Leek and Asparagus Frittata Oh my gosh you guys, this frittata was meatless and SO SO SO good! I made it last Thursday for dinner and lunch on Friday and it was delicious! Normally I would throw some turkey bacon or some protein in the mix, but I wanted to have the leftovers on Friday […]
This Week's Salty Sweet Salad Combo
I’m loving this weeks salad combination, which is similar to so many other weeks but I don’t care I’ll never get sick of it. Plus it takes 5 minutes to make and throw in a lunch box so that’s a double win! Start with some salad greens Add in: - 2-3 chopped dates - 2-3 […]
Last Week's Eats & Health Habits Recap Week 9
Hello, everyone and happy Tuesday, sorry for pushing this post back a day but I had to celebrate National Pack Your Lunch Day yesterday (click here for —-> tips on packing your lunch)! Last week I challenged myself to focus on making balanced meals. As I explained in the challenge post, some days I end […]
Tips For Packing a Quick & Healthy Lunch
In honor of National Pack Your Lunch Day (I don’t know who decides these things, but it’s on my new Food Holiday Calendar App which I downloaded when I got upset I missed National Pancake Day), I thought I would share some tips on quickly packing a healthy lunch. *Note I will recap last week’s Healthy […]
This Week's Meal Plans and Fitness (3/9/14
This week I’m going too…. Since I won’t be juicing that much this week, I need to focus on staying hydrated. Plus it’s a good habit to get into BEFORE it is blazing hot this summer. I usually drink ⅔ of my water from 4pm to 9pm, starting in the car ride home and then […]
Healthy iPhone App Review: Seafood Watch
First, let me start with an apology. Apparently, I should have announced it would be seafood extravaganza here at Hungry Hobby this week. I didn’t know that I was going to be totally and entirely obsessed with seafood, but apparently, I am. Usually, if I can’t have meat one day, I try my hardest to […]
Easy Spicy Salmon & Hump Day Playlist (7 Uplifting Songs for your Hump Day)
Hump Day Playlist Source Happy Hump Day, hahahahahahaha! This Wednesday isn’t to terrible around here, I actually got some sleep last night so that was a win in my book. Anyway all week I’ve been putting together (taking screen shots on my phone) a list of songs that really brighten up my day and would […]
Weekly Meal Plan (3/2/14-3/8/14)
Are you ready for a new challenge this week? After years of following the low fat/non fat train, followed by low carb only way to live lifestyle I had almost forgotten that at the end of the day it’s calories that count. I think I demonstrated that to myself pretty clearly when I lost weight […]
Healthy iPhone Ap Review Friday: UM Skin Check (Skin Cancer Prevention App)
Happy freaking Friday! I’m so excited I can barely stand it, this week has been a total blur. I don’t feel like I ever came up for air, but now it’s the weekend and I can’t wait to go out an party (or more likely sleep—-> so cool.) I’m looking forward to the grilled cheese […]
Dark Chocolate Sun Butter Chia Pudding
Dark Chocolate Sun Butter Chia Pudding is a sweet, nutty & creamy breakfast or snack. Packed with protein, fiber & healthy fats to keep you full! I don’t know what my recent obsession with chia seeds has been but all of a sudden I’ve been adding them everywhere. Ever since I wrote about the health […]
Blueberry Muffin Overnight Oats
I feel like I literally signed my life away last night which can only mean one thing…. we are probably buying a house! I say probably because apparently you never really know till the deal closes. Needless to say trying to get everything done before Paul goes on his business trip in two days has […]
Tips For Injury Recovery - How To Deal With A Sports Injury
Hey out there, happy Monday! Last week I heard the funniest thing on the radio, they were talking about how a new study came out and said the “case of the Mondays” has been proven to exist. I don’t know about you but I was 100% with the radio guy when he said “I don’t […]
Weekly Meal Plan, Fitness & Healthy Challenge 2/23/14-3/1/14
What to focus on this week? At first I was kind of at a loss, I couldn’t think of anything I should focus on. In life though, there is always room for improvement. So this week… Sometimes people will come into my office and I’ll be so busy/stressed I will answer questions without even looking […]
Healthy iPhone App Review Friday: Fast Food, Fast Food Nutrition, Calories, Carbs, & Under 600 App Reviews
Happy Friday!!!!! For being a short week man that was a long one wasn't it? I've been thinking about reviewing these apps for quite some time, so I'm happy to get this post up today. All three of the apps above are electronic versions of the book I used rather frequently in college, I […]
Butternut Squash and Chicken Chorizo Enchilada Skillet
I’m not sure what my recent obsession with chicken chorizo is, except that its already flavored and ready to make any meal amazing in just a few minutes. Plus Mexican food is by far my favorite type of food and I only recently discovered chorizo. Every time I open the freezer I pause to […]
Make Ahead Chia Parfaits & Chia Seed Benefits
Is there such thing as the Tuesday blues? Back to work, back to the daily grind after this 3 day weekend. It would have been better if we hadn’t lost the UofA/ASU game in double overtime do to terrible reffing on Friday. I mean come on, it was so bad that the PAC 12 refs […]
Calorie Counting Journey Part 3: How I Stopped Counting and Started Living
Calorie Counting Journey Part 3: How I STOPPED Calorie Counting So, the reason I wanted to start blogging originally was to give back. Discovering health and fitness blogs where people tracked what they ate via "blog Diaries" helped me to learn how to live a healthy life. Sound weird? It is. I counted calories for […]
Weekly Plans: Meals, Fitness, & Healthy Habits Challenge (2/16/14- 2/22/14)
Weekly Healthy Habits Challenge Hi Y’all lets kick off this Sunday afternoon post with this weeks healthy habits challenge. This weeks post is a really good example of how we can be so good at some things in our lives at certain points, but then kind of fall out of the habit. When I […]
Healthy Apps Review: Harvest & Seasons
Happy Valentine’s Day! I can’t wait to see the Wildcats play tonight, it’s been way to long! I wanna get decked out but I do realize I will be in Sun Devil territory and I don’t want to get egged or something, are there rules on going to far in the rival teams territory? Anyway, […]
Valentine's Day Dining Out Tips
This Week’s Salad Combo: Buffalo Chicken with Goat Cheese In the mix: - Chicken Tenders (—->Paul made enough for the whole week by sautéing frozen ones on medium for 20-30 minutes doused in Franks Red Hot. He makes it while he plays video games on Sunday.) - ½ slice peppered turkey bacon - 2 […]
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