Happy almost Christmas Eve everyone! Man I was in a good mood driving to work this morning, I was singing along to Christmas music and smiling even when I was sitting in traffic... thats how you know I was in a good mood. Maybe it was this amazing chocolate mint coconut milk I found at Sprouts? It was exactly like a peppermint mocha from Starbucks, but more amazing because I didn't have to pay 5 dollars a cup for it!
I bought a planner this weekend and so I spent the morning doing one of my favorite things: ORGANIZING! I had breakfast around 8am.... I just brought greek yogurt, trail mix/granola, a banana, and two cuties (one of my favorites easy and portable breakfasts options).
Then we went out for a department lunch at a Fox concept restaurant. I did not look up the menu before I went, mistake number one. I take FOREVER to make decisions so I usually decide what I want before hand. Plus, I learned when I first started losing weight that I am way more likely to make the healthy choice if I look up the menu beforehand. After taking a little too long to deliberate between the chicken gorgonzola salad and the trout, I picked the salad.
Dang. They actually meant "chicken salad" the kind with mayo that I am not so into (nor do I want an egg salad, tuna salad, potato salad, macaroni salad... etc... it just isn't my thing, Paul on the other hand would eat it for breakfast,lunch, and dinner). Two of the girls came a little late and a couple of us waited to eat till they got their food. The whole time we were waiting I was thinking to myself how much I would have rather had ANYTHING else. However, I didn't want to be the weirdo dietitian so I decided I was going to keep my mouth shut. Confused, the waitress came over and asked if there was something wrong with our meals, I explained no that we were just waiting for the latecomers to get their meals. Then I blurted "On the menu does it say chicken salad on it or..." She answered immediately "Its like normal chicken salad on top of lettuce with mayo and gorgonzola, did you not want the mayo?" I said, "No, but thats okay it's not that big of deal." She asked like a billion times if I was sure, for each time I responded yes, but I guess I wasn't that convincing because she grabbed my plate and said she was going to bring a salad with grilled chicken. #embarassing Ugh, why can't you keep your mouth shut I thought to myself. Then the salad came and it was AMAZING, the chicken was probably the most delicious chicken I've had in a while. I was so thankful for the pushy waitress, and I made fun of myself to push off some of the awkwardness. I didn't snap a picture of the new salad, I didn't think I could get away with it without anyone seeing.
I went into work early today so that I could get out in time for 5pm crossfit, for some reason 5pm just feels so much better than 6pm. The strength training part at the top that is cut off is split jerks/push jerks. I maxed out at 63lbs, pretty sure that still makes me a weakling but I think its pretty cool. The score for this workout was counted by counting the reps you completed for each exercise. I didn't do the double unders, I just did singles so I had to divide my single score by 3. My total score was 155.
I haven't taken my measurements since June and I'm thinking that I probably should because I got some pants taken in today and she had to bring them in A LOT, so I must be doing something right!
For dinner I had a breakfast chicken sausage, spinach, onion, shitake mushroom and sweet potato hash. The chicken sausage never looks appetizing so I didn't even bother taking a pic. Afterwards I had a big old glass of green juice. Then I unsuccessfully tried to resist many of the chocolate and cookie temptations that are dangerously sitting in our house right now! Oh, I love Christmas! Waking up early to get in a good workout before work, it's gonna be a busy day but I'll pop back in before checking out for Christmas!
Paul and I drew "Have a Fire" for the advent jar tonight. Too bad its way to warm in Arizona for that, oh well ... more Christmas cookies? Okay!
Questions of the evening:
What do you do when your order isn't what you thought it would be?
What do you do when your order is wrong, stay quite or say something?
I think you can probably guess that I usually say something... depending on how major the error is, to Paul's horror. If I can fix the situation at all myself, I will do that before I say something. If I can't, I don't have a problem speaking up, although I am somewhat afraid they will spit in my food for the most part 9 times out of 10 I've found that the waiter/waitress realizes the mistake immediately and doesn't seem annoyed at all.
EmmaNutrition says
I usually say something but do worry about them spitting in my food 😉 Your green juice looks good!
hungryhobby says
That's always in the back of my mind! And thanks!
leannenalani says
If it's edible then I probably won't say something. If it's something I absolutely will not eat because of certain ingredients that disagree with my palate, I will say something.
hungryhobby says
That seems like a good rule of thumb 🙂