This morning started bright and early, I knocked out four miles on the treadmill. Came home and made myself a protein shake with whey powder, dandy blend, and almond milk... so good! Missy of course wanted some love Then it was get ready, chiropractor, frantically finish packing and now I'm heading out to the airport […]
Strawberry Almond Overnight Oats
First things first, last night's dinner was AMAZING. I made Mini Mediterranean Turkey Meatloaves from and they were delicious! I've been wanting to try this one out forever, so glad I finally did! The only changes I made were: I used 1.25lbs ground turkey meat (because that is what came in the pack) so […]
Weird Neck Pain Mystery Solved
Since today is Yoga day I took it easy and skipped waking up extra early for a workout. Instead I woke up when Paul did and helped him get going by making him breakfast, lunch, and green tea. I kind of feel like we are playing house and I'm going to enjoy that feeling because […]
Working Out, Unpacking, Eating, Organizing, Eating, Shopping, and Eating
Today was another crazy day of unpacking and trying to get settled in. I started the day bright and early with a Run-Burpee-Run workout from, a 3 mile run with some functional training worked in. I ran outside so when I got back I also did an arm burner from another workout queen at […]
A New PDR & Workout Plans 9/1-9/7
I officially have a new PDR this week! As the weeks go on my long runs will actually be all PDR's so that is kind of exciting! Today was my first official day LIVING in Phoenix after being gone for over two years! Plus, I haven't ever lived in the part of Phoenix we moved […]
10 Things I Learned This Summer
1. Be Flexible From being a student, I was use to setting my own very strict schedules. I hardly ever had to change them or let anyone interfere with my plans. While for the most part I got to do that this summer too, there were times that I had to learn to be flexible. […]
A Beautiful Spur of the Moment Hike
Yesterday morning started off with an egg puff (1 egg and ¼ cup egg whites), ½ Costco energy bar + a small piece of gingerbread. When I got to the hospital I realized I forgot my badge so I had to drive all the way home to get it! I got back to the hospital […]
5 Songs to Get You Through Your Hump Day
Source Lately I've been listening to music on the Songza ap on my phone in the morning during the middle of the week. Almost every morning a song comes on that totally lifts my mood! I wanted to share some of them with y'all so here they are: 1) Mambo Number Five by Lou […]
Calorie Counting Journey Part 2: Signs It's Working Against You
Hello Hello! Today started with a yummy breakfast of gingerbread and an egg puff (made from one egg and ¼ cup egg whites). The gingerbread was made by roommate/landlord/friend Janet and was soo good! I ate this breakfast at about 6:15 am, and somehow it had the power to hold me over till 1:15 pm. […]
Cranberry-Apple Pie Quinoa Bowl
Happy Monday Everyone, I hope yours was less of a true Monday then mine was. Today started with waking up frantically 10 minutes before I was supposed to leave. I don't know what happen, maybe I set my alarm wrong or shut it off and went back to sleep... either way I hate starting my […]
10K Treadmill Workout + 8/25-8/31 Workouts Plans
Workouts After we got back late from the movie last night (go see We're the Millers--> it's HILARIOUS) I opted for extra sleep this morning and missed my long run. This meant it was time to tackle my first hour long treadmill session. Here is what I did- It was going pretty well until I […]
Weekend Photos 8/23-8/25
Paul came to visit this weekend! yeah! After moving the last of my stuff out of Loma Linda we visited our favorite Thai Food in Redlands, Benjarong, it will be missed.... We saw We're the Millers, it was HILARIOUS! We were both laughing hysterically the whole time! Beautiful desert sunset... Mass at Sacred Heart in […]
55 Healthy 99 Cent Store Finds & 3 Important Shopping Tips
55 Healthy 99 Cent Only Store Finds HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! T.G.I.F My roommate and I used to shop at the dollar store all the time throughout the last two years of graduate school. I can't believe how many times shopping at the dollar store saved us, allowing us to eat healthy without dipping to […]
Woken Up By Hunger Pains?
Last night I woke up at 2am so hungry my stomach was rumbling and I could not go back to sleep! I tried for like 15 minutes to go back to sleep before I gave up, got up and had a midnight snack. This is totally weird for me, I can usually sleep through anything, […]
$5 Dollar Jewelry Sale
This morning started with a batch of fruit parfait style refrigerator/overnight oats. I thought I would be sick of it since I basically had the same thing in my strawberry mango smoothie bowl the night before, but nope, so creamy, delicious, and filling it was a perfect start to the hump day! For lunch I […]
Strawberry Mango Smoothie Bowl
Happy Hump Day Everyone! Last night after 40 minutes of yoga from I couldn't decide what to make for dinner. After snacking on some soysteak I picked up at the Loma Linda Market last week, I decided to start by making today's breakfast. I do miss the Loma Linda market, a vegetarian health food/grocery […]
Sunbutter Lover
Sunbutter Lover Whew! Is it really only Tuesday? I don't know about you but today was crazy! I started the day off with a sunbutter, banana and raisin wrap/foldover (using a small tortilla) plus one spoonful of sunbutter straight from the jar. Are you wondering what Sunbutter is? In case you aren't lucky enough to […]
Spicy Shrimp and Broccoli Omlette
Last night I decided to skip Bodypump so that I wouldn't be stuck at the gym till 7:30pm, which means not getting home till 7:50pm at the earliest. I LOVE Bodypump but I was in the mood for fast and efficient. So after my internship I grabbed a small apple for a pre workout snack […]
Meatless Monday Eats
Good Evening, I can't believe the sun is already down again since I've been out and about since before it came up! Proof: Too reward myself for going in early I stopped at Starbucks and got something that I never ever ever let myself have because it's so high calorie... I mean I don't when […]
Weeks Fitness and Meal Plans (8/18-8/25)
Hey there, hope your weekend didn't fly by as quick as mine did! I can't believe it is Sunday night already, it just doesn't seem fair! Oh well, I'm posting late tonight because tomorrow is going to be a super bright and early morning starting at 5am, so there will be no time for blog […]