Alright Monday, here you are and I’m not ready for you, right now you're like an uninvited guest that showed up a day earlier than they were supposed to. This week we have a review and I need to put on my big girl panties and get down to work, but I really just want to curl up with a big jar of sun butter. I could do that, but I am pretty sure I won’t have a job by the end of the week. To top it off I get to go for an MRI this evening which means spending 30 minutes in a box. I'm not claustrophobic but I’m not best friends with tight closed in spaces either. To be honest though I’d spend four days trapped in an elevator (*knock* on wood) if it meant I’d find out what the heck is up with my hip/low back. So I guess I’ll do the only thing I can do this week… I’ll paint on my war paint (make up), pull up my big girl panties and get to work so that I can pay my student loans. After that I’ll get my MRI and try not to dive head first into a bar of chocolate or jar sun butter throughout the week. Before all that happens lets recap how my healthy challenge went last week.
I could sit here and BS you and tell you how this was such a good challenge and great thing to focus on. Except it wasn’t, it was lame and I forgot about it. Sunday morning when I was thinking what my new healthy challenge would be, it occurred to me I couldn’t remember what last weeks was. I had to look it up to remember, so that tells you about how much I focused on it. I do remember focusing on it at the beginning of the week when I was making my green juice Tuesday and Wednesday. I even took a picture of the wet veggies.
So that’s pretty much all I have to say about last weeks healthy habits challenge. This week is much more fun, I get to spend 15 minutes with my Missy every day. Yes I think that will go much better…
Past Healthy Challenge Recaps
These past challenges went a lot better and helped me make huge strides toward living a healthy lifestyle with just little changes…
- Week 4: Meditate Daily (at least 10 minutes)
- Week 3: Get enough good quality (7-8 hours) sleep
- Week 2: Limit tasting during food prep and cooking
- Week 1: Wait one hour in between dinner and dessert
On a happier note I've got a couple really good recipes for you this week that I'm really excited to share. Breakfast oriented of course, my speciality! I hope you have a great and stress less Monday (and if you do stress join in on this weeks challenge take some time to play with your pets or be in nature!)
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