So I started blogging six months ago in June, at the time I wasn't sure where I would go with it only that I wanted to do it. Since then I have had so much fun posting daily posts, recipes, and workouts. I've also felt very blessed to kind of get to know some of my readers and found new blogs that I love. Thanks to everyone for sharing in this journey with me, it has been amazing and I can't wait for another year! The following is a collection of my most popular posts since starting to blog in June. I'm glad you guys enjoyed them as much as I did!
#13) 10 Healthy and Portable Breakfast Ideas
#12) How Paul Injured Himself to Make Our Engagement a Surprise
#11) 10 Things I Learned This Summer
#10) What Living In Moderation Really Means
#9) Chocolate Banana Bread Overnight Oats
#8) 5 Songs To Get You Through Your Hump Day
#7) Angelfood Cake Overnight Oats
#6) Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Scramble
#5) Strawberry Mango Smoothie Bowl
#4) Cinnamon Apple Quinoa Bake
#3) 55 Healthy Finds at the 99 Cent Only Store + 3 Shopping Tips
#2) Four Recipe Styles for Overnight Oats
#1) Tropical Carrot Protein Smoothie
One thing that always amazes me about blogging is how I never cease to be surprised and inspired by my readers. The popular Pinterest pins (like that protein shake) are always the recipes I didn't think too much at all about, I was just doing my thing and it came out great! I've received so much support from my readers I can't thank everyone enough. What amazed me the most was how on the days that I was least confident and questioning why I was blogging I seem to receive a comment, message, or email encouraging me and lifting me up. I am happy I've been able to inspire others and make so many new friends, I can't wait for a whole new year!
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