Happy humpday! I can't believe it's time for another WIAWRD (What I Ate Wednesday Registered Dietitian) edition! Time flies when you're having fun...or something like that! So many holidays and random days last week like my birthday and 4th of July, I didn't really have photos for a weekly eats post. So, this week I'll just recap what I ate yesterday. Sound good? Okie dokie then here we go... I started off yesterday morning with two mini nut butter quesadillas. (½T almond butter, ½ banana, 1 spoonful homemade chia seed jam in one and ½T sunflower seed butter, ½ banana, and 1 spoonful homemade chia seed jam in the other. ) Recycled instagram photo--->
That held me over pretty well until lunch time! Slight slip up, I accidently left my lunch box out from 645am to 10am. I plain forgot to stick in the fridge when I got to work! Whoops! I did a quick assessment of the ingredients: strawberry balsamic vinaigrette, goat cheese, peppers, salad, and a mahi burger. Ingredients to be concerned about: goat cheese and mahi burger. I concluded that the goat cheese would be fine and I would just heat up the mahi burger really hot. Technically this breaks food safety rules, after 2 hours it should be reheated or thrown out within 4 hours. I was hungry though and I didn't want to spend any money out, so I went for it. (Luckily no food poisoning... yet.)
I didn't end up eating the tomato or laughing cow wedge but a couple hours later, around 2pm I had a delicious juicy peach.
After work I headed to the gym for a treadmill workout. I've figured out that if I go to the gym closer to my work versus home my workout goes a lot better because I'm not starving by the time I get to the gym. The downside is I don't beat traffic and have a longer commute home after my workout. Decisions decisions, lately I've been opting for the better workout because I can handle traffic better after a decent sweat session anyways.
Of course the treadmill automatically switches to cool down after 30 minutes, so I had to restart it to finish my workout.
What was crazy was the fact that I had NO PAIN at all during the run. I've been having so many problems with my SI joint, hip, and calf on my right side for the last 5 months. (All posts are tagged injury recovery.) Things have been getting a whole lot better since I started going to the physical therapist about 5 weeks ago. However, last weekend on Friday in Santa Cruz I wore my tennis shoes all over and was getting the soreness in my SI joint and hip. But on Saturday, in San Francisco, I didn't want to wear my running shoes because they didn't match with what I was wearing (I know, fashion over health is a good choice right?) I ended up wearing sandals, so of course my feet got REALLY cold (I'm a baby in the cold). I ended buying a pair of Toms and wore those all 11 miles all around San Francisco. At some point I realized that I hadn't had any pain at all, which I thought was weird because I was wearing Tom's all day with NO SUPPORT. So, after consulting a friend, I tried taking my custom insoles out of my shoes and running with the normal inserts. Eureka! No Pain. I'm convinced all running issues are in one way or another tied to finding your perfect shoe. Anyways after I got back I stretched, used the foam roller, and showered.
Then it was definitely time for dinner! Mr. Hungry wanted his TJ's Chicken Pot Pie, so I made my favorite easy dinner... eggs! I snacked on a piece of TJ's turkey bacon and some pistachios while I cooked it up for our salads for today.
(recycled photo)
Then I used the bacon pan to make dinner. I had microwaved frozen broccoli, and 2 fried eggs over "fried" deli chicken. I would eat this for every meal all day long, it's such a yummy classic! For dessert I had two coconut chocolate protein bites.
And a glass of stevia sweetened vanilla almond milk
That was it, then I started this blog post and attempted to get to bed early.
I hope you have a great day!
Questions of the day:
What is your all time favorite "classic" meal?
What is your favorite TJ's (or otherwise) frozen meal?
Leigha @ The Yooper Girl says
Yummy eats! I especially looove that breakfast. I always use a mix of nut butters! And fried eggs are some of my favorites. I haven't had them for a little while now.. must get on that pronto! 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Oh yes, fried eggs are the best! I can't go a week without them!