Happy Belated 11 Month Birthday Little Man!
Guess what you did just a couple days before you turned 11 months old?
You are nowhere near walking on your own, but practicing with you is so much fun!
This month you gained awareness of others that you didn't have before. You've done SUPER adorable things like hand object to us, place objects up on the couch and knock them down, wave, high-five, reach out to be picked up, etc... it is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! Playing with you is a workout though because you are SUPER active and only gaining speed!
You haven't said any more new words, but you are talking a TON. You make new sounds all the time and love to join in our conversations. You particularly love to join in on the homily at church.
You have six teeth, but I think you might be working on a few more. You also survived your first cold and ear infection, so that was no fun but passed within a week with antibiotics. And you are doing great with less binky time. We cut the binkies off your wubbanubs and limit your time with your nookums to before naps and during sleep time. At first, you were a little thrown off, but you are doing pretty good now.
You are nursing 3-4 times per day and still getting a bottle of formula at night. Mommy is going on a trip right around your first birthday so we will likely wean or close to wean right before that.
I may try and pump a little on the trip so you can continue to breastfeed in the mornings as long as you want, but if my milk supply dries up, I think we will be okay. We fought hard to breastfeed this long, but you aren't super attached to it, and you eat solids well, so we will see what happens.
As far as our diet goes, the only thing we are strictly avoiding is dairy. We limit eggs, but you do okay having them every once in a while. A huge win for Mommy's meals! For your meals, you're throwing Mommy for a loop this month with your meals. Your likes/dislikes seem to change as fast as the wind.
A few foods that you used to love the best that you will barely touch now are banana, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pears. A few foods you used to not really like, that you currently like are peas and broccoli. Foods you still love include baby meatloaves (different versions made with chicken, turkey, or beef), salmon, mandarin oranges (new), baby muffins, blueberries, whole wheat rolls (made by your great Aunt), and peanut butter.
Overall, you are still a great eater, though! You are also a fantastic water drinker. You are drinking a couple of water cups per day!
As far as activity likes and dislikes, they are pretty much the same as last month. I did start taking you up to swing at the park, and you love that as well! I can't believe next month you are going to be one-year-old and probably an official toddler!
I almost forgot to mention that you got your first hair cut! We were lucky enough to have a friend come over and do the hair cut here. I think because you are so used the blender every morning, the buzzing sound didn't bother you at all!
You were perfectly happy to eat your cracker and get your hair cut! Now you look like a "real boy" ha ha The hair cut definitely took away some of your baby look and made you look like a little boy instead of a baby. Tear, sob, sob!
You are just so cute my Mama heart is constantly doing flips. I wish time would slow down a little bit!
Now I hear you waking up from your nap so it's time to head down to the park and swing for a little while before dinner. Love you Little K!
Dear Baby K Posts:
- Dear Baby K – 4 months
- Dear Baby K – 5 Months
- Dear Baby K – 6 Months
- Dear Baby K — 7 Months
- Dear Baby K — 8 Months
- Dear Baby K — 9 Months
- Dear Baby K -- 10 Months
[…] Deary Baby K — 11 Months […]