Hi Friends! I intended to blog earlier but the day got away from me. Maybe that's because I slept in till 9am, which was quite literally GLORIOUS. That meant I had to rush to get to the puppy to the vet. What do you grab when your in a rush for breakfast? I grabbed a jerky stick, definitely not what I wanted for breakfast but the extra sleep was worth it on my day off (I have Thursdays and Sundays.)
Nala got rid of her cone of shame, thank the lord that thing was dangerous! I've got bruises up and down my legs from her knocking into it.
Free at last!
After we left I hit up the SB drive thru for my new favorite drink, Venti Iced Starbucks Double Shot Unsweetened... it's like a caffeine bomb, but so good. A creamier change up from my usual iced Americano. Fail on the picture, but you probably know what iced coffee looks like, I guess I'll have to get another one tomorrow just in case 😉 When I got back I unpacked for a little while, but I got hungry, no surprise from the lack of breakfast! So I made myself a proper breakfast for lunch with egg, egg whites, laughing cow cheese, and zucchini all scrambled together. It totally hit the spot!
After doing laundry, picking out bedding and changing my address on some cards I headed out to the gym around 2pm. You guys, my runs have been going so great I feel amazing. I did 3 miles total, probably .5miles walking between warm up and cool down and it felt AH-MAZING. I finally have a great plan on how to progress my running without causing problems for my back. There were SO SO SO many days when I thought I would never be able to run or do the things I wanted to again without really strong anti-inflammatories. I struggled forever with mis-diagnosis, hours of physical therapy that didn't work, and so much pain. I can't tell you how blessed I feel to FINALLY be healing, every run is something I'm so happy to get to do. I had one of the trainers at the gym who goes to see Dr.K for his back and is really into endurance stuffed help me hash out a 10K Training plan for Thanksgiving. Look for that along with my treadmill workout from today coming soon!
I did some upperbody and core work after, nothing spectacular but I got it in. Came home and made a protein shake with protein, dynamic greens, and unsweetened cashew milk. I drank it while I iced my low back/hip, it didn't hurt or anything it was just precautionary. I'm planning all my runs so that they are on my days off or I have a chance to ice after, just in case.
Then I finally checked my gmail account, man I was behind on emails! When Mr. Hungry got home I made some green juice for us, man the juicer has been out of my life for too long! I forgot to take a picture but it had kale, celery, apple, and cucumber in it. There is an old recycled juice picture from when I used to juice almost every day at our old apartment right before we got married.
We took the pup on a walk and got the mail, soon enough to find this treat had come from Amazon!
I ordered it Monday night after talking with my Healthy Living Challenges group about all the benefits of Coconut Oil. I decided I definitely don't use enough of it, I typically use Avocado Oil to cook with. I'm thinking of putting it in my coffee in the morning, I bet that would be DELICIOUS! But tonight I just ate a big old spoonful of it.
For dinner we kept it simple, frozen green beans and salmon bites. Done and Done.
Now Mr. Hungry is out doing his nightly Scorpian Hunting and I'm getting ready to watch Once Upon A Time. Not too shabby way to spend a day off!
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