Hi friends! Guess what? Today is my birthday! Yep, I'm 32—Woot woot.
Mr. Hungry went into the office today, so it's just me and K until Daddy gets home. We're thinking about ordering some pizza or Mexican food, not sure which one yet. I've been wishy-washy about what I wanted for my birthday, I mean quarantine birthdays are the worst, right? Oh well at I have my little man to keep me company today! Maybe we will make cupcakes! Who knows!
Anyways, I'm popping in to share with you our day yesterday. I know I haven't done one of these in a while, to be honest, I've been working on my recipe project on overtime time, BUT, yesterday I didn't have any additional child care, and it was a welcome break to spend some quality time with KJ. It was so much fun to spend the day with my little guy and even more fun to record it.
5:15 am - My alarm goes off, no I'm not waking up at 4:30 am anymore, haha. I get up and out of bed by 5:30 am so I can work on yesterday's produce guide and publish it before little man is up. We all had a rough night, little man must be teething or something, because we up a bunch in the night. He would cry, not long enough that I needed to get him, but long and loud enough to wake me up five times. Sooooo coffee! I've been lazy, not brewing my coffee and just ordering ice coffee from Thrive Market.
6:15 am, I hear little man rolling around and playing with his stuffed animals, so I get up to put Mr. Hungry's breakfast and lunch together. I make two smoothie box smoothies for both of us, we had two orange packets left, so I made them with almond milk, spinach, and stevia drops. I also pack him sweet and sour chickpeas, dark chocolate almonds (both recipes I tested), and a chocolate protein shake. He takes my six-pack bag so he doesn't have to use the shared fridge at the office. It keeps food cold for 12 hours plus!
6:45 am I have everything ready to take little man and Nala on a walk as soon as I get K dressed, so I head into his room. We get dress and are out the door by 7:15 am (nothing happens fast with a toddler.)
7:15 –8 am We go on a long walk today since I know I'm too sore to workout. K eats a hempseed muffin and drinks his ripple pea milk while we walk. I drink water and my smoothie while we listen to Brain Health from Birth: Nurturing Brain Development During Pregnancy and the First Year.
No, I'm not reading it cause I'm preggo, it's kind of the sequel to the It Starts With The Egg book I mentioned in my last Friday Favorites, so I was intrigued to see what research she had to present. I currently have a number of fertility clients who would like to stay with me during pregnancy when they get pregnant, so I'm arming myself with knowledge for them! So far, I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick with it, there is a lot of autism talk, which I didn't expect. However, I didn't listen to enough of it to decide if I'll keep on with it or not yet. Let you know!
8:00 am When we get back. We play inside for just a little while before K wants to head outside.
8:15 am We play outside at his water table, on the slide, etc.
8:45 am We go inside to make a smoothie. I already have a couple of smoothie box smoothies made for him in the freezer, so I pull one out. I share how I make his smoothie box smoothies in this post.
But to defrost, I just microwave it for 90 seconds (my microwave has like zero power) and then pour it into one of his cups with a straw. He drinks his smoothie in the high chair for about 30 seconds before he wants to go back outside. He drinks most of his smoothie outside, but I don't mind because if he spills it, he's outside, so who cares!
Also, I did manage to paint my nails while he sat there! I LOVE my one-minute nail polish so much, it's the freaking best!
9:15 am Back to inside, playing for a while.
9:45 am We go on a little wagon ride to the park by our house.
It's just an open grassy field, but the change of scenery is good for him. I'm sure he's bored as heck at home all the time.
10:15 am We go home, and he asks (points to the TV and grabs the remote to give to me) to watch TV, so we watch for 20 minutes or so.
10:40 am Random playing around and stalling until lunch.
11:00 am He eats lunch of Costco's frozen root vegetable mix and almond butter and jelly.
11:30 am Down for a nap! Time to work blitz, I check email and work more on my special recipe project. I also start putting together an Instacart delivery for Sprouts and Costco. Since cases are so high here, we figured we'd lay low and use grocery delivery for a while.
1:00 pm KJ stands up screaming bloody murder, and I think I'm done for, but I restrain myself from running into his room, and he lays down and goes back to sleep 3 minutes later. He stays down till 2:20 ish, I let him roll around and wake up for 20 minutes before heading in to get him. I also eat a snack of rice cake with sun butter.
Halfway through, I decide it needs chocolate chips.
2:45 pm We play in KJs room for a while and then come out to get a snack around 3 pm. This is the one meal of the day I let him pick whatever he wants from a specific area of the cabinet. He's been on the fig bar train, but today he picked an applesauce pack. I was curious how many he'd drink if I just let him have, however many he wanted. We got to four, and then I cut him off.
3–3:30 pm, we get dressed to go out to the pool, and yes, it takes 30 minutes. Nothing is fast with a toddler. I was trying to take a picture of us for this post since I can't take my phone with me to the pool and manage a toddler. So as I was taking the photo, and he was staring all mad looking so, I taught him to smile on command, and it was HYSTERICAL. It's on my IG stories (@hungryhobbyRD.) He smiles with his whole mouth open, I love it.
4:30 pm Finish swimming! I will say, I'm surprised at how good he's gotten for a 20-month old. He jumps off the step and kicks to me, reaches for my hands, and pulls himself up. He can also kick back to the wall and grab the step to stand himself up. And yesterday, I taught him to hold his breath to reach down for an object. Swimming with him has been a blast now that he's getting the hang of it. Again, it's fun and terrifying at the same time.
4:45–5:15 pm I shower while K plays with toys in the bathroom, then I get us both dressed. He usually refuses a bath or shower on pool days, like he has had enough water, and that's it, so now I don't even push it. Pick your battles with a toddler.
5:15–5:30 pm We watch more TV. Our go-to show is usually Baby Bum, but recently he's been loving Turtle Tales on YouTube. It's super cute.
5:30–5:45 pm Dinner for KJ and Mr. Hungry finally gets home! He has air fryer chicken nuggets (still working on the recipe) and broccoli. He eats NONE of the broccoli, despite shoving it in his face by the handful the day before.
5:45- 6 pm I eat my dinner, which was leftovers of KJs broccoli and lentil burgers with melted cheese on top. No picture because I was too hungry!
6- 6:30 pm We hang out as a family, talking about our days, and then Mr. Hungry takes over so I can start this post.
6:30 –7:15 pm I start writing this post
7:15 pm I head in to help put KJ down.
7:30 pm I'm back at my computer working until 8:30 pm, then it's brush teeth and in bed by 8:45 pm
8:45 pm - 9: 45 PM Read the 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I'm 70% through, and I'm hooked. I've been enjoying reading in bed the last week as a breather from media including TV etc.
That's it! Now, I hear KJ on the monitor again, so it's time to do it all over again!
[…] was solo parenting on my Birthday, so the day was much like the inside, outside, inside, outside, and repeat post I shared last […]