Yesterday morning started with some yummy and pretty much standard green juice.
Like usual I ate breakfast at work that I packed ahead. On today's menu was scrambled eggs, spinach, and feta with ½ a sweet potato. Of course I had my dark roast coffee with a splash of egg nog in it. Delish. (Looking for more portable/healthy breakfast ideas? ----> Check out this post)
Around 11am I snacked on a pear which held me over till close to 1pm...
When it was finally time for lunch I was pretty pysched to remember that I brought a piece of leftover Shrimp and Black Bean Mexican Lasagna with me, which I topped with non fat greek yogurt.
I also ate some carrots and pistachios (no pic)
When I got home I was determined to not let round two of Tuesday's unfilling snack fest before crossfit repeat itself, I decided to have a more filling snack of banana with almond butter and a tiny bit of trail mix.
That was pretty successful and pretty filling as a pre workout snack, so I definitely think I might be repeating that one!
WOD- 15 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 3-6-9-12 etc.... Powercleans & ring push ups. I got to 15 (5 rounds) plus 18 power cleans (45lbs). The ring push ups were killer... especially since I suck at push ups anyways...
When I got home Paul and I walked over to Walgreens to fulfill the advent jar task of the day, buy Missy a present! These little mice were $1.59 and they sound like mirrachas when you shake them... needless to say she loves them...
Then I made one of the weirdest dinners I have ever made in my whole life, but I can't say that I wouldn't eat it again. I wanted some protein after the heavy weight lifting we did but didn't have anything quick on hand except for eggs or protein powder. So I mixed a ½ scoop of chocolate protein powder with almond milk, filled myself a bowl of puffins, and added some cinnamon sugar roasted garbanzo beans. Probably the weirdest thing I've ever made myself, but it wasn't half bad and filled me up pretty good!
I also of course ate some more cinnamon almonds= addicting...
Decision Decisions: To Commit to Crossfit or Not?
So I have decide soon whether I want to keep my crossfit membership and cancel lifetime, or stop doing crossfit because paying for both is not reasonable. I like crossfit but I have a few things that are holding me back from committing to it on more of a full time basis.
1. I'm so use to endurance running, that I find it hard to really push myself in crossfit to what I think my full potential could be. In other words I'm not going Balls to the Walls on the WOD (Workout of the Day) like I feel like other people are. I think I'm very use to knowing how to scale back so that I can, for example, finish the mileage I had planned for that day.
2. I'm frustrated because my form is so bad I can't really progress with more weight.
3. As far as dinner goes, it's an inconvenient time (but really no more so than going for a run or doing any other workout after the workday.)
4. So far I've only been able to get through 2 days of crossfit and 2 days of running, if I want to do 3 days of crossfit I almost definitely have to scale back my running plans (do to the soreness.)
1. The workout is set for me and I don't have to find or make up my own workout.
2. I usually wake up feeling sore, no matter how balls to the walls I thought I went the day before.
3. I'm gaining strength and good form which I know will help me get faster running in the long term.
4. I like the group atmosphere of it, since running is often a solo activity.
I know the first section kind of sounds like I'm complaining about my lack of ability huh? Any suggestions out there from the blog world?
Of Possible Interest
I'm not vegetarian and I don't count calories/points (anymore) but I love healthy cooking inspirations (that I can add meat or not too), here is what has been inspiring me lately:
4 Vegetarian Christmas Dinners (
50 Delicious Weight Watchers Dinners (
50 Vegetarian Soup Recipes (
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