It's time for another Day In the Life! We haven't done one of these in a while and since I didn' get a chance to photograph the recipe I had for you I figured I would share a Day In the Life! No two days are the same in the Day In the Life of a food blooger/RD/brand representative/adjunct professor/freelance writer.... did I get them all? If it has to do with food or nutrition I'm there!
5:00AM - Alarm goes off so I grab the basal temperature thermometer and take my temperature. I've been trying to figure out what's going on with my cycle people (sorry if that's TMI) and tracking temperature is a great way to do that! I take my temperature two times and record the lower temperature. Then I hit the snooze alarm twice.
5:17AM - I get up and half get dressed plus brush my teeth. I knew it would be an early morning so I slept in my workout tights and shirt. Bad plan, I was hot and uncomfortable all night.
5:23AM - I make coffee (with collagen, fairlife 2% milk and a splash of heavy cream) and drink approximately 8 sips of it while checking to make sure the pulled pork salad post went up okay. This adorable guy comes to you from Safeway, I walked past them for weeks waiting for them to drop the price but when there was only two left I bought it anyway. I couldn't let him get away from me!
5:45AM - I eat half a cave man bar then head out the door and off to TI Fitness for the strength endurance workout.
- Set 1: 30-second hip thrust with mini band and 12 Single Leg Deadlifts
- Set 2: High Plank hold + 12 DB Chest Press
- Set 3: Band Row Hold + 12 TRX Rows (I was BURNING at this point)
- Set 4: Wall Sit 30 seconds (I worked my way up in holding weight bodyweight, 10lbs, 25lbs) + 12 front loaded squats (I used 25# bag)
- Set 5: forearm plan 30 seconds + 15 toe touches (I did reverse crunches to protect my back)
7:00AM - head to sprouts to pick up random food blogging and other needed ingredients such as bananas, sunflower seed butter, 5 cans of pumpkin (they were on sale), and almond flour (ugh I usually order it so I feel I overpaid).
7:45AM - heat up pumpkin spice pancakes sent to me to try by my friends from FITzee Foods
I liked them but decided they would be even better with topping. I keep random stuff in the fridge all the time and one of those things is coconut milk mixed pb2.
Healthy fats plus peanut butter taste! So I used that to top the pancakes, I eat three and place the other two in a ziplock bag for later. I also feed Nala!
8:00AM I work on the computer for a couple hours. I create a long pin for the pulled pork post, answer emails, make an appointment with my naturopath, redesign the menu/heading for Hungry Hobby and start Hungry Hobby RD client follow ups.
10:10AM I didn' t realize it was so late, I needed to be cooking! I head downstairs to make pizza stuffed peppers (recipe coming soon) and mini blueberry donuts! I eat one of the pancakes before I start.
10:50AM I wrap up making the donuts (while simultaneously eating like four of them.) I leave the peppers in the oven to photograph when I get done meeting with a client.
11:00AM I meet with a food sensitivity client on the phone, so happy to hear she is doing so well! No GI, Migraine, or Fibromyalgia symptoms for 30 days is a HUGE win!
11:35AM I head downstairs to photograph the peppers and donuts. I decide I want to make a glaze for the donuts out of coconut oil and pb2 (inspired by the pancakes) so I keep those in the fridge.
11:55AM I'm satisfied with my photos rather quickly, not sure if that is a good or bad thing but I'll take it. I start cleaning up photography equipment and kitchen. Do a little extra cleaning since the family is coming in soon.
12:45PM Take Nala on walk while listening to the Accused (I actually skipped chapter 1 so had to go back to it). How do you skip chapter 1? I have no idea.
1:21PM get back, Nala takes a nap and I take a shower. I get dressed and put makeup on. I actually put real clothes for a meeting later.
2:00PM "Make lunch" I opt for the Paleo Spaghett which has zucchini noodles!
Since I had it for the peppers recipe, I add mozzarella cheese and red pepper flakes to it! It didn't need it, but why not right?
Since I'm an OCD paranoid Dietitian I make sure I get all the frozen meals up to temp (165F), safety first!
2:23PM Decide I want something sweet so I eat a half of frozen banana from the fridge, grab another La Croix (I had one with lunch) and start this post.
2:37PM work on Hungry Hobby RD client follow ups
3:03PM finish one client follow-up finally after my computer decided to delete it a billion days in a row. This computer is brand new! Work on sending out supplement recommendations via Fullscript.
3:22PM I shut everything off and pack up to head to Starbucks. Since I have a meeting about 30 minutes away I figured I'd get there early instead of sitting in traffic forever!
3:45PM leave for Starbucks in Tempe after looking for my keys for 10 minutes, ugh they were in the door, don't tell Mr. Hungry.
4:15PM arrive at Starbucks, order a tall latte, and get set up
4:30PM work on freelance writing for Just A Pinch (see my article on the history wishbone that was published today here)
5:55PM buy and eat a Siggi's yogurt and eat ½ Larabar I found in my backpack (wish I would have found that before I bought the Siggi's!)
6:05PM Arizona Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Media and Communications Meeting
7:05PM head home, stop on the way to pick up my wedding ring from Jared. It had lost one of the band diamonds so they needed 4 days to fix it!
7:35PM arrive home, heat up lemon chicken from FitzeeFoods. I wasn't that hungry so the portion was perfect!
7:46PM eat a spoonful of sunflower seed butter to keep up with my seed cycling. Watch the elections and it makes me really anxious so I decide to go bake. Baking is a terrible idea when I'm anxious, bad choice. I only licked the spoon seven thousand times?
8:05PM Make pumpkin bread with sunflower seed butter (recipe coming soon) so that I can photograph it today. Also, make chocolate chip pumpkin muffins since I have all the ingredients out. I had to sub egg whites for eggs since I ran out of eggs they weren't quite as good but worked.
8:36PM clean up and make a natural calm drink
9:06PM work on this post while watching the election
10:24PM start falling asleep on the couch so I head upstairs to get ready for bed! I do my positive day reflection after I brush my teeth and I'm in bed by 10:35!
Make sure to follow me on Instagram to see more of Fitzee Foods meals! Thanks again to Fitzee Foods for sending them to me to try out!
Linking up today with Peas & Crayons hosted by Arman for another what I ate Wednesday!
[…] Tuesday 11/9 – TI Fitness – Strength Endurance (recapped in my Day In the Life post) […]