Groceries Grocery shopping this week was done Saturday morning... I've been going Friday nights so I forgot what a circus Saturday morning is.... avoid at all possible cost. I made it through though, luckily I had my list ready so I could go as fast as possible. Trader Joe's Sprouts I actually didn't go grocery […]
The All or Nothing Trap
Happy Friday everyone, I know on Fridays sometimes the post is something special or not the usual, but I feel like we only got to do the normal blog thing once this week... so today I'm just going to do a quick recap of Thursday. I honestly started the day feeling weird... even on Christmas […]
Top 13 in 2013
So I started blogging six months ago in June, at the time I wasn't sure where I would go with it only that I wanted to do it. Since then I have had so much fun posting daily posts, recipes, and workouts. I've also felt very blessed to kind of get to know some of […]
A Small Change In My Schedule Made A Huge Difference
Today was an pleasantly uneventful day, I got to the office super early like always and starting working away. Like usual I heated up my breakfast around 8am. I had sweet potato protein pancakes and coffee with a splash of mint chocolate coconut milk. I literally chugged my coffee this morning, maybe it was the […]
Sweet Potato Protein Pancakes
So I had two huge roasted sweet potatoes leftover from my roasting extravaganza Christmas Eve. The lazy part of me wanted to throw them away, or make sweet potato soup. But one of my favorite ways to eat sweet potatoes is for breakfast, and what better way to have them for breakfast then in pancakes??? […]
Meals & Fitness Plans 12/29-1/3
Happy Sunday everyone! It's been a busy one around here but fun, I just got back from the gym and now I'm about to finish some week food prep. Here is what I'm up to this week: Grocery Shopping (sorry the pics are a little dark this week) Whole Foods Cheapest I've seen Ezeikel Bread […]
Advent Jar Recap
So, I tried to document our advent jar happenings as much as possible but here is a quick recap of our Christmas sad its over! December 1st- Pray Together December 2nd- Take a Family Photo December 3rd- Listen to Each Others Favorite Christmas Song December 4th- Share Your Favorite Christmas Memory We both agreed […]
Christmas Eve/Christmas 2013 Recap
Christmas Eve Ginger Bread House Construction and Deconstruction Christmas Eve dinner was simple and low stress (I think we needed that after all the wedding planning) but super delicious! Tamales and salad, chips and salsa, shrimp cocktail and wine.... pretty much my favorite meal EVER. We had decided to go to midnight mass, so in […]
The Day After Christmas
Why Stress, Worry, and Food Guilt Are Worthless I don't know about you guys but man I enjoyed some amazing food this past Christmas, I dug in and didn't worry one-second about holding back. If I wanted M&M's I went for it, or anything else for that matter. A while ago, I read this article […]
A Busy Christmas Eve Morning
Merry Christmas Eve and Merry Almost Christmas! I woke up super early this morning to get to crossfit, I was just going to workout on my own after work but the gym owner urged me to come and said he'd cut me lose 10 minutes early so I could get ready for work. I was […]
Awkward Dining Moments
Happy almost Christmas Eve everyone! Man I was in a good mood driving to work this morning, I was singing along to Christmas music and smiling even when I was sitting in traffic... thats how you know I was in a good mood. Maybe it was this amazing chocolate mint coconut milk I found at […]
Wedding Photo Sneak Preview, 8 Mile Long Run, 5 Mile Treadmill Workout & Weekend Recap
So there is going to be a lot of randomness going on in this post, but bare with me because it's all good! Sneak Peak Wedding Photos First things first! My photographer has released a sneak preview of our photos on facebook! Click here, to check them out. Can't wait to share more of the […]
Meals & Exercise Plan 12/22-12/28
So this week is going to be somewhat short post since it's finally going to be Christmas! Grocery shopping was done Saturday night/Sunday morning... Sprouts Trader Joe's Menu Plans Soooo I have to work all week minus half day on Christmas Eve and off on Christmas so I still kind of have to plan meals […]
So Ready for TGIF
Happy almost Friday everyone! Today was crazy crazy crazy busy like pretty much every other day this week. It started kind of hectic because we took my car into the shop so I had to drop Paul off at work and we were running a little late because I of course prioritized making the morning […]
To Commit or Not Commit To Crossfit?
Yesterday morning started with some yummy and pretty much standard green juice. Like usual I ate breakfast at work that I packed ahead. On today's menu was scrambled eggs, spinach, and feta with ½ a sweet potato. Of course I had my dark roast coffee with a splash of egg nog in it. Delish. (Looking […]
A 15 Minute Nap Makes All The Difference
Tuesday morning I remember I was so hungry at 6:30am, which is usually not like me. I hadn't planned to eat till I got to work but I grabbed a banana to damn the stomach growling beast. Since the advent jar refuses to give me a reason to go to get Starbucks, I decided early […]
Shrimp & Black Bean Mexican Lasagna (Easy & Healthy)
Last nights dinner (and the night before's dinner and today's lunch... cook once eat all week thats my motto) was so easy to make and so delicious I just had to share it, so here it goes! I started with green salsa and 6 corn tortillas The first layer I added was a […]
Monday Runday Goneday
Where did Monday go? Monday was so busy I feel like I barely took a deep breath in. I got to the office around 7am and caught up on email etc until I had breakfast. I packed a flour-less pancake (1 egg, ⅓ cup egg whites, 1 banana, 1 T ground flax) with peanut butter […]
12K's of Christmas Race Recap
Last Saturday we I got to run in the 12K's of Christmas Race which benefited the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control efforts. Unfortunately I didn't take many pics and didn't have my personal photographer Paul because guess who ran too?????? Yep, first race as a married couple (or ever)! Usually half my motivation to […]
Fitness & Meal Plans 12/15-12/21
Another weekend bites the dust and its time to start getting ready for another week. At least this morning was nice, we got to go to church where we got married and they were selling freshly roasted cinnamon almonds... ...and then we had an epic breakfast complete with scrambled eggs, chicken sausage and potato hash, […]
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