Hey, guys! Yesterday I was at the Zumba Strong Pre IDEA World/Blogfest Certification. I've been having so much fun here, be sure to check out IG stories for the play by play! Now onto today's post!
Earlier this week I did a little check in on my 2017 goals and it was a big eye opener. After thinking about which goals I've made progress on and which ones I really haven't made a dent on. I realized how much progress has to do with things I'm continually fighting for. I realized that every day I'm constantly fighting to be a better person, to put my best foot forward, to love and not hate. Sometimes it's a struggle but the point is that I'm consciously working at it every day.
A Positive Attitude
I've mentioned it before but a positive attitude is something I've had to work at maintaining. It isn't something that comes naturally to me. Also, I've always found myself someone who is highly influenced by other peoples emotions. If someone cries, I cry, etc.. It's just the way I've always been. So I have the hardest time maintaining positivity when others around me complain or have a negative outlook. I am constantly reminding myself to look at a situation positively, to see the silver lining, and to make the best of everything.
A Positive Relationship with Food
Calorie counting screwed with my emotions regarding food. Dealing with amenorrhea screwed with my emotions regarding food. I fight against developing any kind of obsession with food all the time. It's tempting to get too restrictive or to say screw it and blow it. Mindful eating is something that is easier with practice but I still have to work at it every single day.
A Positive Body Image
Recently I unfollowed a ton of people on Instagram. A bunch of BBG Transformations and a couple of other bloggers. They were all promoting positivity and tried to be inspiring but all I saw when I read their posts was their bodies. I got a little too obsessive about why I didn't look like that, so I deleted them and now I don't think about it. That's one way I fight to keep my own sanity when it comes to a positive body image.
After dealing with SO many injuries over the past two years I feel like I've really fought to find a good place with exercise. I have to constantly remind myself on an almost daily basis that it's not about today's workout, it's about all the workouts for my lifetime. My goal is to be healthy and fit for my life, not just today. This helps me pull back when I need to instead of risking injury. I've also had to fight to find exercise I could enjoy and doesn't come with a massive risk of injury. I had to accept that CrossFit was never going to be for me, nor was super heavy lifting. As someone who is highly competitive I had to learn to not constantly compete with myself. Just because I lifted a certain weight in the past or ran a certain distance/time, doesn't mean I have to do it again. Basically, I'm constantly working on pushing myself in the gym without taking it overboard.
My Faith
I've never been one to talk about my faith. I'm just happy believing on my own and having my own spiritual life. I'm working on finding ways to be more involved and open up that part of my life a little.
My Marriage
If you are married you know that marriage is something you've got to fight for and work at. If you're married you need no further explanation. If you aren't, come back when you are and agree.
Other posts on positivity:
- My first post talking about positive self talk
- Why Positivity Isn't What I Thought
- Things I Fight For
Beth says
Thank you for understanding that not everyone can lift heavy. I, too, have dealt with shoulder and hip injuries and am still struggling to keep myself fit without getting injured. I do what I can and am thankful for what I CAN do.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Bethany says
I love these! faith, family, food, and fitness are my loves I fight for!
Carly says
A positive body image and a positive relationship with food are so tricky for me and I fight hard everyday to be "better" at accepting myself and living a healthy lifestyle without restrictions. I had an eating disorder, so I think that body image is something I will always struggle with. Some days are easier than others. This directly relates to my relationship with food. I've tried calorie counting, macro counting, etc and I still can't look like that unless I restrict, and when I start restricting the downward spiral begins. And that just isn't healthy. A huge turning point into accepting myself was becoming a mother. I had amenorrhea for years and no matter what I did, how much weight I gained, how little I exercised I couldn't get my period back. After 2 years of fertility treatments I was blessed with my sweet twin boys and ya know what, once I stopped breast feeding my period came back and has been back ever since (for 3 years!!!) So, clearly my body is happy I'm nurturing it despite the fact that I'm not always happy with the way I look.
And YES, marriage is something you have to fight for daily and work hard at. I'm divorced because one of us gave up the fight (not me....)
Marie says
Such a good post, Kelli. Every day I fight for my family - my kids and my marriage, for a positive body image, and for my health. Fighting for your health gets harder as you get older and know you just can't physically do as much as you used to. Right now I'm battling a knee injury and it drives me nuts that I can't do as much as I'd like. But like you, I'll keep fighting. Thanks for sharing.
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups says
I love this! All great things worth fighting for and sounds like you have made some great choices for you! Hope you have a blast at blogfest.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
I love your focus on positive mental and physical health. So often we only have focus on one, and hope that the other will follow suit. While that is true to an extent, you can't just assume that one will follow the other. That said, they can totally help to reinforce each other!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks, Susie! I totally agree!