than scheduled). We are keeping it under wraps until we think of some cute way to announce. Plus I’d like to verify at my 19-week scan before announcing to the world.
I also thought it would be fun to hear your guesses based on my old wise tail symptoms! Leave me a comment with your guess!
- Linea Negra - nothing yet.
- Skin - Very dry.
- Heart Beat - 148 at 15 Weeks
- Hair - thick (but it's always thick)
- Cravings - more salty/sour than sweet - but I've also been loving fruit and popsicles
- Morning Sickness - some dry heaving and constant low-grade nausea but no vomiting
- Headaches - mild
- Feet - hot
- Pregnancy glow - no lol - haha no comments anyway
- Acne - yes
- Heartburn - for a couple days early in the first trimester, that's it so far
- Chinese Gender Predictor: Girl
- Dad's Weight Gain - lost fat/building muscle but also finally recovered from his hernia surgery which put him out of exercise for almost 3 months (aka during the first trimester).
- Clumsiness - OMG I can NOT stop dropping things! I mean I'm normally clumsy but wow, I dropped three cups last week.
- Sleeping position - fall asleep on left side or back, same as before I was pregnant. Remember my hip/back injury is on the right, so I prefer to sleep on the left.
- Blood Pressure - 115/85
- Protein Intake - largely vegetarian
- Baby Names - I had girl and boy names picked out like a year ago sooooo also skewed.
- Weight Gain - this one is kind of hard because I was up before I got pregnant, so some of it is I'm bigger all over, but these days I'm mostly noticing my growing belly.
- Carrying - I feel like it's early to tell this, has the uterus even moved up yet? Right now the bump is low, but again I'm only 16 weeks!
- My Intuition - I feel like I can't share this because now I feel like it's skewed like I'm like I KNEW it all along. So I'll keep this one to myself because hindsight is 20/20 right?
Let's hear your guesses! I seriously can't wait to hear what you guys think!
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-Ups says
You look so cute! I am going to guess boy, but strictly a guess. Hope you are having a great day!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks Emily! Interesting guess, I had more guesses on FB and IG but most of those were girl guesses ha ha!