Hi friends! I can't believe the second trimester has already come and gone! I wanted to record this, first for my own records. Second, because I know many of you reading are at various stages in your own pregnancies!
So for me, the magic of the second trimester didn't start until around 22-23 weeks. So yea, if you are keeping track that means I got a blissful 6 ish weeks before I hit the third trimester.
I was SOOOOOO sure that my morning sickness and extreme fatigue would magically vanish at 14 weeks, but it didn't, not for me. Instead, it was more like a gradual decline in symptoms to feeling normal. So, that being said, second-trimester favorites/essentials include all of the first trimester favorites and essentials.
Body Pillow
As for the second trimester, a few things started to change. As the baby bump became more apparent my muscles kind of freaked out. I developed "mild" chondritis of the rib which meant I had to stay in a really good posture to stay out of pain.
At night, I had to ditch my beloved pregnancy pillow, which felt like I was sleeping on clouds for a good old body pillow. This worked better because I could tuck the body pillow under my armpit, my shoulder would make contact with the bed and my head goes on a VERY SOFT pillow.
So in other words, instead of being slightly lifted on the pregnancy U Shape pillow I am one flat line with my ribs/belly supported. I still wish I could sleep with the pregnancy pillow (so soft and wonderful), but sleeping in the right position without pain is key.
Support Belt
For a couple weeks I had some severe pubic symphysis pain. It basically felt like a cross between period cramps and my pelvis getting ripped in half. As a first-time mom it definitely freaked me out, but I found that a pregnancy support belt when walking combined with rest really helped! I still use this when working out.
Foam Roller & Compression Socks
My foam roller and I were best friends for my shoulder pain this past trimester. I also rolled out my calves and shins whenever they started to ache as well! I wore the compression socks all day when my calves and shins started to ache and I think it really helped it pass a lot faster!
Swiss Water Process Decaf Coffee
I should have put this in my first-trimester recap, but I didn't find it until my second trimester. I was drinking decaf only until my OB said that she would rather me do 1 cup of regular coffee a day then decaf do the extra chemicals used in processing decaf coffee
. I wasn't exactly comfortable with that recommendation so I decided to switch to Swiss Water Process decaf coffee. Now I do half caff iced coffee (how I make cold brew) using this coffee brand.
Cranberry Juice
I really wanted to avoid getting a UTI, which are super common in pregnancy. So I started mixing ¼ cup unsweetened cranberry juice into 32 ounces of water daily. It really helped me stay hydrated because I liked the taste more than regular water!
Belly Butter
At the beginning of the first trimester, I was SOOOOO itchy. Like my skin, especially my belly would just itch like CRAZY. I've used several but Burts Beesis my favorite and the best priced.
Prenatal Vitamins
I covered these in this post and probiotics in this post! Repeat, never be out of Natural CalmEVER!
Qalo or Silicone Ring
Eventually, my ring got to tight and because it's pretty intricate I didn't want to resize it a thousand times. I ordered a silicone ringand love it, I actually ordered two sizes a size 5 and size 6 (normal ring size is 4.25.)
I wore the size 5 until the start of the third trimester and now am wearing the size 6. The size 5 still fits, it's just when walking in the heat it gets pretty tight. I'll probably be able to switch back to size 5 when it the weather cools down before I give birth unless my hands swell a ton!
Mindful Birthing
I listened tothis book on audible during my morning walks with Nala. It was recommended to me by a friend and was a great read/listen. As my mind shifted from fear of miscarriage to fear of birth, it really helped to keep me centered and open minded.
Stitchfix Maternity
Their second-trimester picks were ON point and always came right when I needed them. If I'm wearing anything other than shorts and t-shirt, I probably got it from Stitch Fix. If it's a cute shirt, I probably got that from Stitch Fix as well!
Pregnancy recaps so far:
Karly Foret says
yay. Happy Third Trimester!!! Getting closer to the end! 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
OMG RIGHT?!?!?!?! I oscillate between thinking 11 weeks is a lot and then I think it's like tomorrow literally every hour!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
Matt loves his cranberry juice. I actually am going to recommend he mix some in his water. He has big problems staying hydrated!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
It makes it so much easier to drink!