Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
I started to feel more kicks and wiggles this week! This week's big thing was I had a friend who told me all about a hypnobirthing class she is taking (she is due way ahead of me), and it sounded so cool. This friend has a very similar personality to me, and the more she talked about it, the more I liked it. I tried to sign up for classes, but you have to sign up in your area, and I don't want to do it in person because of COVID (AZ instructors are only in person), so I opted for the home study course.
If you've had a positive experience with natural labor with or without hypnobirthing materials, I'd love to hear! I spent a lot of time thinking back to the experience I had with KJ. You can read the full birth story here. While I wouldn't change my labor story with KJ because it was what I needed at the time. The more I think about it, the more I'd like to avoid an epidural or really any intervention if possible this time.
I had some heartburn during working out this week, which was annoying but went away shortly after finishing my workouts.
Bakernberner says
Congratulations on baby boy number two! I just had my first - a baby girl. I was intent on having as little intervention as possible as my worst fear (other than not having a healthy baby of course) was a c section. I took a prenatal class that included hypno birthing techniques and adjacent modalities/ideas to support the birth experience the mother wanted (including if that meant drugs, c section etc - whatever you envisioned). Based on my desired birth I was set on no drugs, no/little intervention - I am so grateful I was able to have a successful, vaginal, breech birth with zero drugs and zero interventions (other than forceps to help her head out at end). While it was long and painful (I think mainly as was my first one and I had no idea what to expect) - I am so happy with my decisions and building the team (doctor, doula), my prep (used an epi-no (I didn’t have any perienum tearing), hypno birthing and other meditation, and optimal positioning exercises) and birth plan to support it. I think those things are key to having whatever experience you decide you want. Happy to provide more detail separately.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!