Guess what I made this weekend???? I had one Tuesday morning already and they are seriously epic. These burritos have all the necessary factors to power up your morning in no time. Green chiles, onions, cheese, and eggs wrapped in a healthy high protein low carb whole grain tortilla ready in 90 seconds, I […]
Mini Pizza Quinoa Quiches
Mini Pizza Quinoa Quiches This recipe is very similar to my Mini Pizza Quinoa Bites (click —>here for recipe) but with more eggs and onions so this version is a bit more quiche like. I brought them to my in laws for the Super Bowl along with Spicy Goat Cheese Marinara (click —-> here for recipe). […]
Week 5: Healthy Habits Challenge Recap (Wash All Produce Throughly)
Alright Monday, here you are and I’m not ready for you, right now you're like an uninvited guest that showed up a day earlier than they were supposed to. This week we have a review and I need to put on my big girl panties and get down to work, but I really just […]
Weekly Meal Plan, Healthy Habits Challenge, & Fitness (2/9/14-2/15/14)
Good Sunday to everyone out there, this week’s challenge doesn’t seem like much of a “healthy habit” at first. Actually though, research shows that spending time with pets can lower stress levels and improve mood and even overall health. Often times I get home from work and I’ve got a million things to do, before […]
Healthy App Review: Foam Roller
Happy Healthy App Review Friday to everyone! For this week I found the BEST App, worth everything I paid for it and more! Can you tell this app review is going to be overwhelmingly positive? First, what is foam rolling? In a nutshell, using a foam roller is a form of self-massage. It can be […]
This Week's Eats, See What An RD Really Eats
Hi everyone, like I said my daily meal posts started to get a little weird without discussing some sort of work out. Since I'm still in recovery from my injury I decided to just recap this weeks eats at the end of the week, so here we go... lets see what an RD ate this […]
The Power Tower Is Not Just For Guys
Before I got injured I thought that the Power Tower was only for dudes. I mean most women can't do pull ups or any of the body resistance moves that they are generally used for. Therefore I think we write them off not realizing the great body resistance workout we are missing. That being said, […]
Maple Almond Quinoa Granola
Since everyone loved the first Quinoa Granola recipe so much (my real family and blog family) I decided to make more with a different flavor. This one came out barely sweet with a hint of vanilla. It’s perfect for topping yogurt or fruit with, but good enough to eat straight out of the jar. ' You can […]
6 Simple Tips for Using an Ice Bath for Injury Recovery
Hello, blog world! Guess what I did tonight? If you randomly guessed almost lose a toe or many toes by taking an ice bath, you’d be right. Okay, so I didn't look up this whole ice bath thing before I did it. All I know is now I have to go for an MRI because […]
Week 4: Healthy Habits Challenge Recap & Late to the Pin It Party 4
Meditate daily... does three times count? I have to say the times that I did meditate I felt more centered and well rested. Especially when I found myself upset about my injury and not being able to run/weight lift I found meditating extremely helpful. It helped me move through the I’m sad, I feel sorry […]
Super Bowl Party Eats
Even though the game wasn’t great and the commercials weren’t new, the half time show was good and the food was AWESOME. Here is a glimpse of our super bowl party eats…
Meals/Fitness Plan & Healthy Habits Challenge 2/1/14-2/7/14
It's confession time, I have a really bad habit of not throughly washing some of my produce items. This especially applies to 5am when I'm making my green juice. Don't get me wrong, I "rinse" my produce, but it is definitely without as much care as should be taken. Sometimes I make the "it's organic" […]
Healthy App Review: Dirty Dozen
Welcome to Friday (I'm doing a little dance as I type I'm so happy it's Friday)! I don't know about you but I'm so looking forward to this weekend. Friday nights are my favorite, especially lately because they've been date night with the hubby. Usually we hit up a new or favorite spot, or cook […]
Sun Butter Green Smoothie for Dinner
Morning Green Juice: My morning green juice has really been filling me up lately it's kind of crazy, I'm not getting hungry till after 9am! This morning I was fighting the urge to ditch my brought from home breakfast for Einsteins. Then things got crazy so I couldn't leave anyway, I had a DIY Starbucks […]
Lucky 7: 7 Healthy Recipes for Game Day & 7 Intuitive Eating Tips for Game Day
1. Cheesy Quinoa Pizza Bites (GF, Vegetarian) Cheesy Quinoa Pizza Bites are a kid friendly totally customizable finger food that is sure to please everyone. Serve with spicy goat cheese marinara as dipping sauce for more sophisticated palates or use an easy jarred pizza sauce, whichever you chose these will be the first appetizer to […]
BBQ Chicken & Peppered Turkey Bacon Salad with Goat Cheese, Dates, and Skinny BBQ Bacon Ranch Dressing
Good evening, hope your humpday wasn't too miserable. My sleep has been less than stellar so that meant I was dragging more than usual for a Wednesday. Oh well though I made it through and I'm almost ready for bed right after this post! Got my green juice on again this morning, a little parsley […]
Mexican Spicy Hummus-Yogurt Dip
Happy Humpday! Source ----> Story of my life! HA! This dip is the result of a jar of roasted red peppers from Trader Joe's. I intended to make it the same as my creamy hummus yogurt dip but with the jar of roasted red peppers added into the mix. As I was throwing things into […]
Returning to Yoga Class
Another morning where I didn't really quite have time for green juice, but I decided to go for it anyway. I didn't sleep very well last night, so my body was definitely craving nutrients (and sleep but that wasn't in the cards.) Ever since Paul sent me this article, about the goitrigens in kale, I've […]
Chicken Chorizo and Kale Stuffed Squash (or Skillet)
Before I share with you the easiest most delicious recipe I have shared yet on HH, let's recap last week's healthy habits challenge. Somehow I got the average over 7hours! (Wondering about this App? Check out my review on the Motion X 24/7 App--> click here.) I think one thing that really helped was going […]
Weekend Photos 1/25/14-1/26/14
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