Hi Friends Happy Humpday! I don't have too much to report on the meal front because I actually did a pretty good job recording many of my meals last week.
Monday- Packing Lunch from the Freezer Bagel and Chile Relleno
Wednesday- Goodbye Dinner & Leftovers
Thursday- Almond Butter Banana Yogurt & Leftovers (Pelvic Instability Post)
Friday- Weekend Recap
I also did a pretty good job keeping the blog more in real time! This little blog has gone from a daily food and fitness log in it's early days, to primarily a food blog, back to a mix of both. The best advice I ever got was write a blog you would want to read. I like a mix of health/fitness/nutrition and real life blogs, so that's the one I'm going to write! Okay back to meals, so here is some of what went unrecorded.
Disclaimer: I do not log everything I eat, these posts are intended to provide an overall idea of my meals. Remember, this is only what works for me, your needs may be different. I am a Registered Dietitian and would love to help you on your health journey, if you think you’d like to work with me please check out my Nutrition Services page.
Lot's of eggs.... big shocker I know.
Top Left- Mahi Burger Salad
Top Right- Spinach Omelet with goat cheese cheddar and deli turkey
Bottom Left- scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, brussel sprouts
Bottom Right- egg sandwich with goat cheese cheddar, brussel sprouts
Snacks and Desserts, I know a weird collage bare with me. Turkey makes an excellent emergency protein source, wings are delicious, cookie butter cups (TJ's) and ice cream are awesome.
Speaking of treats... that brings me to today's topic.
Tightening Up - Different than Dieting
How can you make aesthetic and performance strides without being super rigid with your diet? Weight fluctuates people, all the time, in ways beyond our control. Hydration status, hormones, sleep, food intake can all cause an effect on that number. I actually don't weigh myself that frequently anymore, sometimes 1-2 times a month sometimes more or not at all. I found that I don't need the scale to tell me what my weight will be, it took a lot of practice but I can tell when I'm not eating enough or when I've been overdoing it compared to my training needs.
So what do I do when I can tell I've gone a bit overboard? Like last week's ice cream extravaganza and all the treats from the weekend? In the past I would freak out, go into stress mode, and repeat until things moved in the opposite direction. Now?
- Sleep More ---> not always possible, but I try
- Drink Green Juice (just makes me feel healthy and good)
- Pay VERY close attention to my hunger cues, stop eating when I'm no longer hungry
- Switch up training, muscle confusion = progress, add a bit more cardio
- Increase protein intake at every meal (keeps me full, helps reduce cravings)
- Practice portion control- I get a little heavy handed with things like nut/seed butters
- Swap carrots for peanut butter in my late night noshing sessions.
Guess what? I get the same effect in the same amount of time, plus it's easier to do without freaking out or feeling bad.
Sometimes I make a plain chicken sausage salad like I did yesterday and think, people are going to think I'm starving myself. But, No. When I cut back I snack (but smarter), I eat to my hunger, and I cut the extras. I'd rather get back to my baseline and go back to maintenance mode then spend 6 months half - *ssing it. Treats can fit in, but if you overdo it then for however long you overdid it for, that's how long you'll probably have to cut back. In my case, it will be about a week. No big deal. That's part of life, part of intuitive eating. Not dieting, not starving myself, not logging calories or stressing about it!
Hope you have a great Wednesday!!!! Can't wait for FNCE, it's only in a few days!!!!!!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean says
great tips!! the portion control one is key! have so much fun at fnce!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks Lindsay, wish you were going so I could actually meet you but I think you've got more important things to do right now... like have baby bean!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
Great post! I'm working on balance.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks, me too #always
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West says
Hi Kelli, I'm stopping by from FFA. I also like blogs with a mix of food/fitness/life etc. And I like this post. It's very easy to be all or nothing with dieting, when really we only need to practice moderation -- and not think of ourselves as on diets. Hydration, sleep and variety in your workouts are all super important things as well. Have a great day!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks Ashley! You too!