Happy Tuesday morning everyone, day 2 of the work week puts a name on routine in our lives right? We've accepted that it is, in fact, the week and chose not to resent it by now? I don't know what is up with me and these weekday philosophies but it's true, each day has its own feel. Anyways this morning Paul got up for a run and I wanted to go with so bad but I have Alpha tonight and my shin splints are begging for a rest. So instead I got up and made us some green juice. Then I made Paul some scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Note, usually I just take a picture of my green juice but I thought it would be nice to show how much juice actually comes from the vegetables I use. It usually makes enough for two 8-10ounce glasses.
I couldn't decide what I wanted for breakfast, I was hungry and so many things sounded good but I ended up going with my usual Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Scramble topped with pumpkin butter and sun butter.
Eating on Vacation
After reading an article last night called Nutrition doesn't take a vacation I started thinking about my upcoming honeymoon, followed by the holidays... talk about a double whammy of temptation all around. I know that I am definitely not the only one around that would get a little excited but also anxious thinking about all the goodies. I thought I would remind myself, by sharing them with you, some thoughts and actions that I use to keep myself in check but still enjoy the experience.
1. I use the 80/20 rule most of the time which means I eat 80% healthily and give myself 20% of indulgences, which I think help keep me on track. This varies considerably during vacation because I often don't have as much control. In this case, I try to balance my day as much as possible, if I know we are going to have a big dinner and dessert I'll go lighter for lunch etc. I also remember that one meal or one cookie is not going to make or break me unless I eat it and don't enjoy it because of the guilt. Then what was the point of eating it? (See this post on redirecting your thoughts if you struggle with dessert guilt.)
2. I use running or long walks as a way to explore the area I'm vacationing (it's also a good way to get some alone time and de-stress from traveling.)
3. When I can't run or go on a long walk I use HIIT training like Tabata or workouts from the Nike Trainer Ap to do a shorter but still very effective workout. I do it in the morning so I feel good all day and am not constantly trying to think of a way to get in a workout all day.
4. Most importantly, I use intuitive eating and check in with myself so that I'm eating when hungry and I stop eating when I'm 80% full. This is the hardest to do on vacation or holiday because you feel like you may never get another "blank" again. I try to redirect my thought pattern when I start to feel like that. I tell myself too seriously calm down, that I can take the leftovers or there will be other "blanks" again.
5. I try to enjoy the company as much as I do the food. Health freaks and Dietitians are very often food obsessed, and I am no exception. One thing that has really helped me is to focus on the other person and not the food. Enjoy the food while enjoying the other person company and enjoy the food together, this helps me to slow down instead of plow through and want more.
roffi says
it help to us the healthy tipsvery good