Last week we had KK's 15-month well visit, and I thought I pop in with an update. I never did a 15-month update for KJ, but I wished I had. So here is a quick snippet of what 15 months looks like for KK.
Constant motion.
But, no, really.
KK took a few steps while staying with my in-laws in between houses, but he would fall and default to crawling. This went on for about two months. At that point, I was ready to have a child I could put down for a second while lugging stuff into the garage without him ending up crawling on his hands and knees. So, I worked A LOT with him on learning to squat to stand so he could get back up.
Around 14 months, it all clicked, and he spent the last month turning his wobbly drunk old man walk into almost a smooth run. And now, he never stops moving!
He's incredibly social. Whenever we go anywhere, he wants to meet everyone in the room. He also explores the whole room. He isn't easily distracted by books or even baby bum or cocomelon on my phone. When he wants to explore, that's all he wants! Mr. Hungry spends most of mass in the front entrance area.
He is a happy kid. Except when he wakes up, then he's either mad or not mad, but never really that happy about it. But the kid loves his sleep and always has, and I'm thankful for that! (email readers click through to see the rest!)
He repeats so much that the amount of words he has blows me away. I think it's just in the normal range, but after having a speech-delayed child, it's cool to have him talk this early ( I was prepared for another delay.) His first words were kitty, dada, and uh for up! I'll never know if he just would have talked on his own or if I was a better encourager/teacher since I learned so much in speech therapy.
We did a ton of intentional copying of his facial expressions and noises so that he would learn to copy us. I also taught him word approximations and sign language more quickly. For instance, one of the first things I taught him was up. He wouldn't say up, so I taught him, UHHHH, and rewarded the approximation by picking him up. I didn't know about teaching approximations with KJ, so I didn't do any of that. I also followed many tips I learned in the speech sisters course and what we learned in speech therapy from birth.
So, it's hard to say, was it nurture or nature that led to KK talking so much earlier? We will never know, but it's pretty fun!
As of now, he can say:
- Kitty, Meow
- Doggy, woof woof
- Duck, quack quack
- animal sounds for cow, horse, sheep, lion, snake
- whoa
- uh oh
- Mama
- Dadda
- Kal
- Goga - says mmmmm ga
- Papa
- Lee Lee
- Nala
- Matt
- OOOM - ba for roomba
- gentle
- thank you
- please
- uh for up
- ball
- car - vroom vroom
- truck
- choo choo for train
- fire truck noise
- nana for banana
- wa wa for water
- snack
- na night for goodnight
- waves hi and bye
- all done (says it never signed it)
- says more sometimes, signs other times, whines other times, haha
- sings the tune of twinkle twinkle and says some of the ABCs
He also copies his brother A LOT! For example, the other day, KJ was mad that KK was in his room messing up his "big boy toys" and said, "stay away from my toys" in an angry voice, and KK repeated back gibberish but in the exact same tone. As if he was trying to replicate him. In the last week, he will repeat about anything you ask him to.
KK was 60th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight, 31.8 inches, and 27lbs. He weighs as much as his brother did at 18 months! He's pretty much in 24-month or 2T clothing now. The 18-month outfits are TIGHT, but they fit. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Those recessive genes won the lottery and seem to be sticking around! (My MIL was blonde as a child, and my grandpa, aunt, and biological father all are blonde hair and blue eyes.) But, I NEVER expected to have a blonde hair blue-eyed child myself, given that my hair is a light brown naturally (similar to KJs) and Mr. Hungry has very dominant dark Chaldean features. Genes are interesting to say the least!
Did the checkout lady at the grocery store ask me if the boys had the same father in front of my mother-in-law? Yes. Yes. She definitely did. To which my MIL responded, "yes, MY SON." I'll never forget that moment as long as I live, makes me laugh a little every time I think about it!
KK Loves:
- Being outside
- The water table
- The water sink
- Being independent
- Meeting new people
- The broom
- The Roomba
- The Makita (are you seeing a trend?)
- His play swifter, and the real swifter
- Cars
- Balls
- Anything that makes noise in his brother's room
- Being in his brother's room
- Hiding in small spaces, play tunnels, and closets
- Listening to music during walks
- CLIMBING - he loves to climb
- knocking things down
- Feeding Nala
- cheerios, bambas, fig bars, graham crackers, fruit, applesauce, chicken, especially nuggets, salmon, and cod are also winners
- Books: Huggy Kissy, First 100 Words, That's Not My Chick, Zoes Bedtime (Love Every), lift a flap books
- His blankie
KK dislikes:
- Diaper changes
- Being strapped in (stroller or car etc.) for too long
- Anything green or any veggies really
- When his brother takes things away from him
- When he can't see Mama or Mama leaves the room
For those of you wondering about KK's MSPI. This last week we tried to incorporate a little dairy, and so far, so good. He's had one cup of cow's milk daily without any adverse effects, so we've been offering cheese and other dairy-based foods! I'm excited to be able to start making dinner meals with dairy!!!!
That's it for now! Life is BUSY over here, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
More Baby KK:
- Baby KK 12 Months
- Baby KK 11 Months
- Baby KK 9 & 10 months
- Baby KK 7-8 Months
- Baby KK Six Months
- Baby KK Five Months
- Baby KK Four Months
- Baby KK Three Months (4th Trimester Wrap Up)
- Baby KK Two Months
- Baby KK One Month
- Taking Cara Babies Sleep Programs Review (All Classes)
- Newborn Baby & Expectant Mama Must-Haves
- Favorite baby items 4-9 months
- Favorite baby Items 9-12 Months
- MSPI – Journey Breastfeeding an MSPI baby
- What no one told me about breastfeeding weaning
- 10 Baby Items I Used For Baby #2 (That I Didn't Have for One)
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