Hi all, sorry for the blog silence yesterday, things went a little cray cray! At least it started on the right foot with some green juice.
A quick batch of cornbread later (the last batch I made the night before didn't cook all the way, so far the score is cornbread 2 Kelli 0) I made a quick fruit wrap with pumpkin, obviously.
Pumpkin Sunbutter Fruit Wrap
1 spoonful of pumpkin, 1 spoonful of sunbutter, ½ banana, a tablespoon of raisins rolled in a low carb whole wheat tortilla, wrapped in a paper towel and eaten portable style. I munched on this while I hurried out the door to meet my my future sister in law and maid of honor for a coffee date followed by lots of studying. I forgot to take a picture but at Starbucks I got a non fat chai tea latte with two added shots for some studying power.
I got hungry for lunch around 2pm and came back and used the rest of my taco meat to make a salad with some of the BEST homemade beans and chips on the side.
I had planned a crockpot meal for us to be eaten after Alpha last night around 7pm. However, Paul got done working late and there was no way my legs were going to make it through any workout. I kept telling myself just to suck it up and go, then I would try and stand up and remember how sore I was. I had what would have been a preworkout snack but ended up just being a regular snack of Creamy Hummus Yogurt Dip and veggies.
I ended up doing two supersets of bicep curls paired with chest flies and overhead tricep extensions paired with push ups. 10-15 reps each 3 round and even that made me tired even though I wasn't really using my legs, after that Paul and I went on a 15 minute walk. During our walk my legs were in a lot of pain, glad (but still sad) I decided to skip Alpha. That is definitely one downside to doing "crossfit" at Lifetime instead of at a crossfit box. If you miss a Tuesday or Thursday thats it for the week, so that is a bummer. I have such a hard time resting even when I know my body needs the rest, its kind of a problem. What held me back yesterday (slash made me come to my senses) was the thought of how much I hated having to rest yesterday would be 10 times worse if I got an injury. That thought was scary enough to keep me home, I think I made the right decision.
The Crockpot Thai Chicken came out wonderful though and it was super easy, I made the coconut rice with quinoa instead and it was delicious! (Topped with lots of sirracha of course.)
Followed by way to many candy corns, pumpkins are my favorite and Paul likes the chocolate ones so it works out!
On a random side note a friend sent me an invite to unroll me and I love it so much I thought I would share it!
I have a spam email, but I NEVER check it. I usually just go through and delete thousands of emails for no reason like 4 times a year. So the stuff I think I actually might want to read I send to my regular email. That kind of stinks though because I don't always want to open old University of Arizona stuff or advertisements from Active.com (unless its running gear) so it clogs up my inbox. With unroll me it finds all the subscriptions I am subscribed to and gives me the option to keep it in my inbox, roll it up, or unsubscribe. SUPER EASY. For everything that I roll up I get one email and can browse through it when I have time and click on the things I want to. It's kind of a better version of what google is trying to do by separating your emails into inbox, promotions and social. I think its better because I show less in my inbox on my phone which doesn't sort my email like google does, but I don't miss anything because I can still scan the roll up email to see if there is anything I really want to read (or have time for.) I'm always looking for ways to simplify life and this is a pretty nifty little tool, check it out at https://unroll.me/.
Have a good day everyone!
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