Last week I decided to work on my dessert time habits which had turned more into a constant snack fest. At night I was getting a sweet tooth like crazy and I knew I needed to break the habit. In the past I've tried cutting out sweets all together, I can usually do that fine but I honestly just didn't really feel like going that far. I've tried limiting myself to fresh fruit but I love my dark chocolate, protein fudge, and dates too much. So this week I decided I'd try and wait one hour in between dinner and dessert. I figured that if I left the kitchen for one hour after dinner I would be able to limit my constant snacking. It worked fabulously, instead of mindlessly grabbing dates, then going back for dark chocolate, and then an hour later taking a bite of protein fudge I was able to pick one and be satisfied. Just that one small rule totally changed how many calories I was consuming, I also drank more water after dinner while I got some work done and waited for my snack.
This little mini challenge sparked the idea to have a weekly healthy habits challenge that I can share with all of you. Yesterday I announced this week's challenge would be trying not to snack/taste while I prep/cook food. We can chat about how it went next Monday, I'll keep this series going as long as I have ideas (I would love suggestions, feel free to send me any!).
Today I packed 1 cup non fat plain greek yogurt + 1T Walden Farms blueberry syrup + 1tsp honey, topped with berries. I packed quinoa granola (<----- click for the super easy recipe) for topping in a separate small container so that it wouldn't get soggy. I also threw in an Asian Pear (or according to Epicurious- Visual Guide to Pears, an apple pear), which has quickly made it to the top of my list of favorite fruits. You know I've got my coffee on autobrew for 6:15am too so it's ready for me to grab on my way out the door!
How did the snacking go while I prepped? Ehhhhh. Okay it was kind of a rocky start. I legitamidly had to taste the yogurt to make sure it was sweet enough, but I definitely did not need to sample the quinoa granola. Okay so I've got some work to do, I hope it's a good Monday for everyone!
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