Look at me posting a Friday Favorites this week before noon! How was your week, friends? Mine was good. We are settling into our temporary living situation and enjoying building new routines. KK was sick then hardcore teething the last couple of weeks which was draining with the move. I'm glad to see those two front teeth popped through and a smile on his face again (and I'm so happy to sleep at night again.) He has always been a happy little dude, unphased unless very hungry or tired, but it's a rough week for everyone around when he has a tooth coming through. I can not believe he will be a year in just two short weeks. I'm soaking up these last little bits of babyhood because he is moving into toddler land SO SO SO fast.
I didn't even try to get him to lay down for this photo! I don't know how I got KJ to lay down at 11 months!
Do you think they look alike? I can see they are related, but let's say there is no mistaking whose baby picture is whose.
Also, can we note how many teeth KJ had at 11 months? They all came in during four consecutive weeks in months 9-10. So KK just barely popped his two front teeth, and he is almost 11.5 months!
Around the blog this week:
Meal Plan Subscribers, your meal plan is in your inbox!
Car Hooks
I saw these car hooks on a reel and immediately went to Amazon to order them. There are no more trash bags floating around or, worse, purses falling over and spilling out their contents. I'm obsessed. Such a small thing to make me so happy!
Window Markers
Julie over at PBFingers.com has raved about these window markers, so many times we finally tried them out! KJ isn't super into drawing, but it held his attention longer than most drawing/art-related activities! So that's a win! They were easy to wash off and didn't leave any residue. Plus, after they color on the windows, you are incentivized to clean the window. Or have them (the kids) do it!
Baby Einstein 4 in 1 Walk Around
I ordered this table/walker after we accidentally sent KK's outside PlayStation to storage. It's great because, unlike a walker where they run into everything, this goes around the table. Then once they outgrow the walker, it turns into a play table. It's pretty great! (Yes, we follow guidelines to not use walkers longer than 15 minutes at a time a couple of times a day.)
Odyssey Aquarium
On Wednesday, my mom and I took the kids to the aquarium, and KJ kept saying each animal was his friend. It was adorable! He is super into watching Octonauts, so he was SUPER excited about the aquarium. (Poor KK got cut off from the photo.)
PS The photo quality is terrible, but those are the shoes I raved about a couple of weeks ago. The shirt and shorts are from Stitch Fix ages ago.
Hungryroot Favorite Of The Week - Korean Chicken
We order about one box per month nowadays, and this last go around, the Korean chicken was the winner everyone loved the most! So if you haven't tried it, definitely throw that one in your box! (PS I have a full review and discount code for Hungryroot here.)
Lots of walks this past week! I've been more consistent with walking than I thought without Nala around. (She's with my Aunt and Uncle up north until we can move into our new home.)
Friday (4/22) - Upper Body Workout with Bowflex + walk
Saturday (4/23) - 2.75 mile run
Sunday (4/24) - Off
Monday (4/25) - Summer Bootcamp on Aaptiv + 30 minute walk
Tuesday (4/26) - Upper Body Workout + 45-minute walk
Wednesday (4/27) - 20-minute walk
Thursday (4/28) - 40-minute walk
Friday Flashbacks
Workout Inspiration
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