Happy Memorial Day! Let me take a moment to say thank you to all those who have served in the armed forces to defend and protect the U.S. Not only them, but also their families which also make sacrifices daily so that we can sleep soundly. I have always been very proud to be able […]
His and Hers Green Tea Latte Recipes
Happy Friday! Today I thought I'd share with you one of the Shallal household favorite Friday traditions... Green Tea Lattes! I make these just about every Thursday night to have Friday morning as a little Friday treat. They are delicious and way cheaper than stopping at Starbucks. Mr. Hungry likes his latte a bit sweeter […]
Pinterest Pin It Party 5 Link Up
One day closer to the three day weekend, home stretch people. Lindsay over at The Lean Green Bean is hosting a Pin It Party and I thought it would be fun to participate. The rules are to put together a post with the recipes you would love to see on Pinterest. Then you pin images from […]
WIAWRD (5/21)
Hello hello friends and happy humpday, the middle of the week doesn't feel so bad when you know a three day weekend is coming up right???? Given the crazy amount of green smoothies I had for dinner last week, I thought I would do a day recap for this WIAWRD edition, instead of the whole weeks meals like […]
New Blog Design Reveal & Meal/Fitness Plan (5/18-5/24)
Hi out there, happy Tuesday! Sorry about the recent silence in posts but I've been working hard re-organizing the blog to launch the new design you see today (if you are using a reader click over so you can check it out!) Truthfully, I did very minimal work compared to my awesome blog designer Julie […]
Breakfast for Dinner
Wow, who is else is happy Monday is donzo? This girl definitely is! I REALLY wanted to work out when I finally got home, but alas it did not happen the way I wanted it to. I tried to work out but I was pretty sore in my lower back from this weekends swimming, running […]
Happy Mama's Day!!! & Meal Plan (5/11)
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Wishing all you Mama's out there a day filled with all the love and appreciation you deserve for all that you do, the world is a better place for it! Switching gears...sorry no post on Friday and I'm just popping in for a second because posting is going to be sporadic. Why? […]
Tzatziki Tuna Pitas
Happy Thursday everyone, one more day till the weekend! I can almost hear myself singing TGIF ....tomorrow that is anyways. Guess what?!? I went to the gym last night for the first time in forever! (Okay well I'd been there to swim and for the personal training session, but not just to do a workout on my […]
WIAW (4/28)
My meals have been all over the place lately, some RD approved and some not so much, I definitely got some serious randomness in there and lots of snacking. Less sleep = more eats. This week I'm definitely focusing on sleeping more and snacking less. *Disclaimer: I do not take a picture of EVERYTHING I […]
Tequila Sangria
I've got a new obsession for this summer.... After seeing the idea if tequila and sangria mixed together here and here, I knew I needed to give it a whirl for Cinco De Mayo. It was epic, I love my cocktails with a hint of sweetness and this totally hit the spot. Ingredients: 1 cup […]
Meal Plan (5/5) & 7 Healthy Cinco De Mayo Meals
Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone! Sorry this post isn't going up on its usually scheduled Sunday time, I had a lot going on this weekend! Let's get to it... I went to all three stores again this weekend...Hello, My Name is Kelli and I'm addicted to grocery shopping. On the bright side I have enough […]
Getting Ready Recap (Wedding Recap)
Bride and Bridesmaids I’m going to keep up with wedding recap Friday from the last Friday (Rehearsal Recap), todays recap is about the getting ready moments. My mom, bridesmaids and I got ready at the Residence Inn in Gilbert, AZ near our church. I was so happy to have all my best friends, family and […]
Taking A Week Off Stress (WIAW 4/21)
Hi everyone! How is your week going on this lovely humpday? I’m so excited for this weekend I can barely stand it, but I digress let’s talk about last week. Last week I decided to “take a week off of stress,” I basically had a little stay-cation simple by giving myself a break physically and […]
Thank You
I was nominated by Havens Bake @Skinny Sweet Treats for the Liebster Award! This award is given to bloggers by other bloggers as a way to explore new and upcoming blogs, the only qualification is that they must have under 200 followers at the time of nomination. When I started blogging almost a year ago all I […]
Meal Plan (4/27) & Weekend Recap
Wow this weekend FLEW by, I hate it when that happens! All my grocery shopping was done today in a total rush, I literally just started grabbing things off shelves hoping I could make it all work. I did pretty well, I think I even got enough to last me TWO weeks… but we will […]
Long Over Due Wedding Rehearsal Recap
I didn’t have a time to review any healthy iPhone apps this week, so I thought I’d get around to FINALLY putting together some wedding posts! It is so crazy to me to look back on the rehearsal/rehearsal dinner now almost 6 months later. The rehearsal itself was fun because all the bridal party was […]
How To Cut Back On Caffeine With Minimal Side Effects
Hi everyone! So I spent the last four weeks cutting back on Caffeine consumption and I’m so happy I did, I thought I’d share my experience in case you’ve thought about reining in the caffeine monster. Why I Decided My Caffeine Intake Was Too Much In graduate school I used to take breaks from caffeine […]
WIAW (4/15)- See What An RD Eats 5
What does a Dietitian really eat? It’s Wednesday again, isn’t that crazy? The days just keep rolling by, sorry no post last night I got a brutal massage that left me pretty sore… hoping it will loosen up some of my angry muscles though! At this point we are suspecting a bad tear or strain in the […]
Meal Planning - Adapting the Whole Month Plan (4/20-4/26)
Happy Monday everyone (or probably Tuesday by the time you read this)! Since I didn’t get a chance last weekend I thought I’d pop in to update on my mini shopping trip and meal plan this week! Grocery Shopping Trader Joe’s & Costco We swung by Trader Joe’s and then Costco Friday night after dinner […]
Easter 2014 Recap
I hope everyone had a nice weekend! We went to the Easter Mass Vigil which was an incredibly moving experience because it reminded me that I have now been baptized for one full year! It’s crazy to me that I thought that day would never come and now its has been a whole year, I […]
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