And now we start counting up instead of down.... my due date was over the weekend so today I'm 40 +2 today. As far as the blog goes, my posts will probably become more sporadic and if I don't post one day that doesn't necessarily mean I went into labor, check Insta Stories for official updates!
My next appointment is tomorrow to monitor progress, and I guess, assess my options. My OB would not like me to go past 41 weeks (and I'm wholeheartedly on board) but because of the protocol at the hospital I have to deliver at my options for elective induction are limited.
At this point, I'm just hoping I'm dilated enough to maybe just get a membrane sweep, avoid the balloon thing, and hopefully get put on the waitlist for an elective induction at the end of the week? We will see what happens. One day at a time, maybe little one is just waiting to be born on my Mom's birthday, tomorrow! (*insert praying hands*)
To be honest, I wasn't sure what I would say today about still being pregnant past my due date. I want to be positive because I know that carrying a healthy pregnancy to term is really and truly a blessing, but if I'm honest I wasn't prepared for the days past my due date at all.
I don't care how many people told me "first babies are late," I expected him to come early. With our family history of early labor, my low progesterone, and being put on modified bed rest around 29 weeks the thought of him coming late seemed laughable. Yet, here we are, and mentally I was not prepared AT ALL.
Every day I wake up and tell myself that even though I didn't go into labor the night before, I'm one day closer to meeting our little man. I'm not sure how much that helps, but it's something. I feel like as a "healthy living blogger" I'm expected to be committed to trying to get a natural birth/spontaneous labor under any circumstances, but my main issue centers around my anxiety that past 40 weeks risks for just about everything mom and baby can be at risk of rises. Although medical interventions also come with its risks too though, so it's a catch 22 that I've been struggling with.
Overall I know that I just have to make the decisions that feel the best to me and trust in my doctor's recommendations. That's about all I can do, that and pray for a healthy baby and mama at the end.
New Symptoms
In addition to stuff from my 38.5 Week Update, I've been dealing with some reflux and heartburn. It was worse last week, but still comes and goes this week. I also have an insane amount of pelvic pressure when I walk and some back pain. I took it easy yesterday, and the pain eased up a little bit, I think my pelvic floor is just done carrying all that weight.
Sleep is well, as good as to be expected I guess. I wake up 4-10 times to pee every night. And I usually take a 2 to 2.5-hour nap in the afternoon. Despite the nap, I'm still able to go to sleep by 8 or 9 pm.
Food Aversions/Cravings
Nothing new. Just dreaming of the post-pregnancy meals I mentioned in the last update. We did make Sallys Salted Caramel yesterday, OMG so DELICIOUS! Ate it with baked apple slices and ice cream for an afternoon treat! I've never made real homemade caramel before, I usually just make my date caramel, but I thought it would be fun
Last week I was walking a TON but this week I've stopped pushing myself so hard. I know I need all the energy I can get.
Emily Susan says
It's a very important post for pregnant women. Thank you for your good article. carry on.
Merry Jessy says
My first baby came after due time, three days later!! I felt so much impatient then. Nice writing content. Thanks a lot.
Aniball says
Such a great article , Its cool to read your article . Very helpful article.
Harvindar K Grewal says
Its a great informational post ...thank you for sharing with us .