Hello friends!
A whole week of blogging? Okay, well, at least three posts in one week are better than three posts in three weeks ha, ha.
I'm not gonna like this morning. I'm having a hard time staying focused on my self-assigned tasks at hand, but I'm determined to get this post up if it takes me all morning. PS Keep in mind these are great Father's Day Recipes to try!
Let's see, what have we been up to? Well, for starters, so so so many Costco runs.
The amount of times we've been to Costco in the last few weeks is reaching absurdity. Luckily KJ has discovered the magic of Costco samples (although he was initially disappointed, he learned that waffles and syrup wouldn't be on sample every week). Unfortunately, KK is hit or miss on the Costco adventures. He mostly squirms, wiggles, and does anything but sit in the cart. So most of the time, I carry him airplane-style through the store. It's great.
I LOVE this countertop organizer I picked up at Costco on one of the million trips. I think it looks nice and holds pretty much everything I need it to hold!
Starbucks Walk
Also, I now live dangerously close to a Starbucks. Surprisingly, I've stuck with only going a couple of times a week. This morning, Mr. Hungry and I walked the kids down for breakfast and an iced coffee. I felt like I was living in a dream during that little walk, like a small town in Europe or something. Only not haha
Maguro Sushi
We hit up our hold Sushi spot to celebrate moving in, and we even tried some new rolls. They were delicious as always.
This stuff was DELICIOUS! I got to try it out via the Sprouts Partner program and Mr. Hungry, and I annihilated the bag. Highly recommend it if you are a fan of those "cheese balls" these are better ingredients but are still super addicting!
What You May Have Missed
WTE? Meal Plan
Meal Plan Subscribers, your meal plan is in your inbox!
So happy to have my treadmill back! It's reaching 111 here, meaning it's hot early in the morning. It's nice to be able to run when I want!
let me think
- Friday- 3-mile run
- Saturday - Week 5 Summer Bootcamp Workout
- Sunday - OFF
- Monday - Run
- Tuesday - Week 5 Summer Bootcamp Workout
- Wednesday - off
- Thursday - off, did 2 pull-ups, and strained something in my armpit/tricep - happy day.
Friday Flashbacks
25 Healthy Recipes For Father's Day
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