Happy All Saints Day for those of you who observe it! To the rest of everyone else Happy Halloween Hangover. Our Halloween was laid back but fun. We had dinner supplied by Costco, I had spring rolls, a couple sushi rolls, and salad.
Followed by sampling just about every type of candy there was in the Costco bag of candy, I'd take a bite and then give the rest to Paul, who never refuses candy. We also were productive in finishing the gifts for our wedding guests, check one more thing off the list!
Test Run
This morning I did a test run on my foot which didn't go so well, I ran a mile out and the pain on the top middle of my foot was getting worse so I stopped and walked back. While icing and reading about possible causes I came across and article about bone spurs on the top of the foot, the remedy suggested was loser laces to take the compression off the foot. I immediately felt around my foot and found a prominent bone that I couldn't feel on the other side. To test my theory I threw on two pairs of socks and my shoes with super lose laces and did a sprint around the apartment complex. The verdict? NO PAIN Confused, I made an appointment with my Chiropractor and got ready for work.
Before jetting out of the house I had a Pumpkin Apple Quinoa Bar topped with pumpkin butter.
My Chiropractor said that I was much too young for bone spurs (self diagnosis fail) and then he adjusted my foot. Definitely didn't know that was possible! He thinks the joint on the top of the foot is stressed and that taking compression off it with the socks and loser shoe laces is a good plan (self treatment win?) The game plan is to go for a one mile run tonight or tomorrow morning, any pain and the half marathon is a no go. Of course this makes me very nervous, all that training and not being able to do it would make me very very very sad. But, I have to look at realistic and more exciting side, I am getting married in TWO weeks. We are going to Hawaii for our honeymoon, and I'm not ruining all the hiking and outdoor adventures for anything in the world. So here is to hoping the test run goes well after the adjustment, but if it doesn't here is to being proud of myself for coming as far as I have.
Now I'm grabbing a quick bite to eat, I made a Mahi Mahi Burger Salad and I'm eating the leftover of my cauliflower rice shrimp stir fry (not shown it looks kind of sad), before running more errands!
As always, I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Chocolate Covered Race Medals says
Ahh my fingers will be crossed for a painless mile! So exciting about getting married. I just got married in September so I'm still all about the wedding love, ha.
hungryhobby says
Thank you and congrats to you too!