Hi, friends! I can't believe I'm finally at the halfway point! My "turn days" are Saturdays, so Saturday morning I woke up Mr. Hungry with Youtube playing "ooooohhhh we're halfway there, oh-oh we're halfway there!" People are starting to notice I'm pregnant now; my belly looks a lot less questionable now which is nice!
For those of you who aren't into these posts, new recipes coming this week!
Hungry Baby Pregnancy Week 18
Baby Size: Artichoke
Symptoms: Similar to 17 Weeks. However, the big improvement was that I stopped taking the Unisomat night. I was feeling groggy in the morning even with 9+ hours of sleep, so I decided to try skipping the Unisom.
I still woke up in the middle of the night nauseous, but a couple of crackers and I was able to go back to sleep. So happy to be off that. Other than that, still trucking along with AM morning sickness.
I had an appointment with the Nurse Practitioner about my pelvic pain, and she diagnosed me with pubic symphysis dysfunction. In other words, remember when I said it felt like my pelvis was getting ripped in half? It turns out I was right. It is that ligament that attaches your pelvis in the middle that starts to relax.
I know that sounds lovely, but I wanted to make sure to share that because I had never heard any of my friends or bloggers I follow mention that kind of pain. It freaked me out, so I’m glad to know it’s yet another muscular issue to contend with.
Currently Missing: Despite my aversion to it, I miss meat and cooked vegetables. AKA I miss the desire to eat healthy on a regular basis. I'm learning though that eating healthy looks different for me nowadays (aka more carbs) and that I need to put more effort into keeping up with veggies.
Sleep: See symptoms.
Food Aversions: Same - but getting better. Meat is starting to sound okay which is good. Cooked vegetables sound disgusting still though.
Food Cravings: Hot dogs, I ate a ton of hot dogs this week. Was so happy to find Teton water grass-fed hot dogs at Costco. I’m also eating a ton of cottage cheese and plantain chips.
Exercise: See Friday Fitness #66
Weight Gain: Not sure how often I’ll feel comfortable sharing here, but it’s worth mentioning the doctor said I was up 8 lbs at my last appointment this week. She seemed quite pleased and told to keep doing whatever I’m doing.
I, on the other hand, almost burst into to laughter because sure, from my first ultrasound at 7.5 weeks I’m up 8 lbs. However, that doesn’t count the 10 pounds of (what I assume is) water weight I put on overnight when I started taking the progesterone to help hold the pregnancy. It also doesn’t count the weight I gained after our loss during the holidays.
So yea, it’s fair to say that total I’m up definitely more than 8 pounds from my "happy weight." I know a lot of bloggers write awesome girl power posts about pregnancy and weight gain. Maybe I’ll get to that point, but right now I’m just feeling the whole thing out. I try to keep in mind that it isn’t a free for all and I’m not "eating for two," but also I try to be kind to myself when I’m feeling to sick to eat something healthy.
Hungry Baby Pregnancy Week 19
Baby Size: Mango
Symptoms: While the pelvic pain is mostly gone, I’ve had some sucky shoulder/rib pain. I think it’s a combination of QL tightness and muscles stretching. Chiropractic care, heat, stretching, sometimes Tylenol, and some stability exercises help a little, but it gets pretty bothersome at times.
Other than that things are going well, morning sickness sticks to the first few hours of the morning then I’m usually okay the rest of the day. I’m hoping I magically stop having any MS after 20 weeks, but I’m not holding my breath. I thought I’d magically end having some after I hit the second trimester so now my expectations are a little altered. I'm thankful it sticks to the morning, its intensity is short-lived and otherwise okay.
Currently Missing: Margs! It’s summer and summer usually means more margs.
Sleep: Better! So much better! (Please don't let this jinx myself.) Some nights I don’t even wake up in the middle of the night to pee. It’s glorious! There have been a few nights where my ribs bothered me so much I couldn’t sleep, but as long as that's under control, I do okay.
Food Aversions: Hit or miss. Still not a big fan of meat or fish, but it’s less offensive than it was before. Still can’t eat chicken.
Food Cravings: Smoothies, salads, anything cold! I’m also obsessed with green apples, sometimes with cashew butter and sometimes on their own. I hope you guys like green apples because half the recipes I thought of for October (pre-shooting them for when the baby comes) utilize green apples. Caramel apple smoothie anyone? I also still eat at least one popsicle a day as well. I’m eating smaller meals these days and snacking more than eating.
Exercise: Friday Fitness #67
Reading: I started reading a breastfeeding book a friend gave me. The book is straight out of the 80’s, but my friend has breastfed five children and said it was her favorite book. I figure if it worked for her five times it’s probably a pretty good resource.
I thought I knew a decent amount about breastfeeding from when I worked at WIC, BUT NO. At WIC I took a class that qualified me as a lactation educator, but since we always had lactation consultants on staff I never really counseled anyone. It turns out I barely remember anything, so I’m going to need to read that book a billion more times.
Buying: We bought a crib, a dresser, and a bookshelf/hutch (it can be either.) Went in to look at joggers came out with a nursery set. It feels a little earlier for that, but it won’t even be ready for four weeks, and then I feel like we will be prepared. Plus it has the bonus of being here for my nephew to use when he comes to visit in July! He can break it in for his little cousin!
Looking forward too: Getting to the halfway mark! I don’t know why it feels like such a huge milestone, but it does! I’m also just looking forward to nesting in general. It seems appropriate now to start doing stuff, when before I was too scared to plan, purchase, or organize for fear something would happen. I even asked the lady at Buy Buy Baby what the return policy was on the furniture.
Even after I explained myself (previous loss), she still seemed a little horrified. Despite that slip-up, I feel like I’m doing a pretty good job letting myself get excited and impatient for the time when I’ll hold him in my arms. I'll leave you with a photo from day one of halfway there!
Karly Foret says
You are killing me with the hot dogs! I dont ever crave them until I read your blog post! LOL!! I am totally on the same page with you about sharing the weight gain part. EVERY ONE is so different! Do what makes you feel comfortable! You look great for halfway there!! Buying a crib- now that is exciting!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Ha ha thanks, Karly! Hope you are feeling well! Do you know what you are having yet?
Karly Foret says
YESSSSSS. I am, and we are having a GIRL! Eeeek! So exciting! thanks for Asking! 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Aww, CONGRATS! The little girl clothes at the store are so cute! Even though we wanted a boy I'm slightly envious of all the dress up you will get to do!
Karly Foret says
thanks so much, I would honestly loved a boy just a much!! But I know, There are so many adorable options. I said I will try to keep clothes to a minimum and not go overboard, but we all know how hard that is. Especially with your first! lol Hey, you can dress up boys too! haha
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-Ups says
You look so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing about the pain you were experiencing, I did not experience that personally, but it is so nice to be able to see/hear that what you are experiencing happens, knowing other peeps had gone through similar things always calmed me down a bit if I was stressing about a symptom or something.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Yes! That's what I thought! The Doctor, was like oh ya that's common. Does it hurt right here? and pressed on it. LOL I'm like oh ya, how come no one else talks about it?