Good morning friends! Little man is up so I've got to make this quick! How was last week for you? For me, I had a few days where the gravity of how the world has changed hit me like a ton of bricks. When would I see my friends again? When would I see my family again? Will this go away, ever? Those kinds of thoughts.
I sat with my feelings, I didn't try to push them away, I cried a little while watching TV. Mr. Hungry was a bit confused at how someone can watch a normal, not sad TV show and cry, but was kind and supportive. Then a couple days later I took control, I texted one of my best friends and we set up a zoom happy hour, immediately I felt better. As my Grandma would say, this too shall pass. Well, eventually, right?
On a happier note, looking for recipe ideas for this weekend for Easter? For us, mass is canceled (along with everything else) so, we will be live streaming it with our home parish. I'm thankful our home parish has the live stream, it makes me feel a bit more at home then watching something on YouTube.
Anyway, here are some delicious spring brunch ideas for you! Great for this weekend!
I'm thinking about making my healthy yeastless cinnamon rolls myself!
We have been severely limiting our Amazon orders, but I did need some tank tops (affiliate link). I usually buy mine from Target, but Amazon did not disappoint this go around. A small fit perfectly, and I like the material!
IG Posts
In case you missed the IG video, I did! I've been bad at keeping up with IG posting, but I was happy to get this video up I filmed a couple of weeks ago. I'm getting ready to make these quinoa bars again, they are quite delicious, and little man loves them!
I also posted it to Facebook and YouTube!
Of course, SmoothieBox is a staple for breakfast and lunch, at least 3-4 times a week! PS people have asked if I modify the smoothies at all, and the answer is NOPE! I think the convenience of drinking them is the whole point; the only thing I do is add a few stevia drops.
I used the last of my bag of Costco onions to make caramelized onions in the slow cooker and then make our favorite meatloaf ever with. If you are craving In and Out, make this meatloaf!
We ate it with an assortment of veggies, which is all we had until we went to Costco on Tuesday. I must say I'm impressed with the Costco steam in the bag Brussel sprouts and asparagus. They were yummy!
For the meatloaf, I usually use thousand island to mimic the In and Out special sauce, but I didn't have any. I found this six-ingredient recipe that was spot on! I'll make it from scratch from now on because it was so easy, delicious, and the right amount to not go bad! PS probably way better for you then actual in and out preservative-filled sauce.
Lots of eggs this week, we finished up the Dave's Killer Bagels and then I bought some Boidin sourdough at Costco. I miss TJ's sourdough (better ingredients and taste), but I feel like going just to Costco increases my time between trips to the store.
Also, I'd like to think of sourdough as my one indulgence. It's not whole wheat, so not particularly healthy, but I do love it! My MIL is making some sourdough starter out of whole wheat flour, and if our flour order ever gets here, we can make whole wheat sourdough. I'll let you know how it goes!
After I got back from Costco, which was stressful to say the last, I was craving something really good for dinner. I made my leftover turkey enchilada casserole but with shredded chicken I made in the Instant Pot.
Speaking of chicken, my Butcher Box came on time with ZERO issues. My understanding is they currently have a waitlist so they can serve their current members on time. My SIL was on the waitlist, and it didn't take her super long to get her box, I think less than two weeks. But that was two weeks ago. If you sign up and get put on the waitlist, I'd love to know how long it takes you to get your box!
And last but not least, the baby's meal plan.
I would love to just "feed him what we eat," but he has an egg and dairy sensitivity that makes that tough. Also, I like my food salty and burning hot (spice wise), so making him a meal plan helps extend out food like chicken nuggets and beef muffins while giving him variety. Recipes:
When he has pasta, it's chickpea pasta mixed with a sauce made of ½ pumpkin ½ applesauce. He does not like red sauce. Whatever works!
Someone asked about the mats we have in our gym. They are Gorilla Mats (affiliate link.)
I've been trying to use this opportunity to lift a little heavier than usual. Workouts with Aaptiv and Burn Boot Camp are always time-based, which often means lighter weight more reps during the exercise.
While I've seen a lot of significant changes in strength and body composition from this style, it's also been a long time since I lifted heavy. So this week, I'm doing a couple of heavy strength workouts on my own and then using Burn Boot Camps metabolic conditioning workouts.
We've also been going on walks every day for 20-40 minutes.
Friday (4/3) - Full Body Strength Burn Boot Camp
Saturday (4/4) - Burn Boot Camp Workout? Not sure!
Sunday (⅘) - a 3-mile family-run
Monday (4/6) - off
Tuesday (4/7) - heavy-lift day - this workout wasn't that bad when I did it, but man, I woke up SORE!
1 set box squats
Superset 6 sets
- Six single leg squats (#30)
- 5 chest press (#35 --> #30)
Superset 2 sets
- 6 pull ups
- 8 bicep curls ( #50 --> #40)
- 8 skull crushers (#15)
Superset 5 sets
- weight sit-ups x 12 (#20)
- 15 calf raises, 5 in, 5 out, 5 neutral (#40)
+ springing into Isometrics 10 Minute Ab Workout with Aaptiv
Wednesday (4/8) - Metabolic Conditioning Workout Burn Boot Camp
Thursday (4/9) - off
PS did you know that you can find all my workouts from the last six years of blogging pinned by body part/type of workout to my HH Workouts board on Pinterest? I hope it helps inspire you!
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