Every year I recap my goals for the past year, I almost never succeed at hitting all of them but I did get one very important one that took over most of my life this past year.
8 Wishes for 2018 Recap
- Find somewhere to volunteer. Nope
- Get involved with Church. Nope
- Go hiking at least once a month. Went twice.
- Use sunscreen every day – I take Nala on LONG walks I need to be more diligent - I was inconsistently good at this one. Better when I left the sunscreen out.
- Cut all artificial sweeteners – I’ve been good about this, just want to stay focused on it! Pretty good minus when I was drinking diet ginger ale at the beginning of pregnancy.
- Keep a success long and acknowledge my successes! (see below)
- Stop working by 7 pm every day – I guess I’m starting this tomorrow because it’s 9 pm now ha ha - I worked three times as hard to prepare for maternity leave so this didn't happen, but it was worth it.
- I’d love it if we could expand our family or at least be on our way to expanding our family by the end of 2018, but that’s in Gods hands so let’s call that more of a prayer and less of a goal. YES!
2018 Success Log
My biggest success of the year was growing and birthing a human being. It wasn't an easy journey but we eventually got here and welcomed KJ(as I'm sure you've seen take over my Instafeed).
Professionally, several times my blog stats saw the highest numbers I've ever seen, topping out with the highest viewed month in October! Thank you, guys! Also, for the first time ever I saw consistent income from the blog which is a huge win after 5 years of blogging/private practice.
The biggest labor of love this year was launching WTE? Meal Plans. This has been a huge success which I'm so happy for because it's a service I truly believe can help members stay on track with healthy eating.
I'm also DARN proud that I pre-wrote almost 3 months of content (October-December) that was another huge labor of love. I spent most of my weekends photographing and prewriting content which was totally worth it!
- Highest hits for the history of the blog (up until that point)
- Launched WTE? Meal Plans
- Made it through the first trimester and announced my pregnancy.
- Wrote this post about being an only child.
- Highest hits for the history of the blog (up until that point)
- WTE? Meal Plans website LIVE!
- Photographed over 10 additional recipes for maternity leave.
- Highest hits for the history of the blog (up until that point)
- Highest earning revenue month due to the most client sign ups both meal plans and private counseling.
- Photographed over 10 additional recipes for maternity leave.
- Made it through the second trimester!
- Pre-wrote over 30 posts for maternity leave.
- Developed members-only section of WTE? Meal Plans
- Gave Birth!
- The blog received the most hits ever this month (I credit that to Baby K's birth story.)
- Hit 10K followers on Instagram! You guys are amazing especially when you stuck with me after all the instajail fiasco!
- Made it through the first four weeks with a newborn!
- Highest blog ad revenue in the history of the blog.
- Started photographing new recipes! #backatit
- Made it through the first eight weeks with a newborn
- Started working out again after 4 months off!
2019 Goals
This year is going to be crazy, my plan is to embrace the crazy. I know it won't be easy to juggle working from home with a baby. I do plan on hiring help, but as many of you know that isn't always the answer to everything.
Business: Continue to grow the blog and WTE? Meal Plans subscribers. Consolidate and block schedule my work so that I feel less frazzled.
Mind: Continue gratitude journaling at least once a week. Regularly attend mass and try to pay attention, even though it's not easy with a little one. Record my biggest success every month (instead of looking retroactively like I did above.)
Relationship: Once a month get out for a date night. Now with a little one, I think this is more important than ever so that Mr. Hungry and I can stay feeling connected instead of being in doing mode all the time.
Fitness: This year is going to be about regaining my fitness level so activity daily (walking or working out counts) will be the goal! I'd love to be able to complete a race this year averaging less than 10 min miles. I also want to regain my strength but that's harder to measure. Lastly, the goal is to stay injury free which means I have to PACE MYSELF and probably incorporate yoga 1x/week.
Body/Health: Get back to my "happy weight" - so I need to lose around 25 more pounds (have not weighed myself in a few weeks.)
Your turn!
What were your biggest successes from 2018?
What are your goals for 2019?
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