Baby Size:
Currently Missing:
Food Aversions:
Food Cravings:
Maternity Clothes:
Current situation.....
Looking forward too:
Thinking about:
decrease frequency of posts
arrange guest bloggers
schedule out as much social media ahead of time
remember that baby is only little once
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
I'm sorry about the sleep issues, but I'm glad that you might have a better solution. I was pretty/very lucky that I just woke up a lot, not so much that I was in pain. The hubs FINALLY getting to feel the kick is so awesome. I didn't feel Emmie kick all that much for a while because of the placement of my placenta, so I'm pretty sure Emmie had to whale away at my stomach in order for Alex to feel her.
PS you look amaze. JSYK.
And as for blogging and such--you are in a bit of a different boat than I was because your blog is very much your business. So while I would say "hey, take your time!" (and I really do), I understand the need to schedule and stuff like that. Mostly I would just decide ahead of time what you want to share and what you want to keep private. I'm obviously an over-sharer 😀
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks, girl for the advice! The decision on what to share will be a tough one for sure because it's obviously not just what I'm comfortable with but also what the hubs is comfortable with. Sleep is getting so much better so I'm happy about that! I think we might have a little soccer player in there or something, I have an anterior placenta also so I don't think we are supposed to be feeling anything yet.
Marianne says
Happy Birthday Kelli!!!!!!!
Pops and moms
Karly Foret says
The off the shoulder shirt is so cute on you! Also love the crib! So many exciting things happening!
Marcy says
Happy Birthday, Kelli!! You look great:)
Jasmin Cooper says
Hi Kelli,
Thank you for sharing and I am so very happy for you! Your pregnancy photos are beautiful. I love reading your updates. Wishing you safe and speedy delivery.