Happy Friday! How has your week been? Mine was NON-STOP fun like always! Okay, I'm overly sarcastic this morning because I woke up feeling a little under the weather which I think is cruel and unusual punishment. If you aren't going to feel good, why not during the week, why does it have to be during the fun part of the week? Hopefully, it will pass quickly.
Unfortunately, my workouts were sub-par this week, mostly because I blew out my shins. My shoulder/rib started feeling better when my shins decided they had enough high-intensity crap and started aching. I foam rolled, iced, stretched and that helped but I think my appointment with Dr. K will help the most today. Mr. Hungry has been walking Nala all week which has been a big help, but also makes me sad! Most of my workouts are still being inspired by the same IG account as last week. I modify things here and there to fit my equipment and needs. I still love the results it gives me, I still think it's super boring. Ultimately, though, I workout to get results, not for entertainment, so there is that.
Saturday - TI Fitness
Sunday - Orange Theory - great class, it was small so they made us do cardio first
Circuit 1 (30-20-10)
- Pull ups with purple bad
- Seated shoulder press (12#DBs)
- KB Swings (35#)
- Step Ups unweighted 24-inch box
Circuit 2
- Resistance band lat pull downs 12-15
- cable chops x 15 each
- wall sit while bouncing ball x 15
- glute bridges with feet on bench, 10lb weight
Circuit 3
- 5 inch worms with push up
- 10 pivoting ball slams each way
- cable squats x 20
- Landmind shoulder press 15 each arm
Circuit 4 (6 minutes start with 2 reps add 2 every round)
- Bent over row
- bicep curl
- shoulder press
Bear Crawl Finisher
1 minute hold, 1 minute forward, 1 minute backward, 1 minute lateral left, 1 minute lateral right, 1 minute hold
Tuesday - REST
Wednesday - Upper Body ONLY - boy did my shins hurt
Circuit 1 x 3 rounds
- 15 Pull Ups with the green band
- 20 KB Swings #35lbs
- 20 Wall Balls #10lbs
- 15 Lateral Lunge and Press (12 each side) - #12lb DB
Circuit 2 x 3 rounds
- Resistance band lat pull downs 12-15
- 5 Single arm should press each side, 5 both (#15lbs - still testing the rib)
- 15 upright row to overhead press with KB (#18lb)
- hold lunge and bounce ball on either side 15 times on each leg
Circuit 3 x 3 rounds
- 15 TRX Inverted Rows
- Overhead to underhand single arm pull downs 12 each, got to #22.5lbs (cable machine)
- Squat with bicep curl, stand up to press x 15 #25KB
Circuit 4 x 3 rounds
- TRX Ab Roll Out x 15
- Pullovers with bar #35lbs
- 60 seconds opposite arm opposite leg
Thursday -
40-30-20-10 increasing weight every round
- Elevated sumo squats (I did 25, 35, 44, 53 # KBs)
- Plank Push Up with Drag (I used 5lb plate x 2, 10lb plate x 2, did most push ups on my kneews)
- Touch downs
- Single Leg Deadlifts (total - I did unweighted bring my arms parallel with the floor, then 18#, 25#, 35#)
Rest day so I can go get my shins taking care of!
Quark was on sale last week at Sprouts. I fell in love with the lemon flavor, taste like the lemon pudding my Grandma used to make! I've been throwing in a teaspoon of flax and hempseeds, plus topping with puffins!
Also loving that light pink gel nail color.
24 of the best weight loss tips from internet healthy living gurus
Um eating cookies all week. I finally had to give some to the neighbor lest we eat them all by ourselves. Said neighbor is old enough to be my Grandpa so it feels appropriate to give him all the cookies. I'm not kidding I asked him if he had any problem with almonds and I'm not kidding you his response was "I'm not allergic to any kind of cookies." Classic.
Super Bowls for the Super Bowl
Just in case you are looking for super bowl inspired recipes here is a list:
- 10 Healthy Recipes + 10 Nutrition Tips for the party
- 7 Game Day Recipes + 7 Intuitive Eating Tips
- Greek Yogurt Hummus
- Sriracha Hummus
- Spicy Guacamole
- Tuna Quinoa Sliders
- Gluten Free Mini Corn Dogs
- Healthy Homemade Baked Corn Dogs (with video)
- Buffalo Cheddar Quinoa Bites
- Jamaican Jerk Wings
- Spinach Queso Dip
- Oven "Fried" Chicken Taquitos
- 3.5 Layer Bean Dip
- Gluten Free Buffalo Chicken Meatballs
PLUS check back tomorrow because I have bonus recipes coming up! A salad that men might actually eat on a day when they have sworn off vegetables aka the Super Bowl.
I have zero interest in the super bowl to be totally and completely honest, but I do like food and Lady Gaga so for that I will tolerate it. Apparently this year Mr. Hungry doesn't have a vested interest either (thank God) so no real plans were made, except hiking sometime this weekend, assuming I don't come down with a huge cold and my shins cooperate. What about you?
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
Yeah no super bowl for me either. My Packers didn't win. 🙁 That's okay though because I've been procrastinating getting my final draft of my research paper done. Today's the day! I want it done going into the weekend. P.S. my professor loved it!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
I don't care about the Super Bowl as long as the patriots lose and the Falcons win. But do I really care? no, but I want my hometown to catch a break. You and me both on the one thing falls apart when the other heals--I finally get to run and I pull my hamstring? GAH
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
DUDE the new year starts and I mess up something in my shoulder, I fix that and blow out my shins.... WTH lol
leslie says
Sounds like a productive week, Kelli! I hope your shin has got better, and thanks very much for sharing the roundup 🙂