We've officially entered the all pictures are blurry phase because I never stop moving phase. This year is flying by, and now we only have one more month until baby girl turns a year old! I just realized your sign says May 7th, but the photos were actually taken on April 7th. Oh, man, if that isn't your sign that you're the third baby, I don't know what it is. Mama is #sleepdeprived. Maybe we should retake those pictures haha Your life is just so different than your brother was. We're always out and about and when we are home, there are five times as many toys as when I had your oldest brother.
If these pictures don't summarize what it's like to be the youngest of three with two older brothers, I don't know what does.
Your relationship with your oldest brother continues to grow. He still loves to hold you, play with you, make you laugh, and be near you. But you and KK are also growing closer as well. KK loves to "wake you up" in the morning. He gives you toys, sings to you, and gives you hugs. He is more likely than your oldest brother to be jealous of the toys you're playing with or the attention you're getting, but he's closer to your age. Next month (and every year after), you'll both have birthdays within a week of each other.
This month was a big month for you. You started pulling up to stand, cruising on furniture, and using the push walker. I have this feeling you're going to be walking by the end of the month, but who knows. It seems to me that once you figure something out, you're fast at becoming efficient in that skill.
What you're not fast at is getting teeth. You have three (two on the bottom and one on the top), and it seems like that second front tooth has been sitting there pushing on your gums for weeks. You've been pretty fussy, so I'm just hoping it breaks through soon.
You are currently taking 1-3 naps a day. Yep, it's pretty variable. As the third baby, there isn't time for strict nap schedules or routines, as you are on everyone else's schedule. You're not one to typically fall asleep in the car, but if you do, we might have three naps. Some days, you aren't ready to go down for your first nap till way later, and you end up with one nap. It's really pretty variable.
We're still nursing 4-6 times a day, but as soon as that tooth finally comes in, we will probably start dropping some of the daytime nursing sessions. At this point, if Mommy isn't there to nurse you, we just give you food. You won't take a bottle during the day anyway, so it's whatever. You are still getting a nighttime bottle of Bobbie as well. You drink anywhere from 2-6 ounces at night before bed as a nightcap haha
You are still riding in the Doona, but we are likely to replace it soon (after school gets out.) If I'm going somewhere that I know you will be in the seat for a long time, I transfer you to the umbrella stroller. The Doona is a godsend for pick up/drop off at school, but for longer periods of time, I can tell it's pretty uncomfortable to hang out in. You seem much more comfortable in the umbrella stroller that sits upright during KJs 45 minute gymnastics class. But, overall, I don't think there has been one baby product that holds a candle to the Doona. It's been worth every single penny for school drop off/pick up alone, as well as traveling and a million other scenarios.
Picktails and ponytails is your daily hair style, I can't get over how cute it you are! I have so much fun dressing you every day. I'm relishing it while I can because I know you won't always let me do your hair or pick out your clothes. In fact, you already have a lot of opinions about life. Your only 11 months old and you already have the toddler temper tantrum down, complete with a back arch or dramatically laying your head between your legs. Lord help me ha ha This is why I was given a daughter last, God knew I needed the practice withstanding the emotions of a toddler before having a girl.
Food has been tough with those teeth taking so long to come in, but here are some of your favorite foods:
- cheese of any and all kinds - by far your favorite food
- peanut butter toast
- most fruit (blueberries, strawberries, apples)
- baby french toast
- banana muffins
- bananas
- puffs and Bambas
- bell pepper strips
- broccoli
- asparagus
- green beans
- Banza pasta - sometimes plain, sometimes with whatever sauce we are eating
- avocado toast (hit or miss)
- applesauce
- fig bars
- chicken
- salmon
- burgers
- steak
- carnitas
- yogurt (even sweetened - you just don't like it)
- cottage cheese
- hummus
- peaches
- eggs
Activity Likes (pretty much the same as last month):
- Grabbing your feet
- Pulling off socks
- Walking with the push walker
- Being held
- Being in the carrier
- Your brothers are making funny noises
- Any random box as long as it's new
- The remote control
- My phone
- Riding in the car
- Riding in the stroller
- Watching your brothers play
- The Kitty
- Mommy singing
- Playing with toys
- Swings – YOU LOVED THIS!
- Baths
- When you can see Mommy, but she isn’t holding you
- When Mommy leaves the room
- New people (they scare you now)
- Loveevery Toys
- Baby Einstein Toy
- Burt’s Bees Sleepsack
- Graco Pack N Play
- Dr. Browns Narrow Glass Bottles
- Bobbie Gentle Formula
- Portable sound machine
- Hatch Rest + (gifted to us)
- Doona Carseat –> The one big purchase I made for baby 3!
- Baby Brezza Sterilizer
- Ergo 360
- Newton Baby Mattress
- Baby Splat Mat
- Grapple Highchair Toy
- Stroller Lite (I still use the Doona a lot, but if we are gonna be out somewhere for more than 20 minutes, I use the umbrella stroller since it seems more comfortable. )
- I’m not pumping much these days anymore! Only if I really, really have to so I took that stuff off the list!
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