Happy Halloween from Nala, we are dressing her up as Tigger for her first Halloween because she jumps just as high as tigger!
I'm just popping in to share with you an intense workout my 90 day team did last weekend, perfect for burning a ton of calories that might just be coming from a few extra pieces of candy tonight... just maybe.... don't lie you know you rock your kids candy stash after they go to bed!
Form Cues:
Burpees:Jump straight up in the air and then squat down and jump into a plank. Do one push up and snap your feet back in. That counts as one rep! You can modify this exercise by coming up on your toes instead of fully jumping and stepping back into the plank, do the push up on your knees if needed!
Overhead Press: Make sure to use your abs not just your arms! Extend to goal posts and back down.
Up/Down Plie Squats: Pick a heavy weight and place it on the ground in front of you. Drop into a wide squat with your knees tracking over your toes and pick up the weight then stand up. Squat again to put the weight down and stand up, that's one rep! Remember to keep your back straight, if you need to put the weight on top of something so it's easier to reach. We used dumbbells on their sides.
Deadlift: The movement should be coming entirely from your hips driving back and forward, not from your back!
Lunge Forward twist the opposite direction and back to center. Repeat on each leg.
*Although I am a certified personal trainer, remember to check with a doctor before making any changes to your fitness routine. In addition, I strongly advise you seek help from a fitness professional if you are unsure how to perform any exercise. If something hurts, stop and modify!
Happy Halloween!
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