And the waiting game begins.....
Last Friday I got sent into OB Triage because we thought maybe my water was leaking, but it was a FALSE ALARM! I was really happy it was not go time because my doctor was out of town that weekend! The nurse at OB Triage was SUPER nice and said she had seen several women checking out the same thing that same morning.
She said there is no way to be sure unless you go in and it's always better to be safe! Turns out the anterior placenta leaves lots of room for baby to kick the bladder! ha ha So lovely..... moving right along!
Yesterday was a fun day. It started with urgent care, then a chiropractor appointment, followed by my weekly check-up at the OB's office. I went to urgent care because my ear has been getting increasingly painful for the past week. The doctor there checked it out and determined that the most likely cause was allergies?!?!?!
I was surprised because it feels like an ear infection, it's so achy and has a ton of pressure, but he said he didn't see any indication it was an infection. He also said even if it was at this point it was better to wait then take antibiotics or ear drops. He prescribed Flonase twice a day for a week and then once a day until the ear pain goes away.
I then followed up with Dr. K at Trimotus since I was also having some neck pain which I wasn't sure was related or not. That resulted in an adjustment, soft tissue work, and needles in my face. Fun morning right? Hopefully, it helps with the ear pain!
Doctors Appointments Recap
Eventually, I made my way to my weekly appointment at the OBGYN. She couldn't get a good read on the heart rate because the baby kept moving away from her (the same thing actually happened at urgent care) so they did a nonstress test (NST), aka hooked me up to the monitor for 10 minutes.
I found that experience SUPER freaky because his heart rate kept fluctuating, especially while he was moving around. But, she looked at the results and was very happy with them, so I guess everything was good.
She also mentioned taking Benadryl in addition to the Flonase to help the ear situation, but I'm not sure about that. I'm SUPER sensitive to anti-histamines, it just takes about ¼ to ½ of Benadryl to knock me out for hours or days. The last thing I want is to go into labor after taking a Benadryl and be super tired.
That being said as far as labor goes, I'm not dilated or effaced at all. However, my doctor said that doesn't matter in the slightest, so I'm trying not to think about it. Meanwhile, I go home and slam pineapple slices, pineapple juice, an at least three dates, just in case it will help! (I don't think spicy food will help because I've been obsessed with that all pregnancy.) haha
Baby Size:
- Ear pain (see above)
- (TMI ALERT) "Pregnancy Tumor" - so this is fun! It's a swollen area between my big front tooth and next tooth over. I've had it since I got my teeth cleaned sometime in the second trimester, but recently I noticed in addition to bleeding when I flossed it was red in front and bleeding when I brushed. (TMI? Sorry!) I went back to the dentist, and he gave me a solution to put on it after I brush my teeth. It seems to be helping, and he says it will go away after the baby gets here. (And yes, I'm wondering too if my sensitive gums/teeth are causing the ear pain also.)
- Fluctuating energy levels - last weekend I was so tired I literally couldn't get off the couch and then the last two days my energy has been pretty good. So weird! And yes, my appetite still fluctuates a lot with my energy levels.
Currently Missing:
I'm so ready for a glass of wine or preferably a margarita, but I won't be choosy. So so so ready.
I get up 4-10 times to pee at night, but I haven't had any insomnia, so that's been good! *Knock on wood*
Food Aversions:
Pumpkin spice, so not into it. Isn't that crazy?????? Who am I?
Food Cravings:
I craved a McDonalds Ice Cream Sundae with extra fudge (a blast from my childhood). Mr. Hungry went out and got me one, I ate it, then felt super sick and haven't had any cravings since.
Walking the dog again! It feels good to get out there and get some exercise even if it's minimal. I've thought about lifting super lightweights, but I mean, come on, at this point, I think not.
I ordered the SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper which I do not intend to use as a co-sleeper. I intend to use it around the house and at other peoples houses for baby to sleep in, like a sub for a dock-a-tot? Maybe?
Karly says
You are so close!! Can't imagine the waiting game! Baby boy and a glass of wine will be here before you know it!! yay. Stay positive!! I will continue to watch for updated and hope everything goes well.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks Karly!
Kath says
You (we!) are getting so close!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
I KNOW!!!!!! Any day now? ha ha!