Hey y'all, hope everyone had a good day! Mine was pretty decent... it started with leftover Skinny Tomato and Zucchini Frittata around 8am.
I love eggs for breakfast, so filling and easy to bring to work. I also had two clementines for some morning freshness.
I worked through lunch, I know it's bad... but I do it so I can justify going home at 4pm. I almost forgot to eat (so not like me, usually my day revolves around what I'm eating) so I scrambled to eat at 12:45 before I had clients at 1. For lunch I had an AWESOME salad with chicken, blackberries, and walnuts. I also had some carrots and homemade creamy hummus yogurt dip.
When I came home I was only a little stressed cause traffic was pretty bad, I was short on time so I only attacked the sun butter jar one time with one big spoonful before crossfit.
60%- 43lb
70%- 53lb
75%- 63lb
80%- 73lb
Double Unders became 150 singles, Thrusts at 43lbs
I actually didn't think I could do 5 Thrusters with any weight on the bar, and I was SURE I would have to drop down. I had a little mini victory dance when I finished all of them without taking the weight off, I finished all in 20:45.
I came home to an amazing mahi mahi dinner cooked by chef Paul. I of course contributed by nuking the green beans and precooked brown rice and dumping garlic salt on top of both. Dinner done!
Little Changes Add Up
I've been thinking a lot lately about the little things I do all day long that have become ingrained in my daily life. At first they were habits that were hard to get use to, but really helped me lose weight. Now they come more naturally and help me maintain my weight better.
1. Eat a high protein breakfast with at least 15g of protein or more like eggs, overnight oats, greek yogurt, breakfast burrito or protein smoothie. This really helps me stay full throughout the whole day, if I feel like I'm deprived at the beginning of the day I'm just setting myself up for a disastrous event later on.
2. Start a meal with vegetables. At some point during graduate school my friend and I were shooting for 5 or more servings of vegetables daily like the good little nutrition students we were. We learned quickly that eating the vegetables first made the rest of the meal kind of a reward. You also may end up eating less of the high calorie food on your plate because you get fuller faster.
3. Use a smaller plate. In Brian Wansinks book Why We Eat More Than We Think, Mindless Eating he presents some pretty compelling evidence as to why eating from smaller plates, containers, etc works to help control calories. This pretty much sums it up...
Paul and I actually got into a slight tiff about this when we were registering for dinner plates, I didn't want any plates bigger than 10 inches in the house. He had a hard time understanding this seeing as how he eats candy and gains another chisel to his six pack. Lucky for me the reverse works well too, large plate? Fill it greater with veggies like I did the other night at my in laws.
4. Be Mindful When I Eat. Even on the busiest days like today, when I do eat I turn off all the distractions and just focus on my meal. I'm more satisfied when I'm finished then I would be if I didn't. For a while I tried to go back to working and eating, I'd look down and my meal is gone, thats no fun. Now meal time is a welcomed relaxing time.
5. Sleep 7-8 hours a night. Less sleep always means less snacking, every time.
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