Hi, friends! We're jumping right into it today!
WTE? Meal Plan
Meal Plan Subscribers, your meal plan is in your inbox!
Around the Blog:
Smoothiebox Deal - $60 OFF!!!!
This is the best deal I've seen with Smoothiebox, maybe EVER! I've been ordering smoothiebox for years now. We all love it, including my kids! Click here to read the full review and grab your discount.
Easter 2022 Recap
It's funny I used to post full holiday updates in their own dedicated post with pictures of EVERYTHING we ate and did. I also used to post in this space five days a week. Even when KJ was a baby, I worked early mornings, evenings, and weekends. This isn't the reality of life right now anymore. I still work early mornings, but the baby isn't as consistent as my older one was on wake-up time. I fall asleep the minute I sit down to work at night, and on weekends seems impossible to squeeze in a minute or two of work. Sometimes I can make it happen, but usually, I do not. All this to say, I'm happy to have Friday Favorites as a place where I can still share some of the special moments of life with you guys. This Easter was special as it was our first Easter back since COVID.
After mass, we changed into our comfies and did an Easter egg hunt with KJ while the baby was sleeping. I saved this little matching outfit my mom got the boys from Target for Easter! PS I got KJ a pre-made Easter basket that was car-themed from Safeway and KK, a little reversible easter egg that turns into a chick. With the move, fancy homemade Easter presents weren't going to happen. I also bought them a matching set of Burt's Bees Pajamas that are too hot and too small, so Mom fail there, haha.
Mr. Hungry's dad made his famous dairy-free biscuits and gravy for breakfast. For early dinner/lunch, we grilled! I didn't get a photo of that because we had company and I was enjoying the time! It was a beautiful day. I even got to take a nap!
Also, I tried this pepper plant sauce that Mr. Hungry's parents are obsessed with, and now I'm obsessed. If you're a Northern California person, you probably already know about it (Mr. Hungry's parents used to live there) because that's where it's produced and available on every table.
Consumer Connection 2022
This past week I attended the Consumer Connection Conference organized by the Produce for Better Health Foundation, an organization I've been collaborating with for the last three years. I was scheduled to go to this conference in 2020 when the world shut down, and it's since been virtual. Since then, this was my first in-person conference, and it did not disappoint. It was a smaller, more intimate setting focused on bringing together people from all areas of the food supply, including the points of production, procurement, purchase, and influence, with the common goal of increasing produce consumption.
PS I wore those shoes I posted about last week every day of the conference, and they were UBER comfy! I wore them with jeans, shorts, and dresses. They were easy to dress up or dress down. I'm super happy I got them and want to get another color!
Did you know that most Americans eat LESS than one serving of fruits or vegetables a day?
That's mind-blowing to me.
Some of the key takeaways for me during the conference were:
- All forms matter (frozen, canned, juice, and fresh) because those who eat a variety of forms eat more produce overall and in each category. So, for example, someone who eats all forms of produce eats more fresh produce than someone who only eats fresh.
We have strong food preferences, but what we eat every day is primarily due to the habit of repeatedly buying, cooking, and eating the same things.
Habits are not closely tied to other neural systems. As a result, habits can have memories that your conscious thinking self knows very little about. For example - you can type, but you can't remember the keys on the second row of your keyboard.
How do we reduce friction or old patterns around fruits and vegetables? Stigma, enjoyability, and taste drive impact, NOT health-focused messaging.
- People love innovation and despise change.
100% of population growth is driven by the population living longer, not because we have more children. Population growth will slow after 2050. Create sustainable practices now that will become significantly easier after 2050.
The average grocery store has 10K more choices than in 1980.
If you were following along on IG stories, you saw that we had some delicious eats! My favorite thing I tried was a sauce made from a blended fruit cocktail and habanero chiles over pork tenderloin. Yum!
I walked away feeling very inspired and excited to incorporate new content into my schedule that will be focused on seasonal fruit and vegetables! Stay tuned!
Trader Joe's Popcorn
Shifting gears a bit, have you tried this popcorn? It's basically like a less intense hot Cheetos, and I'm here for it.
I have a new toy for the next few weeks (until the rent back on the house we bought is over and we get to move in), and I'm not going to lie, it's pretty freaking amazing.
Friday (4/15) - Upper Body Lift Bowflex
Set 1 x 3
- Lat Pull Downs
- Bicep Curls
- Lateral Raise
Set 2 x 3
- Push Ups
- Tricep Pull Downs
Set 3 x 3
- Seated Row
- Forward Raises
Saturday (4/16) - 2.5 Mile Run - no treadmill these days, so I went on a run OUTSIDE - I know, can you believe it? It was a bit embarrassing. Lots of stopping, way out of practice pacing myself, and we won't even talk about how long it took me. Nowhere to go but up from here though ha, ha
Sunday (4/17) - OFF
Monday (4/18) - Summer Bootcamp Workout Aaptiv Day 3
Tuesday (4/19) - Upper Body Lift at the Omni Resort / Hotel Workout
Set 1:
- 10 push-ups x 3 sets
Set 2 x 3:
- Arnold Press x 10 (#30)
- Bicep Curls x 12 (#40)
Set 3 x 3:
- 20 x Slam Balls
- 10 x skull crushers (#30)
- 15 x Reverse Flies (#10)
Wednesday (4/20) - OFF
Thursday (4/21) - Summer Bootcamp Workout Aaptiv Day 4
Lemon Dil Pesto Hummus Dairy-Free - Can be used as a pesto or a hummus!
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