Quick edit:
It's Veterans Day so I want to take a moment to thank veterans and their families for their service to our country. I think it's a great day to remember what we are fighting for in the midst of the election chaos.
Random thoughts of this morning brought to you by yours truly
- You know what TOTALLY SUCKS, the fact that I'm a full minute faster in any state but Arizona. Thank you allergy and asthma for that.
- I also think it's interesting I've been running FASTER while listening to podcasts, I know some of you do that during races. I've never listened to a podcast during a race but mine is coming up, I'm not sure what to do! Let me know if you do that I'd love to hear what works for you guys!
- I got a strongish 12 miler (strongish because I finished it - every time I run over 10 miles I always think it is amazing I finished it).
- I'm developing a nasty blood blister under my right big toe. It isn't infected but I'm afraid it will pop and leave me open for infection. I've never got blisters before but since we fixed my orthotics at Dr.K's office my Achilles doesn't hurt anymore at all, but I'm getting these blisters. They don't hurt, but I don't want to end up with a crazy infection. I'm considering making a Doctor appointment, but I think it looks worse than it is. I promise it doesn't hurt, it just looks GNARLY.
- Half marathon racing still scares the H-E-double hockey sticks out of me.
Training Log
Saturday 10/29 - 10 Mile Run - I did half of it on the treadmill and half outside in the amazing Michigan weather.
Sunday 10/30 - Travel Workout (while I was in Michigan)
Monday 10/31 - OFF Travel day
Tuesday 11/2 - Orange Theory - Endurance Day
Wednesday 11/3 - Chiropractor/OFF
Thursday 11/4 - I just did a quick few sets of upper body work including pull ups, push ups, and worked on my overhead squat form.
Friday 11/5 - OFF
Saturday 11/6 - 12 Mile Run - Holy cow, I DID IT! AND I did it alone. Anything over 10 miles totally freaks me out mentally, when my legs and feet start aching I feel like I'm not going to be able to do it but I just keep pushing on. First I listened to Good Morning Radio on Pandora, then I listened to the PaleoOMG podcast which is hysterical and totally distracting and finished with Running radio on Pandora. I'm probably going to have to put music on my phone if I would like to continue.
Sunday 11/7 - OFF
Monday 11/8 - Orange Theory
Tuesday 11/9 - TI Fitness - Strength Endurance (recapped in my Day In the Life post)
Wednesday 11/10 - OFF - I was SUPER SORE from Orange Theory and TI Fit running would have been the death of me. I cleaned the house and took Nala on a 15-minute walk.
Thursday 11/11 - 8 Mile Run - I'm happy I got in the whole 8 it definitely increased my confidence for the race. Plus I had the MOST delicious breakfast afterward!
Friday 11/12 - Planning to do a home workout today of some sort.
Saturday 11/13 Planning to run 5miles - TAPER WEEK begins, yeeeeesssssssss.....
My taper plan:
- Sunday - home workout
- Monday- home workout or TI Fitness
- Tuesday- Orange Theory
- Wednesday- OFF (will still walk Nala), likely will do a very light upperbody workout (handstand holds and pull ups)
- Thursday- OFF (will still walk Nala)
- Friday-OFF- hopefully Chiro appointment (Mr. Hungry to walk Nala)
- Saturday- Half
P.S. I need to report that I found the batman car. Unfortunately, he lives four doors down from me and there is a possibility he reads this blog. If you do, DON'T SPEED AND LITTER IN YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD. Or if you do have to speed and litter, maybe be a little less crazy obvious about it. This has been a public service announcement by yours truly.
[…] Hi, friends! Not a ton to report on this weekend, it was mostly low key at home. I worked out on Saturday at home and then Sunday went on a 5 mile terrible, hot run that made me terrified for my half coming up next weekend. […]