Disclaimer: I am a Life Time employee and this post contains affiliate links through which I'm eligible to earn compensation and/or credits for. All opinions and thoughts are my own.
First thing's first... Mr. Hungry's Birthday Recap. We started with pesto shrimp appetizers.
Then I got the most delicious Salmon Salad with lemon pesto ranch. Mr. Hungry got the craziest tour of Rigatony's sampler I didn't take a picture of it but it made 3 meals for him!
So I mentioned before that I would be doing Life Time's Detox Program in January. I'm so excited and a bit nervous to be leading/participating in the January D. Tox Program. In sum, the program is a whole foods based program designed to limit exposure to toxins and support the bodies natural ability to detoxify. I have two reasons I'm excited about this. First, because I've never found a whole foods based detox program as comprehensive as this. Instead of intending to be a quick fix it's designed to really rebuild your health from the inside out. Second, I felt so good after sugar free September I can only imagine how good I'll feel after this detox program.
During D. TOX potentially inflammation producing food allergens such as gluten, cow dairy (goat is fine but encouraged to limit, ghee is also fine), eggs, soy, corn, and peanuts are avoided. In addition, energy draining substances including caffeine, alcohol, and added sugar are also avoided.
The bare bones of the program include dairy free protein shakes twice daily with fibermend and detox nutrients (enhance the body's natural ability to detoxify). In addition to the shakes high quality organic produce and meat is encouraged to limit exposure of toxins, hormones, additives etc. Finally, a supporting lifestyle is encouraged including dry sauna, massage, nature walks, light strength training, dry brushing etc....
Benefits of D.TOX:
- Rebuild metabolic health through enhancing fat loss. Excess toxins are often stored in the fat tissue. The body may protect itself from the release of the toxins, inhibiting weight loss. D. TOX not only supports the body's natural detoxification functions, but limits "input" of toxins thereby preventing build up.
- Improves skin clarity. The D.TOX program includes a comprehensive lifestyle approach which encourages the release of toxins through sweat. Modalities including the sauna, hydrotherapy, and dry brushing are all encouraged.
- Increased quality of sleep. Simply removing stimulants from the diet including caffeine, sugar, alcohol and tobacco allow sounder, more restful sleep. (This was one of the biggest benefits I saw from sugar free September!)
- Increased energy. D.TOX works to increase energy in many ways in addition to increasing the quality of sleep. By focusing on whole, natural foods, not only do you provide the body with optimal nourishment but you don't waste energy processing chemical additives or preservatives the body has no use for.
- Improved digestion. Limiting potential inflammatory food allergens and toxins allows your digestive tract to heal from any assaults it may have faced in the past. Giving it a break and supporting it with whole foods and fibermend helps to restore optimal functioning.
- Improved Overall Health. D.TOX supports many facets of health by allowing health systems to restore to optimal functioning. For instance, improving the health of the digestive system not only strengthens the immune system (70% of the immunity is located in the gut) as well as cognitive health.
Information summarized from this post "6 Reasons to Detox."
The Life Time D. TOX Program Includes:
- 1 week of preparation (January 9th - 15th) ---> during this time you work on cutting down on this like caffeine or sugar to make the 2 weeks of D. TOX better.
- 2 weeks of D.TOX (January 16th - 29th)
Here's what's inside:
- D.TOXSM Practical Guide
- 2 Containers of FastFuel Complete Dairy-Free Vanilla
- FiberMend™
- Detox Nutrients Packet
- Before & After Questionnaires
- Program Commitment Pledge
- Grocery Store Tour
- 3 Educational Sessions
Use this link to get 10% off ---> D. TOX KIT
Since the D. TOX kit can be purchased separately from the program you also have the ability to build your own kit like I did.
- 2 Containers of Veganmax Chocolate Protein Powder
- FiberMend™
- Detox Nutrients Packet (available in Life Cafe)
If you think you might want to join in feel free to email me at kshallal@lifetimefitness.com. In addition the program I'm leading in the club it would be fun if some of you out there would join in!
Additional Information:
Detox Made Simple Part 3 via Flourish Blog
7 Non Food Factors that Increase Insulin Resistance
Update: Affiliate links in this post will no longer work as I have left my position at Life Time. For more information on Life Time's redesigned program see my post on D.TOX 2.0 or visit the Flourish Blog.
[…] is the first day of D.TOX, I know my body needs its given all the horrible things I did to it while I studied for NASM. I […]