Week 26
Shoulder/rib Pain- comes and goes, so it's basically the same. I can sleep better now, so that’s a win. Good posture helps.
SI joint is a very sharp pain when I bend over, it gets worse throughout the day, but it’s manageable.
Fatigue is better than it was for sure!
Some cramping - my doctor said to let her know if it occurs every day.
Week 27
Hormones In Control
Week 27 has been HORMONE dominated. Let me count the times I cried:
- When the dermatologist removed a mole (I get them removed all the time, never once have I cried.)
- When Mr. Hungry left without giving me a full hug and kiss (he said goodbye and was late running out the door.)
- When I thought Mr. Hungry left without telling me, but he was just in the other room. (Insert eye roll emoji)
- When Nala threw up (again not an abnormal occurrence.)
So yea it's safe to say my hormones have shifted. And when I wasn't crying, I was anxious. Not like low-level anxiety either, like high-level shaky anxiety attack status. I used to have anxiety attacks when I was in Grad School but mostly got over them.
Not sure how, but it passed, but it's back now. The things that help calm the anxiety are napping, working, exercising, and more recently, just accepting the anxiety.
I don't know what it feels like for other people, but my anxiety feels like pressure behind my eyes like my eyes could burst into tears at any moment, and my heart could explode, all at once. Which, sounds a lot like sadness, but it's not. I've always found the feeling very surreal.
The more I try to fight it and tell myself I'm stupid for being anxious, the worse I feel. I find just telling myself "this is how you feel right now and that's okay" relaxes me and helps it pass more quickly.
Entering the third trimester has been a mix of overjoyed relief coupled with incredible impatience for our little one to just get here safely. I've read stories about third-trimester losses, including my Grandma's, so I know there is never a "safe time."
I think that's partly what drives my anxiousness to meet our little one. At the same time, I have a BOATload to do before he gets here so I know I'm not ready. It's a peculiar spot to be in!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
One thing is for sure, your boy is going to have Paul's dark hair! It will be so interesting to see who he looks like more.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
I actually have pretty dark hair too!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
Hooray for 3rd trimester! #shitsgettingreal!!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
LMAO but really.
Melanie Green says
Funny, I have been having si joint pain since 2013 but when I got pregnant in 2017, I never experienced any pain. But I tend to think it's all because I wasn't very active during my pregnancy. My first ultrasound showed that I had a bicornuate uterus and was therefore told to rest as much as possible. I hope your bundle of joy is growing up so well!