I know the blog silence has been killing me, but there is just so much to do the week of your wedding. I thought today would be a fun day to share our engagement story. Please enjoy and laugh! Our Engagement Story It had been a short break at home, what had been a week […]
Late Meals/Workout Plans Post Nov 10th- Nov 16th
Hello! Wow this post was suppose to go up no later than 11am today, guess that didn't happen. Quick recap on the morning. My alarm went off at 5:30 and it was shut off and I fell back asleep till 6pm for a total of 9 hours of sleep. This wedding week totally wears you […]
Grilled Sun Butter, Pumpkin Butter and Banana Sandwich
Happy Friday everyone! I'm so happy it's Friday because that means it is exactly one week till the wedding! This morning started off like almost every other morning at 6am with some green juice. The kale was a little wilted though so I got less juice from it. Kale is so bulky in the fridge […]
First "Bad" Alpha Workout and Trying to Control
Wow its so late already this is gonna be a super quick post! For breakfast this morning I enjoyed a nice light breakfast at a fundraiser for Ville De Marie Academy. The tables were set up so beautiful, that parfait was delicious I could have eaten 10 of them! A friend of ours has children […]
Dealing with Stress Eating
Congratulations we made it through another Humpday! In attempt to decrease the soreness from Alpha last night (Tuesday) I started the day off with a 25 minute Good Morning Yoga Flow (yogadownload.com). Got to love free right? It felt so good afterwards but boy was it a struggle to get out of bed and do […]
Resparking the Alpha/Crossfit Addiction
Today's lunch was another lazy one, a pumpkin pie quinoa bar and today I brought some carrots. It was easy and yummy and hit the spot, BUT its admittedly way better with pumpkin butter on top... I was starving by the time I left work at 3pm but I had errands to run like pick […]
You Can Enjoy Your Vacation and Be Healthy Too
Happy Tuesday morning everyone, day 2 of the work week puts a name on routine in our lives right? We've accepted that it is, in fact, the week and chose not to resent it by now? I don't know what is up with me and these weekday philosophies but it's true, each day has its […]
A Busy Monday
Welcome to Monday night, the night we long for during the chaos that Monday brings. My morning started with a 3 mile run with my fiance Paul. We planned four miles but we woke up almost 30 minutes later than planned thanks to the alarm not going off, so half asleep we decided to do […]
Workout Plans and Easy Meals 11/3- 11/9
Sorry this post is so late, but that is just how the cookie crumbled today! Grocery shopping was short and sweet at Trader Joe's and Costco: Here is what I've got planned for this upcoming week. Workout Plans Post training, but not completing (click here to see why I skipped out on the half marathon) […]
What I Learned and Gained from Training for a Half Marathon
Happy Sunday Everyone! So yesterday I went on my "test" run which was kind of a disaster, my foot was fine but my other leg decided to come down with a gnarly shin splint. I only did a mile and I was in some major pain afterwards. When you look like that after a one […]
Test Run
Happy All Saints Day for those of you who observe it! To the rest of everyone else Happy Halloween Hangover. Our Halloween was laid back but fun. We had dinner supplied by Costco, I had spring rolls, a couple sushi rolls, and salad. Followed by sampling just about every type of candy there was in […]
Battling My Ego
Happy Humpday Everyone! Feel a frazzled or not on your A game, check out my songs to get through your hump day for a boost! I'm trying not to be a day a behind but it seems like I always am, anyways lets take it back to good old Tuesday. I started my day off […]
Grocery Shopping Maddness
Happy Tuesday Everyone! I hope any Monday blues are being followed up with the tuesday groove. You know where you have accepted it's a work week and it isn't that bad... go by your favorite coffee shop or play your favorite music on the way to work with a happy heart? Be there people, it's […]
BLOG SILENCE BROKEN and Next Week's Meals and Workouts
OH. MY. GOSH. It's been forever since I disappeared right??? I promise I had a good reason, I took the RD Exam on Thursday and passed! So in case you didn't hear on twitter or instagram, I am officially an Registered Dietitian! It's been a long time coming and I'm excited to share my full […]
Fitness and Meal Plans 10/20-10/27
Hi All Happy Beautiful Sunday Afternoon, posting is going to be kind of light this week but I try to never miss a meal or fitness plan. If I didn't post it, I might not do it, and thats when the you know what hits the fan and I am all over the place. I've […]
A Nifty Tool to Keep Your Inbox Under Control
Hi all, sorry for the blog silence yesterday, things went a little cray cray! At least it started on the right foot with some green juice. A quick batch of cornbread later (the last batch I made the night before didn't cook all the way, so far the score is cornbread 2 Kelli 0) […]
Crossfit and Running , Yin and Yang?
Happy end of the hump day everyone! Today started off as usual for me, the alarm went off at 5am to meet the run club at 5:30am. Which I promptly shut off and then went back to bed, bet you didn't think I was going to say that! I had a number of legit and […]
How I Make Weekly Meal Plans
Hi everyone, hope you had a great Tuesday and that your Wednesday is even better! I started off today with a yummy green juice, my favorite way to start the day! I usually wait a little bit to eat breakfast but I was super hungry today so I made my usual pumpkin pie scramble right […]
9.75 Mile Run and Pumpkin Green (Protein) Smoothie
Hi all, how did your Monday go? Mine was rather productive, unless you count the non existent amount of studying I did. Luckily thats pretty much all thats on the schedule tomorrow. I have some wonderful news, I FINALLY had a good long distance training run! I'm super excited to have finally done a solid […]
Workout and Meal Plans 10/13-10/19
Welcome to a new week in the middle of October, one month till the wedding ekkk! I'm only partially freaking out, speaking of weddings... lets discuss workout plans. Per my half marathon training schedule (Part 3) I should have done a long run today, but Crossfit hasn't quite released its death grip on me yet […]
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