Friday Focus on ... Becoming a Breakfast Eater So another study came out with impressive results that show that those who eat more at breakfast compared with dinner lose more weight. This is not the first or the last study to demonstrate that eating your biggest meal in the AM is the best way to […]
Sweet Potato for Breakfast
Sweet Potato for Breakfast This mornings breakfast was uncharacteristically a HOT breakfast and it was soooooo good. I microwaved a small sweet potato for 7 minutes and topped it with a sliver of sunbutter. I also microwaved one whisked egg for 60 seconds to make an "egg puff" and topped that with lots of ketchup! […]
Spicy Shrimp Quesadilla
Whew! Today really felt like a wednesday! I got back super late from Loma Linda last night after a much needed Chipotle/Yogurtland date with my old roommates and headed straight to bed. Then this morning came way to fast! Breakfast of a Costco energy bar with sun butter and banana slices at 6:30 AM (which […]
Fruit Parfait Style Cold Oats, Spa Salad, and a Quick Run
Parfait Style Cold Oats Yesterday morning and this morning started the same creamy, cold, and delicious way... with a recycled almond butter jar full of Fruit Parfait Style Cold Oats. I'm not cool enough to have a bunch of mason jars laying around so instead I recycled a glass almond butter jar, it's going to […]
Half Marathon Training and Week's Meals
HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and is ready for the week! Last night on the way back to Palm Desert from Phoenix I stopped in at good ole TJ's and picked up my loot for the week. Plus I "stole" some Costco energy bars (pretty much bagels), some pretzels, and a […]
What Living in Moderation Really Means
HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! Earlier this week one of my patients told me that she lives her life with “everything in moderation” and that includes what she eats. That got me thinking this whole week about how dietitians often say you don't need to restrict any foods, that everything can be enjoyed "in moderation." That sounds […]
Two Healthy Breakfast Ideas: One Savory and One Sweet
Two Quick and Healthy Breakfast Ideas Meal Idea #1: Savory Have you ever been to the Melting Pot? The Melting pot is a swanky fondue restaurant that I fell in love with in college. For an appetizer you can order cheese fondue and with it comes bread, chips, veggies, and green apples. So, that's how […]
A New Addition to My Workout Mix- a JUMP ROPE!
Apparently jump roping is NOT like riding a bike, you don't always remember how. Last night I did this jump rope workout which was KILLER, but I definitely had some issues with the jump rope. I love when I find a good at home workout that works up a good sweat without requiring a lot […]
My Mid Day Pick Me Ups
This morning I actually woke up even though I forgot to set an alarm! Whew...close one.. Middle of the Week Pick Me Ups In the days in between Monday and Friday, I always do a few small things to keep me going: 1. Listen to upbeat 90's music channel on Songza Ap in the morning. […]
Quick Dinner Idea: TJ's Shrimp Stir Fry Meal
Hello Monday, what are you doing back so soon? I feel like you were just here... Anyone else feel like the weekend flew by and now it's Monday again? Every. Single. Week! Okay boo hoo let's move onto last nights terrific dinner! Last night's shrimp stir fry dinner (and tonight's leftovers) was bomb dot com […]
Using What You Got Meal Planning
Sunday Runday My run this morning was about a million times better than last week! It was still hot and humid outside, but I improved my time by over 10 minutes! I think I'm learning why it takes well planned schedules to strength train AND train for a cardio event (running, biking, etc.) So, I […]
New Daily Workout Log Page + Workout Planning Tips
New Daily Workout Log Page First thing is first, I set up a Daily Workout Log Page which will provide a record of my daily workouts organized by week, check it out! I also usually track my workout plans and progress in my notebook- Side Note Regarding Weighing In: I used to keep track of […]
Friday Focus on...... Coconut Oil
What I use Coconut Oil For (Mostly)... MY HAIR I drench my dry frizzed out hair in coconut oil for 30-40 minutes with no heat, or 15-20 minutes with heat. To apply the heat I set the blowdryer up with some sort of makeshift holder and let it blow on my shower cap covered head […]
An Accidentally Vegetarian Day and Healthy Grilled Cheese
An "Accidentally" Vegetarian Day Some days I look back and realize I didn't eat any meat at all, I call these my accidentally vegetarian days! Breakfast yesterday started with refrigerator oats-greek yogurt style and a stop at Starbucks for a skinny caramel macchiato, extra caramel, extra hot. For lunch I went with a greek vegetarian […]
Sweet Potato Pancake and Retraining Your Brain
Happy Hump Day Everyone! Man this week is flying by so fast but'm thankful for that because I hate when they drag on and on! Breakfast yesterday morning was something new for me, I had a.... 2 Ingredient Sweet Potato Pancake I first saw sweet potato pancakes on one of my favorite blogs here. […]
Yesterday's Eats & Calorie Counting Journey Part One
No complaints on yesterday's eats... they were yummy! Quick recap: Breakfast was a creamy cold bowl of refrigerator oats-nut butter style made with unsweetened chocolate almond milk. It was so good; I can't even explain it... and so filling! When I saw the egg rolls at lunchtime, I REALLY wanted one, but there was no […]
Late Weekend Photos 7/26-7/28
I totally spaced putting up photos from the weekend because I didn't do that much, but here are some snap shots anyways... Breakfast Quesadilla with egg whites, spinach, and reduced fat cheese. Oil-free popcorn St. Francis Fish Tacos! My Monday went by super fast so it wasn't too bad, but I'm wishing it was still […]
New Glasses and 7/21-7/28 Meal Ideas
Hi y'all I hope your weekend was fabulous and didn't go by too quickly like mine did! This morning started off with a very very very slow run. It was the first time in a LONG WHILE that I woke up early to run. As I was walking for warm up I was thinking how […]
Past Weeks Workouts & Plans for Next Week
At the beginning of this week I posted my workout plans and I thought it would be fun to recap what I actually did... so here it goes: Sunday: Traveling day/Off Monday: - 1 mile warm up on tread (9:38mi)followed by the - Sweaty Monsoon Workout from For the 1 min push ups= 10 […]
Chocolate Banana Nut Bread Oats
Happy Friday Everyone! Last night I had a very yummy and healthy dinner at an all organic restaurant called the Palm Greens Cafe in Palm Springs. I know why people come here to retire now, it may be hot but the food is so dang good! My friend and I ordered spaghetti squash and a […]