It's weird writing these posts because it feels like I'm a week ahead because week 0 is week one on here. So today he is 7 weeks old but I'm reporting on week 7. I'm probably rambling and making zero sense which I do a lot these days.
Body Changes
Nothing that new to report here. Although I think it's interesting I still have a pretty intense linea negra. I thought for sure it would have disappeared by now. As far as other skin stuff, I did get some stretch marks on my sides which are fading pretty quick. I'm not doing anything about them though except using bio- oil inconsistently.
6 Week Post Partum Appointment
Got the green light to begin exercising, so that's exciting! It was a quick appointment, she checked me out and said I was good to go. She also checked out that lump in my breast that fills with milk and decreases after feeding. She is 100% certain it's a galactocele since it almost disappears after nursing but she wrote my ultrasound paperwork so I wouldn't worry. From what I read, I'm lucky it isn't much bigger, so I hope it stays that way.
- Pumping in the early morning when the baby is still asleep. Usually around 4 or 5 am I feed him on one side then pump on the other side while checking my email. It's not ideal, but I get more than if I wait till later in the morning and it's less stressful.
- Trying to use the Haaka after his long stretch of sleep but often times I'm too tired to get up and do it, I do this about 50% of the time.
- Less latching issues - he still needs to be calmed down before feeding or he won't latch but overall this significantly improved. I didn't really do anything to improve it, just kind of resolved (for the most part) on its own.
- Coconut oil officially makes the best nipple cream! Plus it's naturally anti fungal/anti baceterial!
- Overall nothing that I'm too concerned about. I do get comments rather frequently about how "skinny" he is, which kind of freak me out. I mean I know the pediatrician says he is growing fine, it's just his weight has a hard time catching up with his length. As his sole source of food it feels like a lot of pressure, but until the pediatrician says otherwise, I try to let the comments not bother me.
- My pump doesn't work with batteries so I'm working with Lansinoh to get replacements.
Things are still the same, I'm getting about 7-9 hours of sleep between the hours of 9 pm and 9 am. However, my nights are SO MUCH EASIER than they were before because he usually goes back to sleep without a fight.
He usually goes down between 7 and 9 pm (it's a crapshoot!) and sleeps 4-5 hours, breastfeeds, then is up again in another 2-3 hours. If it's 3 hours, then I feed on one side and get up to pump the other side around 5 am ish. He usually wakes up again around 6 am but I'm able to get him down again for 1-3 hours, which is usually when I go back to sleep.
- No more bleeding or cramping!
- I've been waking up in the middle of the night SUPER nauseous. I'm still not sure what is going on there, it's when I wake up to breastfeed around 1-2 am. I've been taking a Zantac before bed which seems to be helping but overall my stomach has felt off the last few days.
- Do to my stomach feeling off my appetite has been back to bland carbs like pretzels for my middle of the night snacks. Other than that I'm doing mostly okay. My appetite isn't insane but I'm trying to eat at least 3 meals a day.
- Thirst has decreased significantly, too bad I was enjoying feeling uber healthy slamming water all day. Now that my stomach has been feeling off I've been drinking more soda waters (aka La Croix.)
- SUPER OILY HAIR AND SKIN! OH M G I've never had oily hair before, usually, I can go a solid week without washing my hair. Now, my hair is gross oily within 12 hours of washing it. Brad (my hair guy) recommended a few products because I'm so grossed out. It won't hold a curl or wave either because it's so oily. GROSS I thought I was supposed to lose hair not become an oily 14 year old.
Emotional/Well Being
At the beginning of this week I started to notice some "blues" feelings. I felt like every day was just endless baby crying, napping, eating, and changing. Luckily I met up with a friend early in the week who really encouraged me to get out of the house for stuff other than walks. Luckily, Wednesday I had to get out of the house for my 6 week PP appointment.
During that appointment, it was like all the stars aligned perfectly. KJ was in an unusually pleasant mood which was great because I was running behind (go figure with a newborn) and then he slept through the whole appointment. I was so worried about going to the appointment alone and it really wasn't a big deal AT ALL. A few reasons why I think this happened 1) because I lucked out he wasn't that fussy 2) we've been working on him putting himself to sleep 3) I brought the sound machine with us. (Tips from @takingcarababies )
Anyways, that experience gave me the confidence to venture out to Target the next day which also went pretty well. He wasn't too happy during the car ride back (read non stop screaming), but since that was less than 10 minutes of the whole ordeal I'd say it was a win. The actual experience inside Target was rather pleasant and I noticed I just felt better-going places.
So that will be the goal next week to get out more. I know that not every time I go somewhere will be pleasant, however, I think I just needed to know there was the potential it could go alright. Before this week I felt like going anywhere with him was just dumb because he would be fussy the whole time. Now that he has learned to nap a little bit better it's much easier to go places.
On Thursday I picked up the pace of my afternoon walk with the baby and Nala. It felt amazing to get a little sweaty! Then later that night I did my first workout! I decided to purchase Gina's Post Baby Bod 12 Week program. I probably won't follow it exactly, but I plan to use it as a template. Mr. Hungry has made some additions to our gym since I've been able to use it, so happy to be back at it!
I did the first workout from her program on Thursday and whoa was it humbling. It was upper body and I did everything with 5 and 8lb weights. It's crazy to me to think I was using 25# weights to chest press and now I'm using 8lb weights. Like I said, definitely humbling but it felt great. Big shout out to Mr. Hungry to watching the baby during his fussiest part of the day so I can get a workout in!
What I'm Loving This Week
- Still have to keep mentioning the the sound machine (which by the way has a flashlight), now more than ever, since it's really helped taking it with us.
- Car seat cover - but if I were to get another one I would get it in a dark color maybe even black (like this one). It keeps people from touching him during flu season but it also serves to create a dark space where baby can nap when we are out. For that reason, I'd get a super dark color if I got another one.
- Jungle Gym - we just started using this at night for some entertainment. So far he really likes it!
- Changing pad - every time I wipe this sucker down I thank the lord I'm not trying to manage another thing to be laundered.
- Snuza - I just started using this more consistently. It definitely gives me a little extra peace of mind to know he is wearing it.
Brigid says
Don't worry about people saying KJ is skinny. My first son was long and lean. He chunked up down the road. It all works out. If there was ever a concern, your doctor would say something.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!!!!