Hi friends! Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good, but man it was fast! We haven't done a coffee date in a while so I figured it would be a good time for a check-in. What's life like in your neck of the woods? Is it hot?
Usually, we are full on into monsoon season this time of year (end of July), but the monsoons came early, so the heat decided it wanted to party a little while longer. This week is suppose to be the hottest week of the whole year. Great......
Great time that is for Mr. Hungry's family to visit from Colorado and Nothern California. This weekend we will be celebrating his Grandma's 90th birthday, so a bunch of his family is coming into town. We are going to have a full house! I foresee lots and lots of swimming.
Work Life
For that reason, I'll be taking much of this week off from the blog. I have two posts (in addition to this one) scheduled but other than that I'll be taking a break until next Tuesday. I haven't taken a break from the blog in over three years, so I would say that it is time.
There are so many pros and cons to running your own business, but maybe that topic demands a post all of its own. As you guys know, I've been working double time trying to pre-write for the fall (maternity leave) as well as keep up with current blogging, nutrition client meetings, and WTE? Meal Plans. I can feel myself burning out fast, that workload is a lot for someone who isn't pregnant much less (almost) seven months along.
So, I'll be taking this week very lightly. I figure I'll hang out with the family, do some recipe photography and maybe work ahead for once. Or maybe I won't work at all; the point is I'll have a choice to have as much of a break as I need.
Anyways, this coffee date post feels a little strange for me. I feel like I've been checking in on a more regular basis with pregnancy updates (read the last one here). The thing is, pregnancy updates are all about pregnancy, which is a huge part of my life right now. Okay, it's the most significant thing going on in my life, but then at the same time, life continues to move on around me despite what's going on with the pregnancy.
We are gearing up for a summer detox program for our WTE? Subscribers in the fall. We've been promoting it locally and are getting ready to start sharing more about it "on the internet." I am really excited about it; now I just need to talk myself into participating! Preggo needs a sugar detox like anyone else.
Nala Update
In other news, Nala's bloodwork came back with a clean bill of health. After the raisin fiasco, all raisins and grapes have been banned from the house as long as we have a dog living with us. Dogs > raisins any day. I even told our guests that the only rule when staying with us is no raisins or grapes in the house. #crazypreggodogmom
Nala has also been acting strange lately. She very often needs to be in the same room as me and is very calm and attentive toward me, not wild and playful like she is with Mr. Hungry or anyone else. This behavior only makes me more attached/super protective of her. Also, I started stressing about who will take care of her while we are at the hospital.
It seems like a dumb thing to stress about but because she is so big and tends to be REALLY excited when she initially sees someone many people are uncomfortable being around her. She is by all intents and purposes a gentle giant, she does not have a mean bone in her body, but she is a lot to handle.
So you can't just ask a neighbor to swing by to feed her and let her out. Our friends that do well with her (aka used to big dogs/enjoy big dogs) have work schedules that won't necessarily allow them to feed her when she needs to be fed. Many of my family members do pretty well with her, but the people that do the best either live out of town or may want to be at the hospital with us. So, it's a tricky situation. I know, other people worry about what to do with their firstborn children while at the hospital so with that perspective, I know I shouldn't worry about so much about the dog. I can't help it though, I want my furr baby to be loved and cared for too.
Family Life
(trigger warning - a reference to miscarriage, skip this paragraph if needed xoxo)
The due date of our very early loss also came and went, it wasn't an easy day, but the baby was kicking and active almost every hour. I kept to myself that day and tried to stay focused on being grateful for what we have now. I didn't really mention it to anyone because the loss was so early I didn't feel justified bringing it up. It was also my Grandma's birthday, who passed away almost eight years ago now, so I silently acknowledged and remembered what was for both my Grandma and our loss.
I can't help but think how drastically our lives are about to change, and yet I feel like all this change is totally natural at the same time. I feel like Mr. Hungry, and I have never been so aligned in our thought processes in all the years we've been together. Many of the decisions we've needed to make so far seem natural to us. I know we won't always see eye to eye, but it feels so good to feel like we are a united front as we enter this new stage of life.
Now I'm Off To...
Today I've got an OB appointment, and I just grabbed the glucose drink from the fridge. Taste like a flat sprite, not to bad. After my appointment, I have a full day of client meetings, loose ends to knock off the to-do list, and cleaning the house for our visitors. It's going to be another busy day. Hopefully, the sugar crash post this drink isn't too brutal!
What's going on with you guys? Any plans for the rest of the summer? When do the kids go back to school? What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
I felt jazzed after downing the drink, but just eat something with long lasting energy when you can and you will be fine. They do the blood test right at 2 hours (or whatever time), so you can take a bar with you and eat it right after.
It wasn't bad, honestly! Tasted like Gatorade. Way better than colonoscopy prep!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
I felt kind of tired the rest of the day, but I'm also pregnant so who knows! Um, ya when you compare it to that I'd say it's 1000 times better lol
Megan says
I'll make sure we eat all of the raisins on the airplane! Excited to see you!!! xoxo!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
LOL! Thank you, Nala appreciates it! See you in a couple of days!
Magdalena says
Your post brings back memories! Thank you for the moment! You are so cute!
Patricia @Sweet and Strong says
A few days ago I told myself I need to stop always referencing the weather and find other things to talk to people about, but seriously WTF is going on with the weather. You all are in a major heat wave, here on the east coast we've had five straight days of clouds and tons of rain. It's crazy. When the weather gets nicer I can't wait to spend a day by the pool. Enjoy the time with your family the rest of this week and stay cool!
Sarah @ Bucket List Tummy says
I didn't think the drink was that bad, lol. I had the fruit punch flavor. Definitely take some time to enjoy family and rest now, girl!!! Your life will never be the same soon enough 🙂 I actually got a nap in today, which is a huge win. Priorities shift, too.
Karly Foret says
That blue dress looks great on you! You get to drink the glucose drink at home?? no fair, LOL. I go in 2 weeks and If I recall right I was told I would do a blood draw then consume the drink then another draw after an hour? Im like really?!!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Yeah, my doctor's office was super laid back about it. I ate a breakfast full of cheesy eggs before, they said fasting makes people throw up. I'm not really sure what to think about their protocol but whatever lol.